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Want to Buy: Model X for good price

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Hi All, I've been combing the classified section and I find it to be an extremely frustrating experience, have to spend a lot of time browsing each one and scrolling to the last post to see if it's even still available. Wondering if maybe I post that I want to buy one would be better?

I, like many I imagine, am looking for a deal. Flexible budget if it's a well taken-care of MX and most the kinks are worked out. FUSC would be a bonus, but I'm open to any year and config if it's a great deal. Please DM me. Thanks!
I am considering selling my 2017 Model X 90D. This car is Pearl White Multi-Coat with Tan Leather interior. It has the 6 seat configuration. The car has Full Self Driving and FSD Beta software is currently running. The car also has the MCU2 infotainment upgrade. Vossen HF-4T 22 inch wheels with Continental tires. 84,425 miles with Tesla Extended Service Agreement that does not expire until August 2025 or 100,000 miles (whichever comes first). Battery is charged to 80% nightly resulting in roughly 190 miles of range at 80%. 100% charge gets 238 miles or so.
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