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Firmware 7.0 Beta Discussion

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They might not have another choice. The v7 has been in the "beta" stage for more than 2 months, yet we haven't seen even one leaked video of autosteer. But there are several videos of v7 beta that quite prominently do NOT have it. Can

To me it all stinks of a failed software product. I know the feeling, I'd been there.

It's quite possible that 2-3 months ago Tesla's engineers realized that their approach is flawed, but perhaps could be made workable with sufficient amounts of duct tape. So they began duct-taping the code - that often is a good short-term strategy to get a product out of the door. But then, sometimes it fails and you are forced to re-engineer a system (after you've lost a lot of time trying to make your first attempt workable). In this scenario, Tesla engineers are frantically working 90-hour weeks now, trying to build a new system while the management stalls for time with "beta testing" optics and the Model X launch.

Releasing a half-baked v7 release without autopilot only to "fix" it later after a couple of weeks with obvious additions (like always showing the digital clock, temperature and energy meter) very much fits into this scenario.

PS: I won a $2000 private bet that autopilot won't be finished before the Model X release.
PPS: I have another private bet for $3000 that the autopilot won't be released this year.
Always entertaining to see "Negative Neds" spewing speculation.
I think that blade cuts both ways.

Ha, this entire thread is about speculation.

We're given tidbits of information here and there without any true understanding of how that information came to be. We have no idea what was accidentally released by Tesla, or what was purposely leaked.

Tesla has lots of reasons to purpose leak stuff to see how people REALLY react to it. It's pretty telling that every "accidental" release so far has been of a version that either went to a car without the AutoPilot hardware or it was a version of SW that didn't have auto-steer.

My own negative speculation was fueled by the combination of the Model X having V7 without auto-steer, and with the Model S in the latest video having a non-beta SW version number. It's also fueled by my own concerns about how Tesla plans on handling auto-steer. I imagine there is a lot of contention at Tesla between Elon, the engineers, and the lawyers as to how to do deal with Auto-steer in the event that the driver isn't taking control when he/she needs to. People are forgetting that lawyers don't give a rats ass about a feature being safer than not having it. They only care about what Tesla can liable for.

I don't think I'm a negative ned because last week I had positive speculation due to the release of the release notes so there is an ebb/flow based on what the latest information is. :)

As to someone making bets on AutoPilot I find that hilarious because what defines any of those things? Was the Model X released? Not to my definition of what it is to release something. Autopilot is also something that is hard to define because what autopilot is changes. He's easily going to win $3K if he insist that every feature Elon mentioned is within the release. He might not win if it's auto-steer.
I was hoping Tesla wasn't capable of releasing what I see as a dreadful 7.0 interface in the leaked state, with that clock :crying: and the loss of critical data like the instant power use front-and-center....but obviously it's happening. This video is another sign of that. Thanks for posting.

I guess I'm refusing to update the car then. I'll have to talk to the service centers to make sure it never gets updated.

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Only way to see ambient temp in 7.0 is to display an enormous analog clock on the dash display. Very stupid IMO.


It's perhaps startling how often I check the day of the week (parking restrictions vary). I'm not willing to lose that either.
Hank, I wasn't intending to call you out specifically with this; I shouldn't have quoted you. I was responding to a fairly strong theme in the 7.0 outrage here on TMC which suggests that Tesla is incompetent and unaware of the impact of their design, and had they only known, they wouldn't have messed with things.

Tesla is most definitively incompetent if (emphasis on the if) they are aware of the impact of poor design choices and are making those choices anyway.

(Perhaps they are unaware. Or perhaps they are busily fixing their mistakes, since all the leaks we've seen are technically beta -- that would be competent. But if they are aware and they are not fixing them, then that is incompetent.)
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It's quite possible that 2-3 months ago Tesla's engineers realized that their approach is flawed, but perhaps could be made workable with sufficient amounts of duct tape. So they began duct-taping the code - that often is a good short-term strategy to get a product out of the door. But then, sometimes it fails and you are forced to re-engineer a system (after you've lost a lot of time trying to make your first attempt workable). In this scenario, Tesla engineers are frantically working 90-hour weeks now, trying to build a new system while the management stalls for time with "beta testing" optics and the Model X launch.

