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Not really relevant the point I was making. But substitute back seat with front seat, or L3+ with L4+. I was describing a scenario where you would be paying less attention to the road.

Most of the work of driving is deciding what to do. Moving the pedals and steering wheel is trivial and doesn't require any real physical effort.

Speaking as a control loop guy, the "actuator" part of a control loop is usually easy. It's the sensor, filter, compute parts, nominally in the brain, that require the heavy lifting. And looking at one piece of a control loop and declaring that the difficulty of that part means that the whole thing is trivial is, to say the least, vastly understating the entire problem.

The work of driving isn't minor muscular movements, it's the high-powered (in the literal sense of the phrase) compute part under the skull that's working, and working hard.

Ha. The best way to get one's hands and feet warm in cold weather is to cover the head with something warm. The body will cut blood flow and reduce temperatures of the extremities and the core before it'll reduce warm, nutrient-full blood to the brain, so covering the head to reduce heat being transferred to the environment from there allows more of the heat to be allocated to what nature considers to be the less useful portions of the body.
Speed limits are always posted on the highway plan, which is what should show up even on google or apple maps. What do they show when you are on those roads?
Speed limits show up properly on Apple Maps. I suspect they don't show up properly on Google Maps, but I don't use that much anymore. I do know for sure that Google "forgot" a lot of mapping information for the area about a year ago. It no longer knows where most driveways are, even though it had them correctly shown for at least a decade previously. I suspect the speed limit information may have broken at the same time.

That leads me into another minor annoyance: FSDS can't navigate into my driveway because Google Maps puts the location on the wrong road. I live on the corner of two roads and Google navigates to the wrong one, where there is no driveway or house with my number.
I usually keep hands on the wheel even with FSD engaged, but apparently with too light of a touch when I'm on a straight road. It feels to me like the amount of torque needed to clear the nag is variable depending on why the car decided to give me the nag and when the torque required is at the high level I have about a 50% chance of accidentally cancelling the FSD when I apply my steering wheel torque. Incidentally, the cruise control button could only cancel the first nag "level" and if it got to the second "level" (usually triggered if the camera sees me pick up my phone off the charger), it didn't work with that button. Now I'm back to clicking the right scroll wheel sideways as that still works in all situations.
I'm keeping my hands on the wheel. Putting a little pressure on it when it veers back and forth seems to avoid the nags. I'm ready to disengage for dicey situations.

