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So what did we think of the Top Gear (TV show) M3 review then?

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2019
I am not a Tesla owner (yet) or a total fan boy but it did seem to me that TG deliberately stacked the deck by:
a) using a standing 1/2 mile instead of the standing 1/4 mile
b) instead of racing around the full TG track with all 4 cars as they normally would, they pitted only the fastest of the 3 ICE cars against he M3 through a specially created slalom course with the sort of very tight bends that will not suit a heavy car.

On the drag race they even admitted that they used the 1/2 mile since the M3 would have won the 1/4 mile too easily. Even though a standing 1/2 mile is probably relevant to, well nobody. I mean personally I don't drag people away from traffic lights at all but if I did I'd be hard pressed to find many where I could carry on flooring it for the next half mile.

Despite this I thought the M3 still acquitted itself with honor.

It still wasn't really a review at all though at all to be honest.I mean every review covers fart mode (sigh) but TG is the only place where I have seen that and the fireplace be virtually the only thing covered apart from the performance. They basically managed to do what i thought was impossible. Make old JC Top Gear reviews look comprehensive and impartial and that takes some doing!

But even they had to admit they quite liked it in the end even if the rest of the show was a litany of EV stereotyping.
I am not a Tesla owner (yet) ...
... personally I don't drag people away from traffic lights

Room for improvement there then ... once you get the car of course :)

flooring it for the next half mile

What's the terminal velocity at 1/2 mile? Got to be useless for real-world ... and if you are going to Santa Pod then that is presumable 1/4 mile only?

I think all that is possibly required is 0-70 MPH from a standing start and both of "Put it in Launch Mode" (right palaver) and "Stomp on the Loud (Ahem!) pedal"

I've used Launch mode twice. Too much faffing about for any normal day to day use.

every review covers fart mode (sigh)

Sigh? Definitely an important feature. That is most definitely NOT the sort of thing that is up my street ordinarily (because I am an old-fart Natch!) ... but it is great for PR. There isn't any other mainstream Marque that is going to have anything remotely like that.

Pre-select it, adjust Stereo/Balance for appropriate Passenger Seat, usher unsuspecting business colleague into that seat, let rip all the way to lunch whilst other occupants are in hysterics.

And you can entertain them explaining the names too - "Big Falcon Fart" ... "Ludicrous fart" ... "Short shorts ripper" ... I mean, what's not to like? :)

and then do the voice-recognition for "Ho! Ho! Ho!" on the way back from lunch and have reindeer pulling your Tesla Sleigh ...

Make sure they use YOUR referral code when they order ... :)
I haven't seen the TG show, but having owned a Tesla (Model X) for 18 months, the advantages of an EV for everyday driving are completely compelling (at least with a Tesla) and I certainly won't be going back to an ICE alternative.

As far as performance goes, beyond the stopwatch, it's the sublime smoothness of the drivetrain and instant response that impresses the most. Point-to-point they get the job done with minimal fuss at whatever speed you choose. To get anything remotely like the performance of a Model 3P for similar money you are looking at the likes of a BMW M3 and those are way more compromised for everyday use and ultimately slower in real world scenarios like the traffic light GP or simply any wet road. I see an M3 on the school run every day and it just looks and sounds chavvy. The Tesla is IMO way more subtle and cool. All depends what floats your boat. If you want to drive around in a dated old gas-guzzler with ancient tech and a shouty exhaust then an M3 might be the better choice ;)
Not to mention 57% battery percentage on the Model 3 when they were drag racing. I'd also say the "criticism" about the looks of the car are unfounded, but that's entirely subjective. It's the nicest looking of the bunch for me and I know some would agree with that and others wouldn't. Somebody in one of the Twitter threads I was looking at said it reminded him of a computer mouse in terms of styling. I thought that was quite funny and more appropriate than Harris calling it a "fridge" (electrical appliance I guess).
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Given the institutional bias against EV cars on Top Gear I thought it was a fair review. The admitted that had to stack the deck to give the competitors which were a M3, AMG C63S and Alfa Romeo Gulia QV a chance. They did not make enough of Supercharger network though IMO.
I think Chris Harris was actually as he tweeted this today;

“So, I think I’ll be buying a Tesla Model 3 quite soon. Thought it was so impressive. Nothing like as enjoyable as an M3, but as my first toe-dip into the leccy world, it should work until they figure out how to make EVs more fun and desirable.“
Personally I don't get reviewers who say it's a drab design ('vanilla' I think he called it).

