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Production X Configuration Has Begun!

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I think that shipping the more expensive P90D first is a genius decision for another reason. Those reservation holders that weren't consider paying more for the performance model may consider it now in order to get the vehicle in a more timely fashion. By staggering the models with the expensive versions first, they are maximizing P90D sales and hence profits. The part of me that decided to buy TSLA stock applauds this decision. The part of me that decided to put a deposit down almost 4 years ago is tormented over this decision.

Great perspective!
I called the number in the email and asked the same question. It's 48 amps included, and then $1,000 for 72 amps as an "off the menu" option. Don't know why they don't just include it on the config page.

Thanks for the information and welcome to the forums.

Is that $1000 option for the 72 amp charger a factory install or does the new owner have to go to a service center to get it retrofitted?


Thanks for the information and welcome to the forums.

Is that $1000 option for the 72 amp charger a factory install or does the new owner have to go to a service center to get it retrofitted?



Per the screenshots from the configurator, it's a factory option and is not retrofittable by a service center, unlike the S's second charger.
I think that shipping the more expensive P90D first is a genius decision for another reason. Those reservation holders that weren't consider paying more for the performance model may consider it now in order to get the vehicle in a more timely fashion. By staggering the models with the expensive versions first, they are maximizing P90D sales and hence profits. The part of me that decided to buy TSLA stock applauds this decision. The part of me that decided to put a deposit down almost 4 years ago is tormented over this decision.

+1. Though my deposit was only 14 months ago. I bought my S first.

I was definitely going to get the 90D (I have an S85 which kids are growing out of plus now a small dog) but between timing and a few other things (auto spoiler) I'm being tempted by the P90D.
According to the screenshot, the $1,000 72A charger is *ONLY* factory installed. You cannot have it retrofitted, ever.

I find it lousy that Tesla hid the 72A option. My guess is that there is currently a limited supply of 72A chargers, and that it would cause delays in deliveries if many people opted for the 72 over the 48. This may bite Tesla in the rear if people who didn't know about the "Easter Egg" way to expose the option take delivery of their car, and later discover that it can't take advantage of the destination HPWCs.
I find it lousy that Tesla hid the 72A option. My guess is that there is currently a limited supply of 72A chargers, and that it would cause delays in deliveries if many people opted for the 72 over the 48. This may bite Tesla in the rear if people who didn't know about the "Easter Egg" way to expose the option take delivery of their car, and later discover that it can't take advantage of the destination HPWCs.
Maybe a hidden feature to be enabled upon request, typically when tolking to a Tesla rep. on the phone?
I was just pointing to the reality because as always people say emotional things when everything is not perfect to them. Everything is not going to be perfect to everyone every time. The reality is Tesla exists as a business entity and a business's ultimate goal is to survive and prosper. Each individual's need, if that conflicts with company's main goals, will always be secondary if that at all. Some people still don't learn the cold cold business world we live in.

You misunderstand me -- I am not just venting emotional frustration. I too am just pointing out reality: I may cancel my reservation due to a combination of unanticipated expense and delays. I am not saying this with any expectation that Tesla will care. This is a real decision that I am struggling with, and there are clearly others in the same boat. For me, it would mean "dropping down" to a MS, so Tesla keeps my business anyway.

I do wonder if demand for the MX will suffer somewhat due to the extra costs. Keep an eye on the reservation tally: the next several months will tell the tale.
Hi Larry,

I re-examined the X prod. configurator, speed-read the MVPA (Motor Vehice Purchase Agreement), and Terms and Conditions -- which is a duplicate of standard legalese that appears after the configuration documented in the MVPA. Nothing about the A/C charging. My guess is they haven't decided yet?? I sure hope it will be 72 amp charger for faster destination charging. I'll contact them on Weds. to see what they say. It would be nice to know what we're buying!!


Hi Russ,


According to posting #99 it's a $1,000 unlisted option.

It is not clear to me whether it will be offerred as a factory option or whether you will be required to have it retrofitted at a service center as in the case of the second charger for Model Ss.

No doubt Tesla has their reasons, but in my opinion this type of "invisible" ordering option undermines the Tesla Destination Charging Program because Sales is failing to let new buyers know what their options are in the ordering process. Most buyers don't frequent TMC so they will be getting a surprise when they attempt to charge at a full capacity HPWC only to belately learn that they can only charge at a little more than half the capacity.

Hopefully, Tesla will quickly correct the ordering process and do a better job of educating new or prospective buyers of their AC charging options on both the Model X and Model S.

Did you know that there are actually quite a few 5 seater SUV/CUVs on the market? Why do any of them exist?

I guess to have a higher ride and the ability to tow a boat? Given the lack of foldable seats, cargo is not a very compelling reason. Looking at it practically, there is a small market for this, but the premium over the MS is substantial unless you really need the towing capability.
Right now Tesla can afford to mess people about as they have zero competition. It will get altogether uglier when the other guys catch up......which they most surely will.

I fear Tesla have shown the way, but will get crushed by cheaper and more efficient car manufacturers.
Right now Tesla can afford to mess people about as they have zero competition. It will get altogether uglier when the other guys catch up......which they most surely will.

I fear Tesla have shown the way, but will get crushed by cheaper and more efficient car manufacturers.

and yet here you are :). You're new here so I'll repeat a point that has been made a million times, how exactly do all the premium ICE manufacturers exist, or any premium product for that matter, when cheaper versions exist?

Welcome to the forum, CurrentRide.

I understand your frustration. As others have pointed out, there was a lot of this sort of confusion and disappointment when the Model S came out.

I would encourage you to express your concerns directly to Tesla in the most clear and constructive terms possible to muster. While they often do not show that they are listening, they usually are. Model S went through MANY iterations of pricing and bundling and unbundling of options while Tesla learned the shape and dimensions of their nascent and expanding market. They cannot offered to turn away a lot of early reservation holders.

Personally, and this is just a hunch, I think the delay for the non-P90 cars will be shorter than stated. I recognize that they have always felt they had to front-load the expensive configurations. This time, they are at least stating it upfront, whereas with Model S, those of us here had to discover it on our own. But I suspect they also are stating the nearly-worst-case scenario (timing-wise), accounting for very heavy buy-in to the P90 AFTER the signature series AND a continuing modest pace to the manufacturing ramp. If either or both of these assumptions does not play out by the end of the winter, I think we could see 90's delivered by early spring and even 70's by early summer.

Just my humble opinion.

I am fine with the delay between P90D and 90...but like others, the price point is higher than some of us had anticipated. What drives the price up for many is how they bundled the options. As an example, if you want the LED lights or the Bioweapon defense mode you have to buy the entire bundle which includes the automatic doors. This could be alleviated by bundling more logically perhaps. Bioweapon defense mode, LED lights, and automatic door do not appear to be things which are related. Perhaps more logically grouping the items from a customer perspective would bring TCO down for customers as they would potentially spend less and get what they want.

In any case, this is the reality and we have to live with it good or bad. Tesla watches these forums so hoping they see some of this feedback.