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Speaking of COVID-19 and politics, in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, a Republican member had symptoms, tested positive told his Republican leadership who never told the Democratic leadership or anyone else for over a week. Several of his Republican members self quarantined though. Pa. House Democrats say they were in the dark for a week about Republican’s positive coronavirus test


State Rep. Andrew Lewis (R., Dauphin) said in a statement that he received a positive COVID-19 result on May 20 and immediately began self-isolation. He said he informed House officials after he received the result, and that they have worked to identify anyone with whom he may have come into contact...

He added: “Out of respect for my family, and those who I may have exposed, I chose to keep my positive case private....

So, not much respect for the Democrats apparently.

Diamond has been one of the legislature’s most vocal opponents of mask-wearing, boasting on social media that he goes shopping without one...


This is why I say that any testing and contact tracing program needs to be mandatory, and positive tests be automatically entered into a database.
Speaking of COVID-19 and politics, in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, a Republican member had symptoms, tested positive told his Republican leadership who never told the Democratic leadership or anyone else for over a week. Several of his Republican members self quarantined though. Pa. House Democrats say they were in the dark for a week about Republican’s positive coronavirus test
From your article:
State Rep. Andrew Lewis (R., Dauphin) said in a statement that he received a positive COVID-19 result on May 20 and immediately began self-isolation. He said he informed House officials after he received the result, and that they have worked to identify anyone with whom he may have come into contact. Lewis said he was last in the Capitol on May 14.
“I can confirm every member or staff member who met the criteria for exposure was immediately contacted and required to self-isolate for 14 days from their date of possible exposure," Lewis said in a statement.
“Absolutely anyone, from anywhere in the Capitol, who may have been exposed within those guidelines was notified,” Straub said. “We followed data and science, implementing the guidelines from the CDC and Pennsylvania Department of Health, in line with exactly what Gov. Wolf requires from any business that wishes to operate.”
Where exactly is the problem? He notified the proper authorities, they notified the people involved, and those people self-isolated.
From your article:

Where exactly is the problem? He notified the proper authorities, they notified the people involved, and those people self-isolated.
I guess you only see what you want to see. He only told the Republicans, who made sure their members were taken care of. No Democratic members were told for a week. He had symptoms and exposed people before taking a test and waiting a couple days to get a result. I have a good friend who is a Democratic member of the PA State House who worked with these guys. They literally don't care about anyone but themselves.
I guess you only see what you want to see. He only told the Republicans, who made sure their members were taken care of. No Democratic members were told for a week. He had symptoms and exposed people before taking a test and waiting a couple days to get a result. I have a good friend who is a Democratic member of the PA State House who worked with these guys. They literally don't care about anyone but themselves.
Did he have physical contact with any Democrats during that time? Give me their names.
Did he have physical contact with any Democrats during that time? Give me their names.
I don't know who you think you are and maybe you didn't mean to type that, but it is incredibly obnoxious. Here is a Facebook video that explains the coverup the Republicans perpetrated just to pass a bunch of idiotic freedumb bills to attack our Governor. You may not take COVID-19 exposure seriously, but the people who had to work with this idiot and the people he exposed are upset. And it was deliberate on the part of the Republican leadership to do this. That is how they are.
I don't know who you think you are and maybe you didn't mean to type that, but it is incredibly obnoxious. Here is a Facebook video that explains the coverup the Republicans perpetrated just to pass a bunch of idiotic freedumb bills to attack our Governor. You may not take COVID-19 exposure seriously, but the people who had to work with this idiot and the people he exposed are upset. And it was deliberate on the part of the Republican leadership to do this. That is how they are.
Obnoxious? You said, He had symptoms and exposed people before taking a test and waiting a couple days to get a result. I have a good friend who is a Democratic member of the PA State House who worked with these guys. Was your friend exposed? Who was exposed to the guy that wasn't notified?

You made the claim and then a bunch of other anti-Republican mindreadings. Back it up with data.
From your article:

Where exactly is the problem? He notified the proper authorities, they notified the people involved, and those people self-isolated.
The 'problem' is the charge that exposed Repubs were notified, exposed Dems were not. If that turns out to be true then the Repubs involved should be impeached immediately. There should be criminal charges but I don't know if the law has caught up with the realities of the epidemic.

Are you having trouble understanding what is being charged ?
  • Senior Repub leadership orchestrated a cover-up while protecting the Repubs
  • Then they allowed a potentially fatal infectious disease to spread amongst the Dems
The 'problem' is the charge that exposed Repubs were notified, exposed Dems were not. If that turns out to be true then the Repubs involved should be impeached immediately. There should be criminal charges but I don't know if the law has caught up with the realities of the epidemic.

Are you having trouble understanding what is being charged ?
  • Senior Repub leadership orchestrated a cover-up while protecting the Repubs
  • Then they allowed a potentially fatal infectious disease to spread amongst the Dems
Simple question: who were the "exposed Dems"?

You're calling for impeachment and criminal charges so you must know.
Today I drove by an intersection that had a red light that had been flickering for a couple of days.
There was a city maintenance truck there with 5 or 6 orange cones and a guy on a cherry picker swapping out the light.
One guy. One truck. Outside in 95F heat. No one within 100 ft. (except me in my car stopped at the light watching)
He had on a black face mask.
Why? What scientific study says this is needed?
City politics? Union rules? Personal preference?
Because he can't guarantee that when he comes down there won't be someone right there (Perhaps a supervisor). The idea is that you wear a mask anytime there is potential to meet someone. It's how the countries that have succeeded do it. We should follow those who succeed rather than Joe Sixpack.
The only thing that can save the "South" from its own stupidity, trumperism and religious fervor is a vaccine, and I doubt it will be available in quantity before 2021.

The only good news is that fat zombies get around in vehicles, so a low wall is enough. It is going to be quite a political fight though when states with Covid-19 under control look to restrict air travel from zombie states.

Do we really need to listen to this kind of bigoted nonsense? Name any other "group" that we would allow posters to openly mock and disparage in this manner?

According to the NY Times the counties that voted for Trump are faring far better than the counties that voted for Clinton yet you come on almost daily and disparage these people. You've been making dire predictions about the South for months on this thread that have not come true yet you keep spewing the same vitriol. Give it a rest already, it helps nothing and just contributes to more and more polarization. I didn't even vote for Trump and I'm tired of hearing this nonsense all over the thread.

Red vs Blue Counties

I live in the South (though just barely on the northern edge of it) and in one of the most conservative cities in the country and I see about 75% of people wearing masks when inside buildings.. and that was before the governor ordered it. We have no racial disparity in our cases (if anything white people are disproportionately faring worse) and we only have had 22 deaths out of 475,000 people, only one of which was under the age of 60.

VDH Coronavirus Dashboard

Obviously density, international airports, lifestyle, and other factors play a huge role in why dense urban cities have been hit harder. We all understand that. But enough with the divisive bigoted comments already, there is no data to back up your claim that the South is doing any worse than other places in the country... If anything, the data says the opposite.