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Elon's Bromance with Cheeto Jesus

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That handicapped guy in question doesn't flail around like that.

The same is true about "blackface" where black people don't look like that but the target is clear to reinforce stereotype and making this kind of behavior normalized and acceptable:


If someone does a middle finger in front of public and can be seen all over the world by TV, scientifically that person did raise a third finger up and the rest were clamped down.

I am not talking about objective judges now, but if you don't like that person, you might be outraged and complain about the obscene gesture.

However, if you like that person, you can rationalize that, hey that person does that to everyone. What is the harm. Where's the outraged? As a matter of fact that person uses the same gesture to tap on 17" screen too.

Regardless on how people perceive about a gesture, scientifically, that gesture was done.
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Am I the only one here who's uncomfortable with Elon's seemingly budding bromance with Cheeto Jesus (aka President of the United States whom I'll never call by name)? The cozier it gets, the more concerned I become... What exactly is Elon's motive here? Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?

Meh, this kind of stuff just comes off as puritanical, his motives are clearly to advance his business objectives, which are parallel with his life objectives of converting the world to clean energy and making humans multiplanetary. If it's possible to gain influence with any administration, doing so is a no-brainer for any organization I can think of.

If you're made uncomfortable by people whom you admire merely advising the politically undesirable, then it's probably time to take a step back from politics, and take a deep breath.
Meh, this kind of stuff just comes off as puritanical, his motives are clearly to advance his business objectives, which are parallel with his life objectives of converting the world to clean energy and making humans multiplanetary. If it's possible to gain influence with any administration, doing so is a no-brainer for any organization I can think of.

If you're made uncomfortable by people whom you admire merely advising the politically undesirable, then it's probably time to take a step back from politics, and take a deep breath.

Exactly. The question, of course, is 'if you had a chance to influence this administration for the better - would you do it?'. If you wouldn't, then you're missing the big picture imo.

But again, I'm so glad I'm not in that position because I'm not sure I could control my thoughts. They tend to come out in my out loud voice in those situations. :)
Fine, be afraid. My only point here is the looking at the facts with an open mind, without bias, I just can't see that he was mocking the guy. If there were no other prior video proof I would agree.

I just find it amazing that even with evidence of prior use of these gestures that so many refuse to acknowledge the possibility that he didn't mock the guy. Admitting that possibly doesn't mean all the other reasons you can't stand him are invalid.

It's the scientist in me that simply looks for proof or evidence one way or the other to support the hypothesis.

Simple question... How do you sleep at night? Seriously? You're here trying to defend the indefensible and for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than to say without saying "I support this ridiculous excuse for a human being". Then to make it worse, you simply won't let it go...

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Exactly. The question, of course, is 'if you had a chance to influence this administration for the better - would you do it?'. If you wouldn't, then you're missing the big picture imo.

But again, I'm so glad I'm not in that position because I'm not sure I could control my thoughts. They tend to come out in my out loud voice in those situations. :)

Elon gives Trump credibility - I think that's the main reason why EM was invited. Hopefully EM will get something substantial in return for hours of 'tongue biting'.
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Elon gives Trump credibility - I think that's the main reason why EM was invited. Hopefully EM will get something substantial in return for hours of 'tongue biting'.
Whatever the motivation for inviting Elon (I assume Peter Thiel had a lot to do with it), the fact remains if he doesn't have a seat at the table, he has zero chance of influencing.
Am I the only one here who's uncomfortable with Elon's seemingly budding bromance with Cheeto Jesus (aka President of the United States whom I'll never call by name)? The cozier it gets, the more concerned I become... What exactly is Elon's motive here? Anyone have any thoughts on the matter?

It surprises me that you feel at liberty to criticize President Trump for the color of his skin. Just calling out hypocrisy when I see it.
It surprises me that you feel at liberty to criticize President Trump for the color of his skin. Just calling out hypocrisy when I see it.

Do you really believe that Trump has orange skin? Anyway, no one minds or criticizes Trump for being a bad advertisement for tanning salons. People of any color can be racists and/or bigots.
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Totally serious. I won't actually cite them here but an equivalent racist comment about the colour of Obama's skin would cause outrage and be deleted immediately.

The standard you accept is the standard you set.

I don't know whether to laugh or to.... I'm pretty sure, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, orange isn't an actual skin complexion or representative of any ethnicity or otherwise... If you're going to take it that literally then so be it... All I can do is sit here and scratch my head while laughing in a confused manor...

I don't know whether to laugh or to.... I'm pretty sure, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, orange isn't an actual skin complexion or representative of any ethnicity or otherwise... If you're going to take it that literally then so be it... All I can do is sit here and scratch my head while laughing in a confused manor...

And Africans aren't totally black, Asians are not yellow, etc. White people can appear red or orange (hence the term redneck).

Try and justify it how you want but it is what it is, you are criticising a person for the color of their skin.
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Orange definitely is a term of ethnicity, more so than many other terms about. Under Australian law, 'Cheeto Jesus' would be considered racial discrimination, and possibly religious discrimination also. You could call a friend that, otherwise its offensive vilification under Australian 18C law.
Orange definitely is a term of ethnicity, more so than many other terms about. Under Australian law, 'Cheeto Jesus' would be considered racial discrimination, and possibly religious discrimination also. You could call a friend that, otherwise its offensive vilification under Australian 18C law.

News to me, but I don't live in Australia, and neither does Trump. It's not considered ethnically insensitive to call someone orange, green, blue, or turquoise here in the US.

Probably should refrain from calling someone a "mudblood" though...thems fightin words.
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