I'd love to be able to look around and daydream, but that's when it will screw up. Murphy's law.
Most of the work of driving is deciding what to do. Moving the pedals and steering wheel is trivial and doesn't require any real physical effort.
That’s the niggly fiddley annoying part for me so I’m delighted to supervise the car doing all those bits instead. Especially all the watching of surroundings, other vehicles, people, etc. And finding the way/knowing how to interpret the navigation, which lane etc., in unfamiliar surroundings- that’s a biggie.
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I've probably logged about 1000 miles using the various FSD v12 versions to date (started with 12.2.3,, 12.3.4, currently on 12.3.6). Local errands around town almost daily, along with several road trips consisting of 2-2.5 hours each way (115-140 miles each way). Here's what I've noticed where FSD comes up short repeatedly:
  • Still lane change happy. (FYI - I purposefully don't use the MLC feature to see how it'll really perform without this enabled). I end up having to cancel lane changes quite often as FSDS seemingly changes lanes for no good reason. It also has a tendency to lane change into lanes that are quite obviously ending - via the big white arrows on the pavement - that repeat - indicating the lane is ending - yet FSDS will signal and move into these lanes - and here's the thing - those big white arrows indicating that the lane is ending - show up on the screen ahead of FSDS attempting the lane change - only to immediately have to move back into the original lane. In a few instances, it moved into the lane that was ending - then couldn't move back into the original lane due to heavy traffic. So I typically just cancel the lane changes when this occurs. This happens regardless of whether it's a right hand or left hand lane that is ending. Seems like the cameras certainly see that the lane is ending given it picks up the arrows on the pavement - but FSDS doesn't seem to "see" this data?
  • On several occasions when approaching an off-ramp - within one mile of the ramp - FSDS will move into the passing lane to attempt to go around the slower lead vehicle - but oftentimes traffic is heavy approaching the exit ramp - which is exactly why the lead vehicle is slowing down in the first place - and I've had to repeatedly intervene because FSDS cannot manage the merge back into the exit lane - had I not intervened - it would have simply missed the exit - as I've had to literally dive into the exit lane under very tight confines to avoid missing the exit - something FSDS has no hope of doing on it's own even when set to Assertive mode. Probably had this happen about ten times over the past 45 days regarding exit lanes off major highways. Granted - this is technically still using the 11.4.9 stack from what I understand - but that doesn't really matter to me.
  • Near our development, we have a double left hand turn lane off of a major two lane each direction highway, that turns onto the road that eventually leads to the entrance to our development. FSDS always, even after 25 times, chooses the wrong left hand turn lane - it needs to choose the leftmost turn lane - because the other lane - after executing the left hand turn - quickly proceeds through another light - then turns into a right hand only turn lane that starts separating out via solid lines on the pavement. FSDS will always choose the wrong turn lane, then attempts to move into the proper left lane across a solid white line (illegal in other words) shortly after the light. Even if I intervene and move the vehicle into the leftmost turn lane, and re-enable FSDS, it will execute the left hand turn, then signal into the right lane because traffic going straight always backs up further than the right lane since most folks - humans - know to stay in the left lane if they are going straight. FSDS apparently cannot read the map correctly - and repeatedly makes this same mistake. In other words, FSDS cannot infer that it needs to be in the leftmost turn lane, and stay in the left lane once executing the turn - because the right lane ends. Where's all of this supposedly AI inference that Tesla is supposedly 10x better than everyone else? It can't even infer basic lane maneuvers well IME, like this one.
  • FSDS in other double right hand turn lanes - will correctly be in the leftmost right hand turn lane - but when it executes the right hand turn - it immediately moves into the right lane - which again is an exit lane onto a major highway (I95). FSDS really seems to struggle with choosing the proper lane when multiple turn lanes are available, and then staying in the correct lane once the turn has been executed. Perhaps this is because in my area (Delaware state), it doesn't have the data needed to make these maneuvers properly when compared to Cali where I see a lot of "FSD autonomy is solved" posts. Nope, not even close in my area of the US.
