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The Tesla Time Question

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I agree that Tesla Time is apt to create some challenges for those of us who still need to work or just need to get things done. I wrote GB last week suggesting that Tesla equip each Model S with several dozen brochures that can address most of the questions we are apt to receive. Haven't received an answer (and don't really expect one), but I do think that it would be great marketing for Tesla and could cut down the talk time when we need to get away.

Well, there is one question that such a brochure couldn't handle. "Can I have a ride?" :rolleyes:

I took a stash of Model S brochures from the Tesla store (with their blessing!) and give them out regularly. I'd say about two-thirds of inquiries are people who have no idea what Tesla is, or that the car is electric, and just like the way it looks. They're most surprised that its electric (of course) and that its built in the USA.

For those that know what Tesla is, their excitement at seeing the car, or me giving them a quick ride, is fantastic. Even people who know to expect the acceleration really can't believe it.

I've also had rare occasions where I need to blow people off for time reasons. I just give them a brouchure if I can, or if not, just refer them to teslamotors.com. People are generally understanding and polite so it hasn't been as much of an issue as I thought. But, I live in a city so people aren't used to talking to strangers, and there are lots of exotic cars around Miami, so seeing a car that's unusual or new isn't really rare. Case in point is the Bugatti my son spotted at a Heat game (and was also at the Dolphins game on Sunday). The valet said it was Flo-Rida's new Bugatti, easily over $2 million they speculated:



There were twenty people looking at the Bugatti, and ignored my car completely when it came up from the valet (understandably!).

BTW, these pics were taken on different nights, which is why the surroundings are a little different.
Sigh, the forum ate my reply!

Our time is our own and while it's good to be helpful, we aren't under any obligation, IMHO. In particular, if on our way somewhere (especially with a deadline!), folks should be understanding . . . but we have to be assertive and not let them monopolize our time if our time's limited. I'm horrible at this, getting out of conversations, keeping things brief, etc., but if this stuff happens when I get my car, I plan to try to remember that before answering the first Q, I need to say something like "I only have X minutes because I'm on my way to Y, but..." and then answer the Q. If the Qs keep coming, I'm thinking maybe I will get some free biz cards (Vistaprint)--I got this idea here (maybe that other thread?) with my name, e-mail, and Tesla's URL on it. That or the brochures, as Mark and Arnold mentioned above, should be especially helpful if I'm short on time but someone's very interested and I don't want to blow them off.

I'm not great with strangers, so I kinda dread this kinda thing really. And yet I can't wait for my car, so I kinda look forward to telling people about it! Of course I won't know all the answers, hence the biz card or URL....

But the bottom line is, IMHO, it's your time and you're not obligated to ruin your day for a Looky Lou. ;-) I'm guessing it's easier (they should be more understanding) and harder (hey we're all friends in this town) in a small town where you effectively kinda sorta know even strangers like that....
As a 3 1/2 + year Tesla Owner, I don't feel anyone is "obligated" to respond to interest from strangers.

In the first year of ownership, I got a lot of folks curious and interested. Since I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, I think most people at this point are familiar with the Roadster and Tesla.

I am a staunch environmentalist though, and I almost always take the time to answer any questions or have the person look at the car. Most people typically have only a couple of minutes worth of questions as they were not mentally prepared with a long list. I'm also very comfortable with public speaking and talking to strangers.

I have been maintaining a blog during this whole period for that purpose. I will refer people to that as it is a honest review of the car and ordinary experiences.

Tesla Owner

I think the Model S will not get as much attention as the Roadster due to the vast numbers of them and also the more conventional size.

I don't think I would want to hand out brochures as they aren't particularly environmentally friendly. They can easily google Tesla.
What an awesome problem to have! It makes me really happy that people seem genuinely interested in this car when they see it. I'm thinking about having Tesla specific business cards made up so that I can answer people's questions later if I have somewhere I need to be.

Also, on the other thread, someone mentioned making a sticker with the QR code for teslamotors.com to put in the window.
I have owned my Roadster for 3 1/2 years. I got a lot of interest during the first couple of years. But for the last two years it is mostly "nice car" comments, no questions. I do live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I suspect the same thing will happen with the Model S.

Even when people are curious, they only have a few questions, so it takes maximum 5 minutes or so.

For the handful of very curious folks, I point them to my blog. I have maintained if for the whole length of ownership and it just details things I have discovered about my car. I have no other motivation with this blog other than to help get awareness of electric cars out there.

Tesla Owner
Years ago when I got my first pair of Bose noise cancelling headphones, they included in the case a little business card holder stocked with pre-printed cards with a bit of info on the headphones, and the URL for them. I always appreciated not having to answer many questions while being able to spread the word!
I've done the Tesla Time thing a few times, but it is no big deal. My coworkers all got rides (or went for drives themselves) and it is usually fairly quick.