Releasing a half-baked v7 release without autopilot only to "fix" it later after a couple of weeks with obvious additions (like always showing the digital clock, temperature and energy meter) very much fits into this scenario.
Surely better to not release the half-baked version for general release at all. (Beta testing is another matter.) Perhaps they rushed it for the Model X launch because Model X can't run on the 6.2 firmware? :p

Tesla should really have a proper beta-testing program, open to lots of people, complete with the "OK, I'm tired of the beta testing, get me out and roll me back to the last official release" option. But honestly it seems like they need a lot more ALPHA testing.

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At this risk of sounding snippy...you need your $100k car to tell you what day it is?

I know it's weird. I have an extraordinarily poor sense of time. Don't ask why, I don't know why, it's been true my whole life. Call it a disability. It's been very very convenient for my car to tell me what day it is. My computer and my phone are also set up to tell me what day it is in very prominent places, but of course I can't check them *while driving*.
I know it's weird. I have an extraordinarily poor sense of time. Don't ask why, I don't know why, it's been true my whole life. Call it a disability. It's been very very convenient for my car to tell me what day it is. My computer and my phone are also set up to tell me what day it is in very prominent places, but of course I can't check them *while driving*.

As someone who regularly gets lost driving home, I get it.
I know it's weird. I have an extraordinarily poor sense of time. Don't ask why, I don't know why, it's been true my whole life. Call it a disability. It's been very very convenient for my car to tell me what day it is. My computer and my phone are also set up to tell me what day it is in very prominent places, but of course I can't check them *while driving*.

That's how I feel about the Time, Temp, and Day/Date along the bottom of the current IC display. It's all information that I actually use constantly despite lots of people telling me that no, I actually don't need any of that information, or I can look all the way over to the tiny little clock in the upper right of the touchscreen. This, my friends, is NOT progress.
That's how I feel about the Time, Temp, and Day/Date along the bottom of the current IC display. It's all information that I actually use constantly despite lots of people telling me that no, I actually don't need any of that information, or I can look all the way over to the tiny little clock in the upper right of the touchscreen. This, my friends, is NOT progress.

Hopefully they have the temp, day, date and time optional to display on the dash if desired. I use it enough that I would miss it. I've had it on my old Jeep for almost 20 years.
Hopefully they have the temp, day, date and time optional to display on the dash if desired. I use it enough that I would miss it.

(Rehashing) Of course, they do with the ugly clock -- but that takes up one of only two side spots available for other, more critical information, like Nav and Trip Odometers (which have also been senselessly hacked up).
This is all so much speculation and negative and based on so little fact. We have seen nothing that indicates that they are doing anything other then trying to release an excellent product. THAT is why they are testing it, and that is why they have not released it yet.

Sometimes in testing you learn and want to make changes before a release, and we are dealing with people's lives here, this is not some stupid iPhone App. So let them take their time, do a quality product with proper quality control and not have a botched release just to make some stupid time deadline that is totally arbitrary based on Elon mouthing off. I have waited 40+ years to have a car that steers itself. Another month or two…. in order to release a product that is reliable, that is smart and a good investment for our safety and the future of the company. What kind of bashing will they take if there are problems and someone gets hurt?

There is no incentive to release it too soon. There are 5999 people in this company other then Elon - they must be doing something. Let them do their process and maybe lighten up a bit. So far the results are fabulous.


This is all so much speculation and negative and based on so little fact. We have seen nothing that indicates that they are doing anything other then trying to release an excellent product. THAT is why they are testing it, and that is why they have not released it yet.

Sometimes in testing you learn and want to make changes before a release, and we are dealing with people's lives here, this is not some stupid iPhone App. So let them take their time, do a quality product with proper quality control and not have a botched release just to make some stupid time deadline that is totally arbitrary based on Elon mouthing off. I have waited 40+ years to have a car that steers itself. Another month or two…. in order to release a product that is reliable, that is smart and a good investment for our safety and the future of the company. What kind of bashing will they take if there are problems and someone gets hurt?

