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Will such hospitality among Tesla owner last?

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It's always nice to see fellow Telsa owners while commuting to/from work. At least at the moment near where I live you do not often see another Model S on the road. Tonight I happened to share about 5 miles of driving with one. It was also funny that its licence plate starts with my first name lol. Pretty random but nice. While waiting for the traffic light we greeted each other with a thumb up, and the guy actually showed off a no-hands gesture.
A couple days ago while driving in Bronx another Model S driver cut in front of me just to get my attention before pulling beside me to say hi.
This kind of hospitality is amazing, especially compared with the everyday a**hole drivers we all have seen too many of.

I guess part of the reason is that we still consider ourselves 'unique' in some sense, but the novelty will wear off eventually when electric vehicles become the main stream (though not everybody thinks it will ever happen), will the hospitality persist? :smile:
I live in So Cal and the friendly wave is just not here. I also have a Subaru WRX and those guys are properly nice and always wave. With other Tesla owners in So Cal I try the wave but instead get what feels like snooty drivers most of the time.
I live in the East Bay (east part of the San Francisco Bay Area). I probably joined the club too late to get in on the waving action, but I'll always return a wave, thumbs-up, or whatever if I get one.

Still see much friendliness at Superchargers (not the ones in the core part of the Bay Area / Silicon Valley)...I had a number of good conversations with other owners that resulted in quick top-offs turning into range charges. :)

[Clarification: I meant that I don't usually go to the Bay Area Superchargers, so don't have much experience with them, not that they are unfriendly places.]
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I'm usually pretty friendly, but occasionally I have a crying baby or my breastfeeding wife in the car with me. Sometimes the Tesla grin cannot override the persistent squirm of an infant.

So sorry in advance, but I really love the community.
I've had a lot of good conversations at the supercharger but it's usually from curios non- tesla owners. Maybe it's a so cal thing.

I love talking to people and answering their questions about the car. There are a lot of misconceptions about EV's and tesla.
Still lots of waving and light-flashing here around Boston.

One thing I've noticed: an increase in the number of *oblivious* Tesla drivers. Maybe later buyers have more on their minds than us folks who bought in '13 and before. :) Anyway, I think some lack of waving is (a) obliviousness and/or (b) delayed reactions.

Had a party at my house recently and we think something like 70-80 Tesla owners showed up (lost count -- problems at the checkin table). So I think the spirit is alive!

Not much waving around Seattle. I used to always try to do it, but it almost never was returned and it's a rare day I don't see 5 or 6 each way on my commute. By the same token you don't see any posting from this area in the "Random Sightings" thread anymore.

So to answer your question, nope. The rarity will wear off. They'll be all over.

That said I expect the Super Chargers will remain a place of owner socializing.
I live near Silicon Valley, where I see plenty every day. The friendly wave has just about disappeared. As always, as something becomes more commonplace, it loses its special status.

Oh well. It was good while it lasted.

Anytime you drive through Charlotte, I'll definitely wave at you!

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I have always had good convos at the supercharger. Though I have seen some snotty people that don't engage and look unhappy for whatever reason. I figure that's their problem and not mine.

A couple weeks back, another owner and I met at a Supercharger for lunch. We customarily wave at anyone else charging, but leave them alone if they are in their cars. We waved at this couple while they were looking up, they see us wave and look right at us, then just stare for a few seconds and look back down. We looked at each other and said "oh well, we'll just be social for them" :).
It's always nice to see fellow Telsa owners while commuting to/from work. At least at the moment near where I live you do not often see another Model S on the road. Tonight I happened to share about 5 miles of driving with one. It was also funny that its licence plate starts with my first name lol. Pretty random but nice. While waiting for the traffic light we greeted each other with a thumb up, and the guy actually showed off a no-hands gesture.
A couple days ago while driving in Bronx another Model S driver cut in front of me just to get my attention before pulling beside me to say hi.
This kind of hospitality is amazing, especially compared with the everyday a**hole drivers we all have seen too many of.