  • FSDS on the way back home from the Poconos (about 140 miles each way) was fine for the most part except for at least six interventions due to the failure to change lanes when I told it to do so - and there was no reason not to. There was moderate to heavy traffic at certain points coupled with a fair number of aggressive drivers and FSDS always ends up in the left lane, but when I tell it to move out of the left lane because another driver is bearing down behind us and tailgating - and I mean less than a car length at 80mph at times - and I signal - FSDS just sits there trying to figure out what to do. It will change lanes just fine when no other vehicles are around - big deal - but when you actually have good reason to change lanes and do it now - FSD fails almost every time. It’s like the close proximity of vehicles in front and behind confuses it thoroughly. It’s VERY tentative - and at a time when it needs to move swiftly - twice when I didn’t intervene the car behind us started passing us by quickly switching into the right lane and FSD then started to finally execute the lane change - it caught itself - but this is clearly a problem. What the system needs to really do is not just watch the lead car - it needs to watch cars bearing down from behind and move out of the passing lane promptly. I also had to intervene because it was way too tentative getting into the proper lane before exiting the highway - and it waits until the last minute to try to move into the correct exit lane - then struggles to actually get into that lane - I intervened and shot into a gap - FSD would have had no hope of doing what I did and would have missed the exit.
  • Overall the problem I've observed is that FSDS doesn’t know it’s own limitations when making routing decisions. It routinely tries to stay in the left lanes until shortly before an upcoming exit - leaving less than one mile before the exit - in moderate to heavy high speed traffic - when it struggles to make the lane changes needed ahead of the exit. I have no problem with it being slow - but it shouldn’t be trying to move into the exit lane with less than 0.5 miles distance before the exit in moderate to heavy traffic. On the way up to the Poconos recently - FSDS missed one exit and I had to intervene and dive into the exit lane last minute. This issue seems more prevalent at night vs day time hours. The system doesn’t know its own limitations basically. Granted, it's certainly not self-aware, but it often seems as if the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing type thing. Don't attempt to pass a slower moving lead vehicle by moving into the left lane with under one mile to go before an exit lane is required - with moderate to heavy traffic.
  • Construction areas and inclement weather still prove to be problematic. I had to intervene while up in the Poconos when FSDS was trying to navigate onto I476N via a circular on-ramp under construction because it almost hit a construction barrier that wasn't well marked - pretty sure it would have actually impacted the barrier had I not intervened actually - scared the crap out of my wife. FSDS also limits speed fairly strictly during moderate rain - only 5mph over the posted limit at most - and under heavier rain - it just keeps ratcheting down the max speed to the point where human drivers are constantly passing us. I hit the go pedal and force it to speed up - but having to keep my foot on the go pedal the entire time kinda defeats the purpose of FSDS in a way. Hopefully this gets better over time with more data - but so far - I've not really observed that FSD v12 is any better in inclement weather than FSD 11.4.9 to date. It also repeatedly flashes up "FSD may be degraded" in a big red box on the screen - along with a nice loud chime - which gets annoying after just a few minutes - let alone over 100+ miles.
  • FSDS has issues periodically falsely reading road signs as speed limit signs. We routinely take Rt 301 down to the D.C., area for weekend getaway trips. There are 301N/301S road signs - which FSDS routinely reads as "30mph" signs - and it abruptly changes the speed to 30mph (right on the screen). The pattern I've noticed is that MD state sometimes has double signs - containing both the Rt number and the speed limit adjacent to one another - this is when this problem occurs. If it's only the Rt sign - no problem - but having both white signs right next to one another - problem.
  • In fairness we've also had several zero intervention drives over the past 45 days - except for parking and entering/exiting our driveway at home of course. FSD v12 is definitely superior to 11.4.9
I've got more feedback, but need to stop here for now.
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then turns into a right hand only turn lane that starts separating out via solid lines on the pavement. FSDS will always choose the wrong turn lane, then attempts to move into the proper left lane across a solid white line (illegal in other words) shortly after the light.
Crossing a solid white line is discouraged, but not illegal. If they want to prohibit lane changes they use a double solid white line: https://dmv.de.gov/forms/driver_serv_forms/pdfs/dr_frm_manual.pdf


