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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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Cross-posting Gene Munster's note: Tesla | Loup Ventures

"Moats Are Lame. As VCs that look to invest in defensible companies, we were struck by Elon’s assertion that “moats are lame,” in response to a question about their supercharger network. But his rationale is sound. “The pace of innovation is the only true measure of competitiveness,” he said, arguing that moats can be a temporary competitive edge but rapid innovation is fundamentally the only way for a company to stay ahead of the competition. Herein lies the advantage that Apple, Amazon, and Tesla have over legacy competitors in the phone, retail, and automotive businesses. And herein lies our confidence in Tesla."
You can’t set aside Musk’s (questionable) tone and (refreshing) candor. He didn’t ignore those questions— he gave the very candid answer that they were boring & boneheaded. And they were.

1. Sacconaghi’s question about guidance had already been answered. Tesla is getting to 5k as fast as they can, then fine-tuning the process to improve margins. When to expand to 10k would depend on how the 5k process went. They weren’t committing to a date on it.

I’m a fairly conservative person, so I would have preferred that Musk simply re-stated that, but I understand why he didn’t. The price he & Tesla will pay for that tone is unknown at this time. It definitely concerns me. It also tells me he’s all-in.

2. The question about take rate really was a garbage question. Trying to use people waiting for AWD, white interior, or SR battery as a sign of lack of demand is intellectually dishonest & insulting. The analyst deserved the answer he got.

That said, I’m a more conservative person than Musk (I’m not disrupting any industries). I wish he had defined the take rate as 100% minus anyone who cancelled their reservation after getting the opportunity to configure— which is probably greater than zero, but is certainly minuscule. So, something like 99%.

TLDR— Musk’s candor was delightful & refreshing. His tone was questionable, but we’ll have to see how much damage it did. A short dip to load up on cheap shares would be great. A permanent burning of bridges would be much more worrisome.
I think you're misunderstanding the take rate question. One of the issues with the M3 is that we all know the market for a $50,000 sedan is materially smaller than the market for a $35,000 sedan. But we don't know how much smaller. The conversion rate is probative in that regard. That's all we're getting at.
His comments on moats was my second favorite part of the conference call.

My favorite part, as an investor, was his assertion that “real companies” have profits.

Elon has all the money he can personally use, and there is a risk that he is so mission driven that he would forgo profits to maximize global good.

As a citizen, I’m all for global good. As an investor, I’m super glad that Elon is trying to solve for both doing good and doing well.
"In Q1, energy storage deployments grew 161% from Q4 2017 to 373 MWh, which includes the 129 MWh South Australia project that was installed last year with final commercial transfer occurring in Q1."

373 MWh -129 MWh = 244 MWh (373 MWh)/1.61 = 232 MWh Without the big battery, 244/232 = 105% (Was hoping for higher growth rate in core TE, especially since the big battery was awarded last July.)

Check your math: A 161% increase is a factor of 2.61, not 1.61. Without the SA project that comes out to something like a 75% increase on Q417. That’s an annualised growth rate of more than 800%.
I wonder if Gali knew he could ask that many questions. I was expecting him to get cut off after 1-2 questions just like other people asking questions. But he didn't, and he didn't appear surprised that he wasn't cut off, and kept asking more questions like he had prepared for it. Wonder why...

The person running the phone lines did try to switch at one point, but they kept him on.
He might have had a top ten list of questions to allow non-repeating of other people's, but yeah, no trepidation about asking multiple.
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Cross-posting Gene Munster's note: Tesla | Loup Ventures

"Moats Are Lame. As VCs that look to invest in defensible companies, we were struck by Elon’s assertion that “moats are lame,” in response to a question about their supercharger network. But his rationale is sound. “The pace of innovation is the only true measure of competitiveness,” he said, arguing that moats can be a temporary competitive edge but rapid innovation is fundamentally the only way for a company to stay ahead of the competition. Herein lies the advantage that Apple, Amazon, and Tesla have over legacy competitors in the phone, retail, and automotive businesses. And herein lies our confidence in Tesla."

Moats do work in markets that do not warrant investment. Not worth the trouble markets.
Great QR and CC, I like how Elon handled those dumb questions. There are some very good comments from Tesla team, I guess shorts won't even recognize that those are bullish.

1. Cobalt - we discussed this in the past, I didn't worry about Cobalt price going up, I worried that big shorts buying all the Cobalt and leave none for Tesla. One big short was openly calling everyone to do this. Tesla knew this issue for years, they must have been working on this. Today they confirmed that they can live without much Cobalt. JB said they have been working on this for years. I hope those who hoard Cobalt will learn the lesson, don't bully Elon. This will be a big problem for Tesla's competitors. I think they still need Cobalt.

Yes and no. Tesla has a huge advantage with NCA that uses less C then NMC 8-1-1. But competitors already are going to be using less cobalt because they are going to be using NMC 811 at some point. Tesla advantage is that they are not using NMC 811, instead using NCA with less cobalt which is massive because it means they get all the density advantages with lower costs/weight.