There is no incentive to release it too soon. There are 5999 people in this company other then Elon - they must be doing something. Let them do their process and maybe lighten up a bit. So far the results are fabulous.
They might not have another choice. The v7 has been in the "beta" stage for more than 2 months, yet we haven't seen even one leaked video of autosteer. But there are several videos of v7 beta that quite prominently do NOT have it. Can

To me it all stinks of a failed software product. I know the feeling, I'd been there.

It's quite possible that 2-3 months ago Tesla's engineers realized that their approach is flawed, but perhaps could be made workable with sufficient amounts of duct tape. So they began duct-taping the code - that often is a good short-term strategy to get a product out of the door. But then, sometimes it fails and you are forced to re-engineer a system (after you've lost a lot of time trying to make your first attempt workable). In this scenario, Tesla engineers are frantically working 90-hour weeks now, trying to build a new system while the management stalls for time with "beta testing" optics and the Model X launch.

Releasing a half-baked v7 release without autopilot only to "fix" it later after a couple of weeks with obvious additions (like always showing the digital clock, temperature and energy meter) very much fits into this scenario.

PS: I won a $2000 private bet that autopilot won't be finished before the Model X release.
PPS: I have another private bet for $3000 that the autopilot won't be released this year.

What I love about these sort of posts is so often, how foolish they look a few weeks down the road. I'm willing to bet Tesla will deliver what they promised like they have with everything else.
Anyone seen this video? I believe it has not been posted here yet...


I want to acknowledge the questions raised about how well the software that "accidentally" got onto this vehicle actually reflects what is currently available in beta or planned for the final release or how this will play out on cars that don't have autopilot enabled (lack of hardware or option not purchased). So I am not worried about specific details, but rather the overall theme, which is consistent with other glimpses.

By all accounts instrument cluster (IC) gets a large animation that appears to display what the car is sensing about its environment in a way that makes sense to a nontechnical user. Why? This is not necessary to drive the car. Perhaps handy for the engineers implementing and testing the software but they don't need anything this pretty and probably want more details. IMHO, this is intended to help the driver develop confidence in the AutoPilot by showing that the car is aware of everything relevant that the driver sees. As a geek, I find this interesting to see but I don't see that it is actionable information. Therefore, it is just nice to have information, rather than essential information. The car warns me when it needs assistance. I don't monitor the animation for errors in the AutoPilot's perception of the road and other cars.

Unfortunately, to make room for this complex animated display of the car relative to its environment, many pieces of nice information which are currently on the display have been displaced. I am among the technically inclined that enjoy access to this information. While some of this information really isn't needed when the car is in control (like feedback on instantaneous power output), it seems like it is permanently gone, even when the car is in manual mode, or at least moved to an app that provides less detail.

I find it concerning that the new apps for energy and trips also provide less detail than the existing ones. I understand that some customers may prefer simpler displays with less detail that is sufficient for their needs. However, given the flexibility that Apps enable, there can be two (or more) versions of the Apps with different levels of detail. That is more software to maintain, but this is really easy stuff, especially in comparison to the animated car display. There is a potential issue with having too many Apps to scroll through. The easy solution is to allow selection of which Apps are assigned to each scroll wheel, or worst case, selection from a handful of predefined App sets. (I find it difficult to believe that some detail needs to be suppressed because the animated display pushes the hardware to its knees - the rendering is no where near what even a simple video game needs.)

If the detailed information is still available, but buried somewhere not obvious from the limited information that we have seen, I can likely live with it, but I will be sad if the information is completely gone. The Model S is awesome because of the software that handles technical details like battery pack management, power distribution, TACC, and hopefully the remaining AP driving features. As long as the critical, actionable information gets presented, I may be sad, but not upset, about Tesla's selection of less essential information to show. And I will give feedback, when I finally see what actually gets pushed to my car.
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What I love about these sort of posts is so often, how foolish they look a few weeks down the road. I'm willing to bet Tesla will deliver what they promised like they have with everything else.
After a couple years of delay and/or with a price tag attached (khm.. Ludicrous... khm...)? Yes, I can believe that.

Personally for me, the most worrying sign is that we haven't yet seen any actual videos of AP in action. Even though there should be a sizable Beta program going on right now. I just can't believe that not one of the beta testers (or their passengers!) could fail to resists temptation to post a couple of short "Look Ma, no hands!" videos to Youtube.