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Software update 2020.48.26.x update, font size problems

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Been following this thread and my car just downloaded the update. Wow, I agree with every single complaint in the 19 or so pages I've read thus far. Holy smoke. I did not think it was as bad as I read.

Visualizations . Meh They are cool to look at but not more functional than a text box "left door ajar" etc..
I noticed they speedo was moved closer to the driver - that's a good move, but now it's obstructed by the wheel, and the font is WAY too small, as other have said. Is this an attempt at resolving the guilt of switching to a single display - the visualizations, and the speed, would make so much more sense if they were DIRECTLY in line with the drivers field of vision (i.e. Model X/S). Heck, I cringe at the thought of positing this - but the visualizations would make total sense in a HUD. But we won't talk about that here ;)

Tesla, stop farting around and fix the damned fonts already!
Tried to send feedback for the first time, regarding the abysmal screen changes. Tesla does not even want to hear it:


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I was about to update my m3. my phone told me there was an update several days ago. I was about to go to my car, move it (where its parked, it does not receive wifi and just barely gets lte) and do the update. SO GLAD I READ THE THREAD, FIRST.

very first thing I will do when I get to my car (I'm in stay-at-home mode and I have not even been IN my car for over a week now) is to DELETE ALL ACCESSPOINT INFO so that it won't download any 'updates' on its own.

I intend to lock it to this version until a proper update is released by tesla.

pity I have to remove wifi credential stuff (I hate retyping that crap in) but I won't put up with a REGRESSION in UI design.

tesla - sigh - you are showing signs that you are on the down-trend and I'm not liking what I'm seeing, overall, from this company.
Every time Elon says "we need a UI overhaul" I start to shudder and shake...

...since that means it's only going to get worse.

He doesn't need a UI overhaul, he needs an entire UI dev team overhaul, including real testing, in real cars, with real users providing real feedback. Then they need to actually listen to that feedback.

We've been saying this for years but it falls on deaf ears-- the UI for a car is not the same UI for a website or mobile device. But that's what they're doing. And it's completely the wrong approach. I have zero confidence that they'll ever get it right. Which is very sad indeed.

Believe me, letting the UX team dream up something "subtle" can get you into no end of trouble on any platform.

Subtle, for this UI is small fonts and dark grey on medium grey background.

I worked ,on a phone
Elon recently tweeted that’s coming soon. User customizations on screen size.

He actually tweeted about a UI redesign being needed, but what's really needed is just an update to fix the problems introduced by this (bad) UI update, which is entirely doable quicky.
One thing has hit home to me, with this awful firmware update. This car is not totally mine, as was the case with every other car I have owned. It can be modified in an unfavorable way to me, and I have no choice, no say. I unfortunately will be very wary of every future firmware update.

this is why I'm a phone hater. absolutely hate how 'phones' have ended up being, the whole ecosystem, the lack of user control, lack of real rollbacks and the LACK of separation of bugfixes from gratuitous UI changes that not everyone wants. I know they say they are working on skins or user customizations, but please do that *before* you force a serious UI downgrade on people. this should not have to be explained.

I never update my phone. almost never. I certainly dont go checking and, in fact, I rarely install 'apps' on phones. if it can't be done over a browser, its usually not worth a special app (in most of my cases, at least). I've been burned by losing features on the phone apps, as has everyone. we've all felt this and been annoyed by it. and yet, it persists and shows no sign of change. this is how 'phones' are and its why I reject them as portable computers. I really keep my phone on a tight leash and for that, I get to keep the UI that my fingers are trained on, by rote use. I don't feel that's worth giving up.

as for cars, we knew that we would not have a lot of control over cars that get OTA updates. for now, we can lower the frequency of how we take them, but at some point, you have to give in.

as more car vendors enter the arena, brand switching will be a more common thing. change a UI in such a way that you piss off your user and don't provide a way back - end of life for that product, for that customer!

the vendor needs to be more responsible in its changes that affect our vision (fonts, placement, colors). and I do think their UI VP needs to go and a new one (maybe a 50 year old guy) should be put in his place. in fact, half the UI team should be 'that kind' of diverse. and without even seeing the UI team, I know they are not. we all know that.

tesla could make this a learning lesson and make fundamental changes to the UI GROUP who approves this nonsense.
and you know, I'm glad I didn't buy the fsd package. if I did, I'd be compelled to accept these updates. they'd be relevant to me and I'd have to suffer the UI changes, but at least I'd be getting features and running code that works for me.