2. Chip and AI software is going well. Autonomous driving likely coming by end of 2019. Though it will not be officially released as full autonomous, I think the advanced autopilot will work really well by then. That's what I want.

3. Model 3 production is going well. The plan is to achieve 5000 per week in 2 months. In the past I worried that they completely stop production for unexpected reasons. This is good news to me.

4. Tesla's lead on Semi is huge. This is a very large market. It will take market shares from trains and all other Semi trucks. This combined with the coming autonomous driving, Tesla will be capable to get into shipping market with no competitor.

Alluded to greater then 600 miles of range and that 500 was attainable with current tech. Holy crap, what the heck do they have on tap to improve densities 20% after recently increasing 30% with 2170?

5. They revised margin to ~20% instead of 25%, that's strange. But next year target is still 25%.

This is because they had originally targeted 10k/w by the end of 2018d

6. Average selling price on Model 3 is higher than expected. I think this should have been expected. Most people ordered all the options including the 19 inch wheels.

This is the understatement of the century. Which makes the margin question a bit more perplexing.

7. They didn't want to talk about the Model 3 take rate, to me this is not a problem, I expected the take rate to be very low, because most people are waiting for all wheel drive, short range, or performance. This car will sell itself. I think the wait list will well pass one million by early 2019. Now I have first hand experience with the Model 3, I can confidently say at minimum each car will lead to another 20 sales. Those 20 will lead to another 200. Legacy car companies are in big trouble, especially BMW, VW, Mercedes, and also those lower end like Toyota, Honda. The society is switching to EV with autonomous features. Those legacy car companies are not ready to compete. This is coming very fast. Those people who test drove my car will stop considering ICE cars.

This is why that question was really dumb. What in the heck can be gained from knowing what the conversion rate for 1 version of the vehicle? It tells you absolutely nothing. Now if all variations where available then knowing the take rate would be meaningful, but then there wouldnt be a question because Tesla would be still be delivering more cars then they can make. Which BTW is a problem that will persist for the next decade. Tesla will never catch up to demand even at 2M vehicles a year.

The model 3 is competitive all the way down to the Camry even without Credits. Its fact, not fiction. This is why Tesla will dominate the mid sized lux market because it will pull people up just like the Model S did.

My comments in bold, but I wanted to pose this question:

If you had a company you could invest in that had nearly $1B in customer reservations (Up $140,000,000 over last qtr) for a product they cannot see in person or touch or drive, even though there are massive delays in delivery. If you could invest in a company growing unite production 2-3x YoY and revenues 50%/y for decades. If you could invest in a company with no true competitors that was showing market share dominance in the markets it competes and those markets are the highest margin markets that exist for those products? Wouldnt you want to invest in this company? Even if Elon thinks your questions are boring?
Ok, should be an interesting day today. I really have no idea where this dip goes. Won't some of these offended "analysts" strike back with headlines meant to negatively affect Tesla and the stock? Algobots aren't sophisticated enough to know what is going on, so with the right headlines, this could be effective at causing a bigger dip than otherwise. Maybe caution about over-buying here is warranted? On the other hand, since the ER was better than expected, maybe this gets bought right back up to $300.
Ok, should be an interesting day today. I really have no idea where this dip goes. Won't some of these offended "analysts" strike back with headlines meant to negatively affect Tesla and the stock? Algobots aren't sophisticated enough to know what is going on, so with the right headlines, this could be effective at causing a bigger dip than otherwise. Maybe caution about over-buying here is warranted? On the other hand, since the ER was better than expected, maybe this gets bought right back up to $300.
i believe it will dip first, then end green today! so i bought some calls premarket in the dip
Ill be BTFD today for sure. Not an advice. There was nothing in this report that is was bad. It was mostly upside surprises. People are still not understanding whats going on. Capex is gong down a lot and cash flow is going up a lot. Cash goes down when you are paying for Capital investments into production, but those are one time charges that can be leveraged to build millions of vehicles. Its bad when you are only building 2000/w including S/X but now that you are building close to 5k/w with S/X, you are making better use of the Capex but still very far from optimizing Capex which should be achieved at 5k/w Model 3 (7k/w total) before needing more money to expand model 3 to further leverage parts of the original spend as some parts of the line can run much faster then 5k/w.
Won't some of these offended "analysts" strike back with headlines meant to negatively affect Tesla and the stock?
What more can they do? They have been striking with negative headlines for times immemorial already, from every single news channel available.

Anything more is illegal.
Though I do not have any doubt they won't try that also.
What Elon did is not arrogance. If you are a long time shareholder, you probably know some of those analysts have been trying for years to kill Tesla. When they ask questions, they are not really asking questions, they are trying to force Elon to say negative things about Tesla.
That sums it up right there. From day one, the same annalists have been predicting the impending demise of Tesla was within sight.
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