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Navigate on Autopilot is Useless (2018.42.3)

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It sounds to me that you do not know what "beta" means. This was a lot of work to complain about something. I'm glad Elon had the guts to let us test this, knowing there are people like you around.

Come on! Of course he knows what beta means. But it shouldn't mean intermittently bizarre, occasionally dangerous, or sometimes totally unpredictable. I think there are enough reports of serious dysfunction - mirroring what the OP describes - that Tesla needs to either fix this soon, or turn it off. You don't have to have it behaving badly for everyone much of the time for it to be untenable. You only need it to behave badly some of the time, for some of the users. This is, after all, a safety issue, no?
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Okay, I was pretty excited to get NoA on my MS90D (currently on 2018.42.2) and I like some of the features and realize it's a step forward with much work to go. I received a loaner today at the SvC (MSP90D) and noticed it had the latest software 42.3. On the drive home on AP, I was pretty impressed at how well AP was driving. It was confident in the lane, starts and stops were improved over 42.2, lane changes (that I initiated) were smooth, the car subtly edged over when a car in the adjacent lane got too close... It was a noticeable improvement! My first thought was that I should probably have camera alignment checked on my car. I got home, looked at the loaner and realized it was AP1. This was the first time I had driven an AP1 car since the test drive two years ago. I'm happy we're just about at parity at this point.

On another note ... I'm already spoiled driving the performance model. I might not give it back :D

It's funny you mention this, as recently I had a very similar experience with a client who owns a P100D X with AP2.5. I was showing off the P100++ and let them drive it between my shop and home. Later on we were talking about the car and he asked how I "already retrofitted the new autopilot" on to the car. I told him it was still AP1 and he quite literally did not believe me and walked back over to the car to confirm it only had the one camera. The car has some of my minor AP1 augments working... mainly just nag-free, anti-truck lust, and some known-road auto-steer smoothing (the auto lane change stuff only works if my driver profile is active at the moment).

I mainly just found it kind of amusing that he thought it was an upgrade above what he had on his X.
Well truthfully I WAS surprised. AP2 isn't bad, I use it all the time. I believe it will get significantly better but wonder if the next iteration of Mobile will surpass AP. I'm rooting for Tesla and hope AP3 will make significant gains.
Got the 2017 MS 90D back from annual service today. With 42.3 installed, it was time for more Navigate on Autopilot use. Turning off the HOV worked well in light traffic with no need for HOV lane use. Took the NOA out of Mad Max mode to decrease lane change requests to get around slow traffic. With that in mind:

What I really like about Navigate on Autopilot is how the Tesla vehicle is guided into the proper lane for multiple freeway changes. The navigation knows what lane to be in. This works well when traversing through the LA/OC basin on shopping adventures where I may not be driving in the exact lane for an upcoming freeway change when signage is poor. This feature will greatly add confidence for cross country travel through cities never visited before. While verbal navigation helps, Navigate on Autopilot is like having a local expert point out the exact lane you must be in. Using it when roads are unfamiliar will be enjoyable. Leave NOA off during your drive if you are annoyed by expert advice. :cool:
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I didn't bother reading every prior comment but I want to make an observation I feel at least some of the commenters might either be forgetting or just not understanding although I feel the majority of commenters do understand Autopilot's primary premise. That primary premise is the driver is still 100% in control and 100% responsible for the vehicle while in Autopilot. If/When the driver feels uncomfortable or unsafe or mistaken while using Autopilot they should simply discontinue using it until that time when they feel comfortable/safe using it. Then we need to consider the driver's new set of responsibilities when layering on Navigation while using Autopilot. And finally we need to consider the driver's increasing set of responsibilities when activating/layering on "Navigate on Autopilot."

Folks, this is not a game of chicken. Simply put, until autonomous driving is achieved the driver is in control and it is their actions that will be noted as being either safe or unsafe not the vehicle in the event of an accident. If any of the driver aids do not work to the satisfaction of the driver then 1) either stop using them or 2) get it fixed. If nothing is broken or in need of adjustment then reevaluate your use of the driving aid system. Note: This advice applies to every piece of equipment that actually is the vehicle, e.g., seat belts, lights, turn signals, brakes, etc.