with only autopilot, I see zero reason to accept further tesla changes. the last 3 or 4, even, have offered me nothing of value.
It's interesting to see the attitudes changing toward OTA updates. Those of us from the V6 and V7 era have been living this for a while. We've been called "Tesla haters" or "ridiculous" or accused of "hating change". But the reality is, OTA updates have been taking away more things of value than they've added. These latest updates - absolutely old hat for some of us. And as your car gets older and the focus shifts to the new shiny, be prepared to get served the ill-fitting leftovers of whatever the latest hardware can support.
At least us old-timers had the option of refusing updates. All of you thinking of refusing updates should review the terms of your warranty.
Just to restate, perhaps in a different way, what many have already said:

When we got our first model 3 in April 2018, I was really impressed by the GUI that controlled everything. Whoever designed and programmed that really understood how to do a great user interface. Over time there were little improvements and some slight mess-ups but it remained a great UI. And this clearly set it apart from the terrible UI's of all the other auto manufacturers.

Then this latest update.
Clearly they handed the revision to a team that had no experience designing GUI's and they totally screwed it up. There are a couple of improvements like the wipers now always available at the bottom of the screen, but overall it is a disaster. Putting the headlight info closer and down on the left means one has to look farther away from the road to see them. The smaller font for the speed just makes it harder to get the speed in one's peripheral vision. Reducing the spacing and size on the autopilot and speed set indicators means that they are just less quickly readable. One of the big criticisms of the model 3 interface has always been that one has to look away from the road to do some things. That issue was greatly moderated by the excellent readability of the UI. The new UI trashes all that an makes most of those old criticisms valid. I'm not at all sure that I can continue to recommend these vehicles to friends. That is the bottom line.

And it's not just me. I said nothing about the update to my wife before she went for a 15 mile or so drive. She came back after awhile and the first thing she did was vociferously and at length criticize the new UI as being much less usable.
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this reminds me of how extensively I customize my web browser, when I'm home. (can't do much about it on phones; not easily).

I run quite a few adblockers, javascript 'managers', element hiders, blinkinGifSuppressors, etc. any time I get annoying crap on a website, I spend the time to view source (if I have to), use various gui tools to find and filter things and I LOVE that I can manage my own space, the way I want. (ob disc: I filter the hell out of this site, too. have to. so much noise on the pages.)

thing is - I OWN MY COMPUTER. I control my browser nearly 100%. if I dont want to see banners at the top, its MY RIGHT. it always was that way; that's how the web was born. separate ('tag') the elements and let the UI render them in the way the user and their hardware can. I still have lynx (cli broser, text mode) installed and there are rare times I use it. websites should still 'work' with lynx and yet these days, webmasters don't know or care about interoperability. they want to shove ads at you, lets be honest. its an arms race, too. but I digress.

so, on my home computer, I'm used to managing my real estate and have been since, well, the netscape and even mosaic (GOML) days.

the idea that I have no control over my car's ui and I have to suffer what a 20something thinks is ok - that's a complete turn-off to me.

if/when they give us some gui panels to 'skin' our ui's and include what WE think is important, as well as its scale factor, then I'll take back what I'm saying now. but how many years has tesla had to polish their ui? how much money does the company have to hire devs? do you seriously think that there's a hiring shortage? (no, they can get as many heads as they want; some devs would love to work at tesla). and yet, its still not something they consider a high prio. sigh.

first year or two of existence, sure, the TODO list is huge. but now? after so many years - and they pull this bonehead UI stuff on us without an escape hatch?

All of you thinking of refusing updates should review the terms of your warranty.

I intend to refuse as long as I can. they won't push a big change over lte and I have control over wifi user/pass's that I enter.

I do agree that we can't keep this up forever. I dont' think anyone suggest's that; just not getting on the broke-ui train voluntarily until we're the last passenger standing at the station, so to speak. delay the bad news as long as possible. perhaps by a few more updates, they'll have reverted a few bad decisions or given a user customize option.

I also wish there was a separation of updates; let us opt-in to the UI series and/or the functionality (back-end logic) series. there is no technical reason why updates have to be all or nothing. even on old windows, you could pick and choose what you accepted. and on linux, you still have 100% choice. I can choose not to get gnome2 or gnome3 (etc). I can lock some apps down (apt-mark hold). I can control a lot and once you get used to that level of control, its frustrating to move to a system that ties you hands entirely, unnecessarily.

I get that its more work to keep the UI updates separate from the other set; but again, they have enough people and this is not an unreasonable demand.
I intend to refuse as long as I can. they won't push a big change over lte and I have control over wifi user/pass's that I enter.

Just know that your warranty likely has a statement in it that says you have to install all upgrades offered to you to maintain the warranty on your car... (I don't know if that is enforceable or not, but it is there.)
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