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Tesla moments

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On our way to the airport we were stopped in traffic in front of an auto body shop and one of the guys noted the art deco facade on the shop. It looked to me a modern building that was decorated to look like an art deco building, but it could have been original. As I was looking at the details on the building I noticed a dark blue Model X parked along the side of the building and as we got going again I noticed two Model Ss parked behind it.

I felt bad for the three Telsa owners with their cars stuck in the shop.

That's Amato's, the authorized repairer for San Diego. I don't think the building is original, because with all the freeway work that has been done in that area, it probably would have been demolished and rebuilt, but they really plug the art deco theme inside and out. They do good work. A few weeks earlier, you'd have seen the BGC there.
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The nearest Tesla showroom is a 6-hour drive (not counting stops for go juice!) from our house in Western Colorado. When we went over the mountains last week to pick up our Model S, we stayed at a LONG-time friend's house in Boulder. It's a good thing that they're such good friends: the delivery slipped a week (sigh! -- I guess Elon isn't the only one who is time-challenged...). Our friend was very accommodating, though, especially when I told her why our stay was extended. :)

When the day finally came, we didn't get back to the friend's house until about 10:00 p.m., but she waited up for us because she wanted a ride RIGHT NOW! We were happy to accommodate -- even though she was already in her pyjamas and robe.

She even had a destination in mind: a friend's house a few miles away who was having a Christmas party, so that's where her husband was. We arrived and she went in to get her husband.

[Tesla Moment]
But it wasn't just her husband who came out. Within seconds of her going into the house, I saw her come out ...followed by a stream of everyone present at the party, who gathered around the car to ooh and ahh and ask questions. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have done that for a new Rav4 Hybrid.

I suppose similar has happened many, many times, but it's fun to be the one sitting in the driver's seat!
So I was waiting to get into the parking lot with very limited space for a market (maybe 6 spots including one handicap). As I'm waiting for this minivan to exit, the person rolls down the window and has his Tesla cap in his hands pointing to it. Not sure if he was a fan or just caught him driving the wrong car for the day.

I was at a stop light and I notice a car creep up to me since he was already stopped in the next lane. I look over and he gives me the thumbs up then proceeds to point at his Toyota Camry and gives the Italian gesture for "could care less". Until I looked it up, I always thought it was the gesture for f-you.

I got my car out on the track at the Portland International Raceway tonight, but never got over 4 mph and we averaged about 1.5 mph. For local food banks they had a holiday light show at the raceway. We had talked about going but found out last night this was the last night so we scrambled and went. About half of it was like being stuck in traffic on the freeway with some anemic light displays, but some of it was a bit interesting.

When we got there one of the guys directing traffic commented on my car. About halfway through I realized this was a great place to turn on autopilot and that made it more pleasant. I didn't have to worry about the car in front of me stopping and starting. It freed me up to look around a bit more (though I did keep checking in to make sure everything was OK). At one point they had a series of light displays for the 12 Days of Christmas and neither of us could remember what the larger number items were. I called up a version of the 12 Days on the car to refresh our memories.

At one point I looked forward and was wondering why everything was distorted by heat shimmer and then it dawned on me it was all the ICE wasting energy crawling along. I wonder how many gallons of gas were burned up on the track by people doing 1 mph tonight.

We agreed this was much nicer in my car than it would have been in an ICE.

Had a few other Tesla moments on Friday. My SO's law partner had his Christmas party. The people he works with the most and his wife's family were there (his family isn't local). Her partner has been trying to get behind the wheel of my car since June. I agreed to it, but our schedules didn't mesh until now. He took it out on I-5 for a little bit and experimented with the acceleration. He concluded he would get into way too much trouble with that car.

His wife likes to drive fast too. She had a sports car when she was a teen and ended up almost killing herself, but still likes to experience performance. She was riding in back (she doesn't like to drive at night because her night vision is poor) and she thought she would get into trouble too, but she was *very* interested in the Model 3 when I said the starting price would be only $35K. It's well within their price range, he bought a $60K Chevy pick up a few months back.

Their new associate is into sports cars and has a Porsche. He had been drinking so he passed on a test drive, but I took him out on a ride and he loved it. What impressed him most was the silent acceleration. Another guy wanted a ride, his wife said it was the first thing he saw when they pulled up, but he's the life of the party type and he was too distracted with the party to take a ride.
I'm missing my car (since I'm on vacation) and I haven't been gone a week yet. However, here in Hong Kong, I've seen a Model S every 15 - 30 min. No kidding, this crowded city is full of them! They say that over 5000 MS are registered in Hong Kong/Kowloon and it shows. I have seen them in all colours but surprisingly no MX yet.

When riding the tour bus around town, my daughter and I play "Punch Tesla" and I am winning hands down!
I'm missing my car (since I'm on vacation) and I haven't been gone a week yet. However, here in Hong Kong, I've seen a Model S every 15 - 30 min. No kidding, this crowded city is full of them! They say that over 5000 MS are registered in Hong Kong/Kowloon and it shows. I have seen them in all colours but surprisingly no MX yet.

When riding the tour bus around town, my daughter and I play "Punch Tesla" and I am winning hands down!
By the way - the family has moved on to Bali, Indonesia and I can report NO sightings of any Tesla's so far. All I see are a bunch of small minivans, old cars and a ton of mopeds.
By the way - the family has moved on to Bali, Indonesia and I can report NO sightings of any Tesla's so far. All I see are a bunch of small minivans, old cars and a ton of mopeds.
I think the streets are way too narrow on Bali for the Tesla to be safe to drive. They even have special skinny busses to haul us tourists around, but some village streets are even too narrow for them.
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I don't always have Tesla moments after three years in the Annapolis - DC area. But when I do, it's because I'm using the frunk. That pulls them in every time. How can there be no engine in there!? What kind of car is that!?

Take-away: Tesla really should fix the frunk so it can be drop-shut or push-button shut like the liftgate. It would get way more use and Tesla would benefit from a huge amount of curiosity. As things are, it is just WAY too troublesome for routine grocery and shopping use.
I don't always have Tesla moments after three years in the Annapolis - DC area. But when I do, it's because I'm using the frunk. That pulls them in every time. How can there be no engine in there!? What kind of car is that!?

Take-away: Tesla really should fix the frunk so it can be drop-shut or push-button shut like the liftgate. It would get way more use and Tesla would benefit from a huge amount of curiosity. As things are, it is just WAY too troublesome for routine grocery and shopping use.
Yes, problem with closing the frunk is it is too fragile. I, like others use two hands and lightly close it in the approved method/location :)
Makes it a little harder when I am carrying something
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