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P100DL, 2021 M3, 4 CT reservations and counting
Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2011
My mountain
Hoping that at least one thread could be used for just saying that <insert your forum name here> is devoted to making this site a friendlier and more informative site.

Maybe one thread folks could refer other folks to instead of retaliation. Just post a link to this thread and say there's nothing more to say from my side and I won't be engaging until there is something material to move the discussion forward.

So here's my 2 cents... discoducky is devoted to making this site a friendlier and more informative site

...and here's why...

I'm not a mod, but a I'd bet their job is harder each day.

Sometimes I feel like we should interrogate folks who may or may not have an axe to grind and take it out on others that I know to be good participants and then somehow turn those known good participants to bickering. Sometimes it feels like this is happening more often and I want to respond...

But then I realize I'd only be adding to it. So I thought this thread might help things and I hope it doesn't come off like I'm preaching or scolding or whatever negativity is lurking.

Maybe as the forum is growing in popularity, Tesla is growing, the stakes are getting higher, that there tends to be more back and forth communication that doesn't move the topic at hand forward in a materially beneficial manner. Kinda ends up being a "you said this", "no I didn't, I said this", "read it again, I said this". I can't imagine how bad this could become towards March when a huge hoard of new Model 3 folks come on board; this could easily be overwhelming and might be overwhelming folks currently.

Wouldn't it just be wonderful if this just happened less and less and less each day?

For instance, I really want to know where the whole horsepower thread stands, but I cannot read all the back and forth. I really want to know how people feel about the issue through respectful discussion.

Same goes with sig x delivery, seatbelt recall, but yeah, devolving for the most part. Same with investor threads and it is hard to listen to the bears or the bulls or anyone when you've lost money.

Overall I want to Tesla to succeed as feel it is the most likely way to have less total emissions and eventual sustainable transportation/energy, but I want to hear from everyone...respectfully

Maybe wading through these posts can sometimes be amusing and might be fun to write them in the moment as it might relieve stress or cause some delay in the extreme wait during Tesla time. I get that, I really do!

But I feel that a higher percentage each day is spent in this mode and it feels less and less valuable

Would guess so many folks, sooooo many folks that come here seeking knowledge and quite frankly the best Tesla knowledge, that 'back and forth' kicks it down a notch and makes it less valuable.

I'm hoping we could start a trend of folks who want this to happen less and less each day, while increasing the availability of great timely knowledge each day.
There is a simple guideline that I wish everyone would reflect on before they make a post:
"If I was standing face-to-face with the person I am about to respond to, would I say these words to them?"
If the answer is "No" then revise your post before sending it.
The anonymity of the Internet can lead to intense arguments that would be much less likely to happen in a face-to-face conversation.
I do my best to only give one reply (or no replies) when someone comments on one of my posts, as I've said what I wanted to say the first time (except for autocorrection changing my words). I even succeed most of the time :)
Here's a third moderator chiming in to say thank you, Duck, for your suggestion. It is along the lines of but more comprehensive and less to a specific situation than that which I posed three days ago, viz:
A mild-mannered moderator's input here:
Posters might use the following prior to hitting the 'Send' button: "If the inverse of what I am pontificating were to have occurred (let's say, a certain stock price had gone the other way and another's prediction turned either ashen or rosy, depending), would I feel that a responsible or irritating post?"

Just something to keep in mind, as if followed it tends to maintain the thread at a higher level of quality than otherwise.
Until the administrators are able to make certain modifications to this platform, moderators are going to have to continue to depend a great deal on ALL MEMBERS to self-regulate.

And I'm sure we can depend on your collective good upbringings to do just that!
Thanks, disco. You've pretty much captured why I quit moderating and why I'm here less and less. What starts out as just a difference of opinion quickly escalates & all discussion is lost. I completely agree regarding anonymity of the net - it's one of the reasons I use my real name here. Anonymous names are fine for all sorts of reasons, but if you look at those using their real name here, you don't see the nastiness.

I'd like to also add that we all need to watch our words. Labeling someone (troll, fanboy, uninformed, defender, short, etc.) does nothing to help the conversation - because it instantly dismisses what the other person is saying. Look at your words before you hit REPLY and ask if you could have said the same thing without taking those subtle (and many times, not so subtle) potshots at others. And then fix it. This whole 'must win the conversation at any cost' is wearisome.