I have a final point to make that I think greatly and yet simply illustrates the point of my comment. When using Autopilot and encountering a damaged highway surface in need of repair (think potholes or any rough road for that matter); What do you do? If you are like me you turn off Autopilot because I do not want to damage my tires or wheels or both. This problem and solution should be understood to be applicable to the use of any and all components of the vehicle.
Okay, I was pretty excited to get NoA on my MS90D (currently on 2018.42.2) and I like some of the features and realize it's a step forward with much work to go. I received a loaner today at the SvC (MSP90D) and noticed it had the latest software 42.3. On the drive home on AP, I was pretty impressed at how well AP was driving. It was confident in the lane, starts and stops were improved over 42.2, lane changes (that I initiated) were smooth, the car subtly edged over when a car in the adjacent lane got too close... It was a noticeable improvement! My first thought was that I should probably have camera alignment checked on my car. I got home, looked at the loaner and realized it was AP1. This was the first time I had driven an AP1 car since the test drive two years ago. I'm happy we're just about at parity at this point.

On another note ... I'm already spoiled driving the performance model. I might not give it back :D

Yeah, I drove my husband’s AP1 today for the first time in over a month. AP1 had gotten a little worse at the end of the V8 software cycle, where it was diving for more exits than it used to, but with V9, it seems like they fixed that.

It was buttery smooth - very nice gradual slowdowns for traffic and not punching the accelerator to speed up. It also didn’t brake as aggressively for slower cars entering my lane, much more like a human would vs AP 2 which overeacts IMO. Rock solid lane centering. Plus I could use it on the 20 miles of my commute that requires sign reading due to the incorrect database.
Yeah, I drove my husband’s AP1 today for the first time in over a month. AP1 had gotten a little worse at the end of the V8 software cycle, where it was diving for more exits than it used to, but with V9, it seems like they fixed that.

It was buttery smooth - very nice gradual slowdowns for traffic and not punching the accelerator to speed up. It also didn’t brake as aggressively for slower cars entering my lane, much more like a human would vs AP 2 which overeacts IMO. Rock solid lane centering. Plus I could use it on the 20 miles of my commute that requires sign reading due to the incorrect database.
Didn't @wk057 say that there had been no AP1 updates in about two years?
And this makes it danegrus in use.
It suddenly takes speedlimits from map insted of signs.
example: Goin from city traffic and on to a highway. The cars read 80 from a sign. accelerate. Suddenly gets a "60" limit from some maps. and puts on the brakes. danegrus with people behind.
and this keeps on and on over hundreds of kilometers. maks ACC brakes in turns and autopilot useless..
I HATE this maps / tiles future..
I seemed to notice that with 2018.42.3 my '360 degree' surrounding cars became steadier than the prev 42.x. Could be my imagination. Hopefully GIF shows.

Tesla 360 steady ezgif-3-a35ed7c2b497.gif
After 1,100+ miles of NoA......As is..I won’t be able to use NoA on automatic lane change mode unless it makes HUGE strides. Several segments of my commute NoA demands to leave the HOV lanes to slower lanes to just re-enter after several miles. No rhyme or reason but the same occurrence every time. I have reported it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows when that’ll be fixed.

One of my expressway transitions leaves the HOV lane and crosses 4 lanes of heavy traffic within 3/4 of a mile. NoA is NOT capable of this 4 lane transition at this point and creates a serious traffic hazard.

Unless some major improvements are made I’ll have to leave “automatic lane change” off once it is available. So sad
Some of the highway transitions do seem to have the lanes a bit weird. I-5 south past I-405 will move you over to the right two lanes even though more than that are indicated as going through by the nav.

I have to agree that the 360 view got better with 42.3 than it was when it first showed up. I'm really hoping for quick improvement on this, since there should be lots of data available to feed the models.
I finally got some time to play with NoA on an AP2.5 loaner S and my AP2.0 S. I was surprised how terrible it is at actually changing lanes. I have used the regular lane change function on AutoPilot in the past and haven't complained about it since many updates ago. However, lane change for NoA just completely fails at times, whether it just stays in the same lane with the turn signal on for a few minutes until it turns off the turn signal, or it starts to switch lanes then goes back into the original lane multiple times in a row (angering the cars behind me) until I cancel AP altogether. I do like it's ability to switch freeways or take an exit, but it's hesitation to change lanes leaves a lot of room for improvement.