I guess part of the reason is that we still consider ourselves 'unique' in some sense, but the novelty will wear off eventually when electric vehicles become the main stream (though not everybody thinks it will ever happen), will the hospitality persist? :smile:

1. From childhood I was super polite, always letting others proceed, too long into adulthood. Now, it's my turn, so I'm through with that prior portion of my life, and I always go first instead. I'm generically what people call an A-hole so to speak, including how I drive, and I'm completely entitled. It gets worse around nanny-staters who block me from going a reasonable pace, and in those instances, I speed up to get past them at any cost. I'm at my most relaxed and slowest when there's no bad drivers, nanny-staters, excessive or slow traffic on the road, or road diet of any kind (including slow lights). (I hope cars drive themselves someday so I won't have to deal with any of this at all.)

2. I respect Teslas so much that I do not do this to them. I give them almost as much room on the road as myself. I go out of my way to make them feel good. They are the only car I respect in this way, besides the occasional other nice vehicles. This is not so uncommon: I work in Palo Alto and live in Aptos, and try to do as much shopping as I can in nice areas like Los Gatos. They are definitely not worn out in my mind yet, and have a long way to go before that happens. From my experience with Volvo and Mercedes, I'm guessing a good 4-6 years give or take, possibly much longer, possibly even many times longer.

3. The whole PURPOSE of Tesla is to make EVs so commonplace that everybody has them, meaning, everyone. So, the worst of the worst will have them too. Well, not them, because pure evil people will still use blood-oil cars. But everyone else will have EVs, including A-holes, inattentive drivers, stopped drivers who should be going, people who shouldn't be driving, really awesome and great people and drivers, etc..

4. Therefore, I conclude, that we are in a very nice honeymoon period, which will be followed with marriage, then continue with children, and eventually turn into the golden years when everyone else is taking care of us (fully autonomous autopilot). The nicest parts will come and go and come again. In a handful of years you will definitely see very impolite A-hole Tesla drivers.
This is a great thread. I wave to any other EV. They might not wave back, but I try. I'm just glad to see more and more on the road. I was certainly a loner in May of 2011 when I took delivery of my Volt.

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If you've ever owned a Jeep Wrangler you'll know about the "Jeep Wave". All Wrangler owners of any year wrangler wave at one another. Has been that way for as long as I can remember. Im sure the Tesla Wave will never die out.

And our other car is my wife's Jeep Wrangler (Rubicon). Somehow we don't think the 4 door Jeeps deserve a wave - going completely against the short-wheelbase which is what the Jeep was made for in the first place.

So I save the planet in my Volt (and soon MS and she ruins it in her Jeep. Gotta love it . . .
Having been a BMW driver for many years, Bimmer drivers used to wave at each other. Not the case anymore.

Motorcycle riders wave a lot at each other.

But - I suspect that Tesla drivers will do it less and less as time goes on. Having said that I wave at every one we see, and most wave back.
If you've ever owned a Jeep Wrangler you'll know about the "Jeep Wave". All Wrangler owners of any year wrangler wave at one another. Has been that way for as long as I can remember. Im sure the Tesla Wave will never die out.

Same thing with Corvettes. They wave. When I had a Harley, I noticed this with other riders also. Maybe it will persist, at least if we make it so.

Here in Alabama, in 3 years I have only ever seen a Tesla "in the wild" on 2 occasions.
They are being more and more popular in our area. Few drivers do wave, most do not.

My wife and I were having an interesting convo on our last roadtrip based on Tesla hospitality to each other:
Her: If you saw a Tesla pulled over on the side of the road, what would you do?
Me: I dunno, keep driving?
Her: I'd stop. What if something were wrong?
Me: Maybe they're taking a nap. Or had to use the shoulder as a restroom. Would you stop for another car?
Her: No, only Tesla.