I'm not sure where everyone gets the idea that it is illegal to cross a solid white line...

What the system needs to really do is not just watch the lead car - it needs to watch cars bearing down from behind and move out of the passing lane promptly.
That is weird, as it does exactly that for me. It will get in the passing lane, but as soon as some approaches from behind going faster than the set speed, it moves over to the right out of their way. (But it may not if its speed is restricted by the lead vehicle.)
Speed limits show up properly on Apple Maps. I suspect they don't show up properly on Google Maps, but I don't use that much anymore. I do know for sure that Google "forgot" a lot of mapping information for the area about a year ago. It no longer knows where most driveways are, even though it had them correctly shown for at least a decade previously. I suspect the speed limit information may have broken at the same time.

That leads me into another minor annoyance: FSDS can't navigate into my driveway because Google Maps puts the location on the wrong road. I live on the corner of two roads and Google navigates to the wrong one, where there is no driveway or house with my number.
Some of your GPS position problem might be due to GPS antenna problem. I just got my Model S GPS coaxial cable replaced. It's in the front camera housing. Check with Service.

I am beginning to think some of the Speed problem and even phantom braking of certain owners are due to Cellular coverage on the road around that area. With the new V12 FSDS, the Max speed algorithm may just default to use the AI generated Max Speed according to the road type detected if there is a problem of getting the Map data through Tesla Cellular connection.
Crossing a solid white line is discouraged, but not illegal. If they want to prohibit lane changes they use a double solid white line: https://dmv.de.gov/forms/driver_serv_forms/pdfs/dr_frm_manual.pdf

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I'm not sure where everyone gets the idea that it is illegal to cross a solid white line...
Granted, maybe not illegal - but that same area also has a bike lane that forms once the right lane separates out - it may actually be a double line - I'll have to pay closer attention next time to be sure. Either way - point being - FSDS should not have moved into a lane ending in the first place.
That is weird, as it does exactly that for me. It will get in the passing lane, but as soon as some approaches from behind going faster than the set speed, it moves over to the right out of their way. (But it may not if its speed is restricted by the lead vehicle.)
Yes - in most cases there's a lead car in front - and this issue seems proximity related. In most of the tri-state area - the left lane is legally a passing only lane - there are signs that actually state to stay out of the left lane unless you are passing. FSDS also seems to ignore these signs entirely. I have seen FSDS flash up that it's moving out of the passing lane - when there is no traffic around - but when there is moderate to heavy traffic - and the lead car is going slower than the set max speed - FSDS won't move out of the passing lane - even with a car bearing down from the rear - and even in an area with posted "passing lane only" signs.
I am beginning to think some of the Speed problem and even phantom braking of certain owners are due to Cellular coverage on the road around that area.
That aligns with my thought process that I have expressed last year- that PB is due to lack of referential information which is available two ways - vehicle leading as well as surrounding vehicles and/or information from cellular network.
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but when there is moderate to heavy traffic - and the lead car is going slower than the set max speed - FSDS won't move out of the passing lane - even with a car bearing down from the rear - and even in an area with posted "passing lane only" signs.
In these cases is the left lane going faster than the lane to the right? If so, you are still passing...
Watched the Waymo video of it obeying police directing traffic and even complex hand signals in the Waymo thread. Very impressive. Had a chance for some hand signals this morning and was a basic fail. At an all way Stop signalman was holding up our lane (car in front so no test). When our lanes turn he started signaling the car in from and it went straight and I was turning right. Of course he hand signaled me to turn right but FSDS wanted to do the Full A$$ Stop at the stop line and "look". So I pressed the accelerator to move along and it "yelled" at me. And as usual I cursed back. 🤣
Yup no support for hand gestures yet so no surprise. Hopefully by the time V12.5 is released FSD will support them.
We have all heard and experienced Tesla creeping slowly ahead to ascertain the next step.

Today I experienced Trailing/Lagging to achieve the same. The situation was as follows:

I was in the right lane of a 2 lane city road and approaching an intersection where I was to make a right turn. There was a car in the left lane blocking the view to the left side to ascertain the situation. FSDs in this case stopped half a car length behind such that it can view the traffic on the left side and make a determination on whether it is safe or not to make a right turn. It did ascertain that is is safe, as did I, and it safely made a right turn.

