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How are spouses dealing with the wait?

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My wife has been vacillating between excited and vaguely interested in the Model S since I made my reservation in March of 2009. After the test drive she started talking about getting a Model X for her next car!

Of course, we had expected to have the Model S by now, and she has now started to be quite annoyed and regularly jokes that the car is never coming.

Clearly she doesn't have the passion and affinity I have for Tesla. Her main reason for liking the Models S is environmental. Thus, she now wants me to get a Leaf.

Anyone else dealing with this?
Right there with you...

I finalized financing yesterday in anticipation of the car arriving in the net two weeks. She keeps prodding and telling me it may never arrive...who cares about the NYC event w/Elon...you still don't have your car...

She is an attorney and definitely does NOT have an early adopter mindset. It has always been a conversation of "you signed what?" and "I cannot believe you risked that much money!"

All that said, she is excited about the car.
I took my wife to see one yesterday at the new store near us. When I told her we were getting an EV she expected Prius and thought I was nuts. After having sat in and looked it over she has completely changed her tune. She likes the EV part but the beauty, fit, finish really got her. She is doing a test drive this coming Saturday, my biggest fear is I'll have to post another reservation. Given our driving habits EV works fine. The longest we travel is about 100 mile each way with an overnight stay. Any further than that and it's off to the airport.
Whenever we meet up with friends, all my guy friends keep asking me if I have some news on "that electic car you're getting" and I always have some intersting news and updates. Well, my wife thinks it's me constantly bringing up the topic and she gets tired of it... But I know she'll come around as soon as we've rest driven and after I show her my calculations (waiting for EU pricing to be released before bringing that up).
My wife is supportive and at least outwardly supportive of the car. (Inwardly I suspect she's happy that I'll be happy, but totally ambivalent about the car itself.)

My daughter, on the other hand is extremely anxious. The plan all along was for her to get my 2006 Prius on her 16th birthday in January. After I told her that the Model S isn't likely to arrive before her birthday and that I'll still need the Prius for a month or so after, she started asking for daily updates. She's not quite as understanding of Tesla's production slippage as I am. :smile:
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My wife is clueless and totally uninterested in cars. So as far as she's concerned, this is totally my thing.

This is my wife, and I already have the car! She gets it a little bit now, only because of the attention we get when we're out with it, but really she couldn't care less and isn't at all into cars. She's happy for me, though, that I'm so into it. It is, in her view, a relatively harmless hobby/passion for me.
My wife was watching me getting more and more pain while waiting for the car(s). Finally in July the pain was relieved as we bought a roadster.

Now the waiting doesn't seem as bad. We just take the roadster for a ride.

Actually we have seen model S only once 2 week ago in the Munich store. No test drive yet, but looking forward to that.
I'd say there might be a difference between buyer's spouse reaction, split between those who can easily afford (say, with income at least 3x the sales price or more) and those who are going further out on a limb. In my case I'm below that 3X threshold, so my wife is harder to convince. The cost-of-ownership discussion is working, and we do have good savings, but it's certainly a hard position.
My situation's similar to napabill's. Wife has been putting up with my early adopter obsession for over 11 years now; she waved an 11-year-old 3MP digital camera in my face just yesterday - bought that for nearly $1k back then :) That has ended up as our 6-year-old son's first camera btw!

She did enjoy test-driving the Model S but is really waiting for this wait to be over so that we can have a reliable second car again. She'd be just as contented with an Altima for crying out loud!

She half-jokingly tells our friends that I might be having some sort of an affair on TMC; that's her excuse to lurk here on and off ;)

Bottomline, she's happy to make me happy; she always points out how delighted I apparently seem to be after every Tesla event, factory/store visit and such. I'm a lucky bloke! :)
I think a common reaction is: :rolleyes:

In order to limit this effect, I try to restrain from talking up the forum topics every now and then. I keep it in a longer line of, sorf of, quarterly updates :wink:. This strategy has proven well to ride off some subjects that otherwise might have caused waves, e.g. supercharging for 60kWh. The best thing of course is that every bit I tell her she just uses to throw in casually in conversation with other people. Makes me inexpressibly proud of my wife!