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but I love it. I can't stop watching bloody Youtube clips of them, which isn't helping me with my chronic Teslimpatience. If that's not a word, it should be.

Indeed. If lack of a grille and a beatifully unfussy design are vanilla, then I like vanilla! I do think the car looks much nicer IRL than in photos and videos mind. Not that I think it looks bad in photos or videos.
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I've lost all interest in watching Top Gear, their fanatical obsession with ICE supercars and hypercars has no real relevance to 99.9% of their viewers and certainly not me. I remember where they used to review cars that you could actually buy and sports cars were a small part of their overall content.
Now it just seems to be ridiculous stunts and gimmicks.
Personally I don't get reviewers who say it's a drab design ('vanilla' I think he called it).

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but I love it. I can't stop watching bloody Youtube clips of them, which isn't helping me with my chronic Teslimpatience. If that's not a word, it should be.

I agree on design. I think the M3 looks great but I suppose I would as I’ve ordered one too. For a car that tries to blend class leading aerodynamics for efficiency yet be big enough to cope with the average family it’s a fabulous design and in my opinion a great blend of practicality / style while not being too big (both the MS and MX are for my needs).

Teslimpatience is a fine addition to the dictionary by the way. I also have this mixed in with a bit of Teslanxiety while waiting for it to arrive :D
I think the Tesla M3 looks good in the flesh but there are better looking cars out there in my opinion; you need to sacrifice quite a bit in aerodynamics to get the shapes that some people (myself included) like. Same for the interior, would maybe prefer something different (Peugeot seem to be producing some very interesting interiors IMHO) but I do like the M3 internal layout and the interior (it has grown on me from when I first sat in one 18 months ago).

I love the underlying tech and the upgradability which for me far dominate on the appealability scale for the M3 compared to the looks.

(Question to ask yourself, if the Model 3 was an ICE car and ICE cars were "clean"; would you buy it over another model?)

BTW this is just my opinion, we all have different tastes.
I think the Model 3 makes cars like the BMW 3 series look seriously ancient, inside and out. In the same way that the Model X makes conventional SUVs look like decorated house bricks on wheels. But many people simply don't like change. They crave familiarity and a Tesla is simply too challenging on all fronts to get their head around. To be fair, it took me a little while for the penny to drop. Now I wouldn't look back.
I only watched TG for the review and even with the already mentioned caveats I thought it was a very positive review. If they had also mentioned that BiK for company car drivers will be negliable from next Apr the BMW / Audi / Mercedes sales would take an hammering!
I only watched TG for the review and even with the already mentioned caveats I thought it was a very positive review. If they had also mentioned that BiK for company car drivers will be negliable from next Apr the BMW / Audi / Mercedes sales would take an hammering!

Yes it always surprises me that that does not get more of a mention. I know its a way off yet but a BMW M3 is 37% which for a higher rate tax payer ( and I assume most BMW M3 owners are) that is over £8500 in tax per year. Where as a Model 3 is currently 16% so £3400 ish. and next year that will be. about £600. Those are crazy numbers.
The only thing we don't know is how long the 2% will last its only been locked in for next year. hopefully will find out in the autumn that it will be extended, would not be surprised if it at least starts to creep back up. Very sad if its one year only
If it is held for a year or 2 I cannot see why this will not drive significant adoption of EV's as company cars. I have the option of a company car which I do not take up because its cheaper to take the cash and buy my own used but with that on the horizon........
I don't think the review was particularly insightful for people like us who hang out on Tesla forums :) but you gotta like the cinematography that they have on Top Gear... dramatic lighting, slo-mo and nice drone shots. I imagine it will be good marketing for Tesla.

I think the comment at the end about "Tesla ducking out of the car game and selling batteries" is rubbish though.
Having now watched the TG review I have to say these guys appear to know next to nothing about EVs, so I don't see much value in their opinion, especially when it comes to actually living with an EV. Reviewing largely on the basis of track performance is also missing much of the point of an EV as an everyday car. But it does at least show the versatility of the Model 3. But where it really kicks the ass of other ultra-high performance saloons is in the mundane task of daily driving. For example Harris just about picked up on how quick these things accelerate out of slow corners, which is a lot more useful in normal road driving than a fractionally higher cornering limit. You also don't need to wait for the kick-down and rev to the red line through the gears like a chav every time you want to utilise the performance. With a performance EV it's always right there under your foot ready to go in an instant. I'd love to see a Model 3P compared against a BMW M3 for in-gear acceleration. It would smash it to pieces at any sane UK speed.