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v8.0 release coming in a few weeks, details later today!

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The universal business convention is to sandbag everything, have lawyers add weasel words, use symbolic advertising that subliminally ties your product to sex or some other desirable that has nothing to do with it.... Here we have a CEO who speaks off the cuff, but always focused on technical matters and factual info - not legal hyperbole or marketing BS. I don't mind if he hits us with a teaser now and then. That's the only marketing Tessla does.
Where does having your car models spell "S3XY" fit into that? ;)
would it be wrong to call elon a liar now ? 1st time okay stuff happens ... 2nd dude whats up with that .. 3rd time liar ..
I thought people who follow Elon would be aware by now that he doesn't always make his own deadlines. I find it useful to keep in mind that he is simultaneously running two ground-breaking high technology companies that are disrupting huge established industries in unprecedented ways that many experts thought impossible.

In contrast, most of the rest of us are concentrating on what to eat for our next meal and should we buy the next smartphone model or keep our old phone for another year.

So when you criticize Elon for being a day late on a blog post about Autopilot software that is far ahead of anything the competition is doing, keep that contrast in mind.
I thought people who follow Elon would be aware by now that he doesn't always make his own deadlines. I find it useful to keep in mind that he is simultaneously running two ground-breaking high technology companies that are disrupting huge established industries in unprecedented ways that many experts thought impossible.

In contrast, most of the rest of us are concentrating on what to eat for our next meal and should we buy the next smartphone model or keep our old phone for another year.

So when you criticize Elon for being a day late on a blog post about Autopilot software that is far ahead of anything the competition is doing, keep that contrast in mind.

hmmmm do I get the new iPhone or not... was just thinking that this morning!
I think I know why Elon wanted to announce 8.0 a few weeks before it was ready. NHTSA requested lots of data from Tesla about autopilot accident rates, the number of warning messages etc and Tesla asked for an additional week to submit the data. The new deadline is tomorrow, 2nd Sep 2016 (source).

My guess is, Tesla already told NHTSA that they will release a software update to fix the blind radar issue. However, I think Elon is worried that NHTSA is going to say something stupid like Tesla agreed to a recall. After all, something similar happened 3 years ago and they did exactly that. Of course, then the media started talking about Tesla recalls. Elon argued with NHTSA that a software update is not a recall (source). So I think Elon just wants to get ahead and make sure that everybody understands that this is a software update and Tesla is not recalling 100K autopilot cars.

The delay is probably because Elon hasn't slept. He travels between Tesla and SpaceX all the time (source).
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I thought people who follow Elon would be aware by now that he doesn't always make his own deadlines. I find it useful to keep in mind that he is simultaneously running two ground-breaking high technology companies that are disrupting huge established industries in unprecedented ways that many experts thought impossible.

In contrast, most of the rest of us are concentrating on what to eat for our next meal and should we buy the next smartphone model or keep our old phone for another year.

So when you criticize Elon for being a day late on a blog post about Autopilot software that is far ahead of anything the competition is doing, keep that contrast in mind.

Ok so let me take the unpopular opinion here

wasn't criticizing merely pointing out a fact... to date he (Elon) has NEVER actually made a deadline he sets himself i'd give him the benefit on the doubt if he didn't do it EVERY single time its not different than those spammers who hype up penny stock to raise the price. While I wont go into details with every deadline he's missed he's pretty consistent with doing it and it clearly trickles down the line ( go see the threads where peoples delivery get pushed back or where service centers are backed up because of missing parts) the argument that he's running two ground breaking companies isn't really a good one when 1 he doesn't have to tweet out he's going to do something to draw attention and doesn't and 2 everyone else from movies star to CEOS has someone to manage social media. I don't know maybes its because i grew up in a different era when i say im going to do something my word is on the line to make it happen. If it had been ANYONE else you'd be agreeing with me but because its him he gets a pass President Obama runs a country yet the moment he says something and doesn't follow thru your quick to call him a liar. How is this different ?
I'm super-fan-boy and 100% in with the Tesla KoolAid. But I wonder if his tweet or the timing of it might be to lessen the negative hit of the news articles:
Tesla plans to raise funds this year to tackle cash crunch

Tesla plans to raise funds this year to tackle cash crunch

When he tweets and releases stuff people eat it up, stock usually goes up. Look what happened with his 100kw announcement and tease.

I still can't wait to see what the company has in store and can't wait to get v8 on my car. But I wonder if the timing of the 2 is just a coincidence.
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Good lord. Between the fanbois, snark peddlers, short sellers, and the conspiracy theorists, we've got a full house this morning.

On the one hand, Elon has an opportunity to start a trend of one instance of accurately forecasting, accounting for third party dependencies, *and* posting a blog update on time (not early, as that would be inefficient and not make use of every available minute pre-deadline). Dessicated humor alert there.

On the other, the man gets more done to save the world during his morning constitutional (read that, morning visit to the commode) than many of us accomplish in our lives.

Direct CEO communication with we, the Great Unwashed Masses (relatively speaking, even though more than a few of us are C-level types as well) is pretty cool. Frustrating, sometimes, but less so than having a rocket blow up your schedule. See what I did there.

The article, whenever it gets posted, will be interesting and probably produce as many questions as it answers. And the software update (v8.1.x) will be nifty in a month or so.

But will there be coat hooks in the Model 3? :)

And so it goes.
At least SO FAR TODAY, we've not heard about any MS or MX accidents or blow-ups. o_O With today's Wall Street Journal article saying that basically the VC investors and board members weren't really on board with the merging of Tesla and SolarCity and, Tesla will pay $422 million to SolarCity AND, have to raise more capital, this SpaceX failure has probably pretty much ended Elon's day and the possibility of any Tesla news. :(
I had a boss once who had an unusual attitude about deadlines. He did want us to try to meet them, but he emphasized that "People will remember how well you do sometime a lot longer than they will remember whether or not it was on time."
So I try to remember that.
There are exceptions, of course. We don't want our surgeons to be late doing emergency life-saving surgery, etc. But a one-day or 2-day or even a 5-day delay in publishing a blog post, however interesting, won't measurably affect the quality of our lives...
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Also remember, he can make material statements that move the price of his stock up and down. Potentially more at play here than cool new tech features, he's the CEO of a publicly traded company... You can't say "huge news at noon!" then take a nap and forget.