Maybe it is because of where I live, but I end up flagging people down who are gawking as I park or return to the car more often than anybody asks.

Looking forward to perhaps seeing your car on the roads up there. I have several clients in your area and travel the Merritt quite a bit!

I'm expecting a Feb/March delivery (finalized beginning of December) but expect February from what Tesla has told me. Would be great to meet up sometime after I get my S!

Its novel. This will not last long (especially given the rate Tesla is pumping them out).

Consider it an opportunity to spread the word and be an ambassador. Again, it will not last long.

It's that old Toyota commercial, life's a journey; enjoy the ride. In this case, you are a living discontinuity. I'm embracing the opportunity and will talk till I'm horse.
Had my first Tesla Time for the Model S today. Stopped in at a Starbucks. The guy who came in behind us asked me, "Is that your burgundy car out there?" "Yes." "Is that a Tesla???". :smile: I love it when they say that! Turns out that he was on his way to Toronto and was going to stop in at the new Tesla Store. Perfect! Had a nice chat.

I never mind spending a couple of minutes when people ask. Been doing it for a couple of years with the Roadster - almost a daily occurrence. All good for the cause of electric vehicles. I am putting some Model S flyers in the frunk, though, for those rare occasions when I'm in a real hurry.
Had my first Tesla Time for the Model S today. Stopped in at a Starbucks. The guy who came in behind us asked me, "Is that your burgundy car out there?" "Yes." "Is that a Tesla???". :smile: I love it when they say that! Turns out that he was on his way to Toronto and was going to stop in at the new Tesla Store. Perfect! Had a nice chat.

I never mind spending a couple of minutes when people ask. Been doing it for a couple of years with the Roadster - almost a daily occurrence. All good for the cause of electric vehicles. I am putting some Model S flyers in the frunk, though, for those rare occasions when I'm in a real hurry.

I have been putting up with people asking questions about my Ford GT for the last 7 years. Used to it and actually enjoy the banter. Look forward to getting my Perf S in Feb/March. Ready to spread the word on EV's.
I've had a Roadster for over three years now (in the Seattle area, where they're not THAT rare), and I get questions pretty frequently. If I have time, I answer them. If not, I just politely say that I'm in a hurry, and so far everyone's been understanding.

I figure that it just qoes with having an exotic car. Usually, I enjoy it.
I've had a Roadster for over three years now (in the Seattle area, where they're not THAT rare), and I get questions pretty frequently. If I have time, I answer them. If not, I just politely say that I'm in a hurry, and so far everyone's been understanding.

I figure that it just qoes with having an exotic car. Usually, I enjoy it.
A small placard in the window or on the dash, for when you leave/park the car, with teslamotors.com and/or teslamotorsclub.com on it?
Cars and Coffee- Irvine

Took our 1 week old P85 to the weekly cars and coffee this morning and was amazed at the attention the car received. My wife and I thought it would be popular but didn't realize how popular.
Normally the event is from 7-9 am and we arrived just after 6 to get a decent spot. We were out of the car for about 10 minutes and then the people just started coming and asking questions. We both had about 15 people out of the hundreds or more, ask each of us if we worked for Tesla, and if not we should have because we were selling the feautures of the car so well.
Everyone loved the car!! Didn't hear any negatives, only that it looked much better than they thought it would. Quite a few knew about the car. One model x rez holder,and 1 model s Rez and a couple of friends of S rez holders.

I parked the car with the screen on, with the Nav on bottom and camera on top. With the trunk and frunk open.

Most common questions we heard ( just so you are ready also) - is this a fisker?( meanwhile a fisker was parked at the end of the row sitting with just a couple of people around it), how do you charge it? How long does it take to charge? Where do you charge it? So, it's just for city driving? ( that was from the ones who had not heard of the superchargers) . Many people knew about the supercharger network. Is the screen distracting? Where's the engine? How fast? How far? Where is the speaker for outside noise? Where do the child seats I've read about go? How much does it cost to charge? How much is your electric bill? Why a tesla and not a fisker? Where is the battery? What kind of electric motor is it? How do the door handles work?

Many remarks like - wow, so much storage. Great styling. Beautiful. Amazing. The future. One guy left and said "F OPEC". Those screens are awesome.

Most people left with a great impression of Tesla and most remarked, what a gamechanger, and they hoped Tesla makes it.

I have to say it really feels awesome driving this car, but showing it to others and explaining the benefits ,about Tesla, and the future of cars being here now, is amazing. now if we could just get commissions from Tesla for selling their car and the Brand we would all be set!! ( or just give me my floor mats and frunk storage net for free)