Life is exciting as a test pilot. That is for sure!
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That aligns with my thought process that I have expressed last year- that PB is due to lack of referential information which is available two ways - vehicle leading as well as surrounding vehicles and/or information from cellular network.
I think it also depends on what cellular network Tesla is on. The map data caching algorithm, the request of map data overlap over the air, Priority of data preference, data integrity check etc. For example, some of the Idaho two lane roads have speed limit of 65 mph, which California normally have speed limit of 55 mph. Those roads are also prone to have low cellular coverage with only one provider which may not be covered by Tesla's network. At the junction of map data switch over, a decision on what to do if new map data is not available, the speed limit read is not normal on the type of road detected, etc. The programmer have to program in the best/worst case decision.
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I've probably logged about 1000 miles using the various FSD v12 versions to date (started with 12.2.3,, 12.3.4, currently on 12.3.6). Local errands around town almost daily, along with several road trips consisting of 2-2.5 hours each way (115-140 miles each way). Here's what I've noticed where FSD comes up short repeatedly:
  • Still lane change happy. (FYI - I purposefully don't use the MLC feature to see how it'll really perform without this enabled). I end up having to cancel lane changes quite often as FSDS seemingly changes lanes for no good reason. It also has a tendency to lane change into lanes that are quite obviously ending - via the big white arrows on the pavement - that repeat - indicating the lane is ending - yet FSDS will signal and move into these lanes - and here's the thing - those big white arrows indicating that the lane is ending - show up on the screen ahead of FSDS attempting the lane change - only to immediately have to move back into the original lane. In a few instances, it moved into the lane that was ending - then couldn't move back into the original lane due to heavy traffic. So I typically just cancel the lane changes when this occurs. This happens regardless of whether it's a right hand or left hand lane that is ending. Seems like the cameras certainly see that the lane is ending given it picks up the arrows on the pavement - but FSDS doesn't seem to "see" this data?
  • On several occasions when approaching an off-ramp - within one mile of the ramp - FSDS will move into the passing lane to attempt to go around the slower lead vehicle - but oftentimes traffic is heavy approaching the exit ramp - which is exactly why the lead vehicle is slowing down in the first place - and I've had to repeatedly intervene because FSDS cannot manage the merge back into the exit lane - had I not intervened - it would have simply missed the exit - as I've had to literally dive into the exit lane under very tight confines to avoid missing the exit - something FSDS has no hope of doing on it's own even when set to Assertive mode. Probably had this happen about ten times over the past 45 days regarding exit lanes off major highways. Granted - this is technically still using the 11.4.9 stack from what I understand - but that doesn't really matter to me.
  • Near our development, we have a double left hand turn lane off of a major two lane each direction highway, that turns onto the road that eventually leads to the entrance to our development. FSDS always, even after 25 times, chooses the wrong left hand turn lane - it needs to choose the leftmost turn lane - because the other lane - after executing the left hand turn - quickly proceeds through another light - then turns into a right hand only turn lane that starts separating out via solid lines on the pavement. FSDS will always choose the wrong turn lane, then attempts to move into the proper left lane across a solid white line (illegal in other words) shortly after the light. Even if I intervene and move the vehicle into the leftmost turn lane, and re-enable FSDS, it will execute the left hand turn, then signal into the right lane because traffic going straight always backs up further than the right lane since most folks - humans - know to stay in the left lane if they are going straight. FSDS apparently cannot read the map correctly - and repeatedly makes this same mistake. In other words, FSDS cannot infer that it needs to be in the leftmost turn lane, and stay in the left lane once executing the turn - because the right lane ends. Where's all of this supposedly AI inference that Tesla is supposedly 10x better than everyone else? It can't even infer basic lane maneuvers well IME, like this one.
  • FSDS in other double right hand turn lanes - will correctly be in the leftmost right hand turn lane - but when it executes the right hand turn - it immediately moves into the right lane - which again is an exit lane onto a major highway (I95). FSDS really seems to struggle with choosing the proper lane when multiple turn lanes are available, and then staying in the correct lane once the turn has been executed. Perhaps this is because in my area (Delaware state), it doesn't have the data needed to make these maneuvers properly when compared to Cali where I see a lot of "FSD autonomy is solved" posts. Nope, not even close in my area of the US.
  • FSDS on the way back home from the Poconos (about 140 miles each way) was fine for the most part except for at least six interventions due to the failure to change lanes when I told it to do so - and there was no reason not to. There was moderate to heavy traffic at certain points coupled with a fair number of aggressive drivers and FSDS always ends up in the left lane, but when I tell it to move out of the left lane because another driver is bearing down behind us and tailgating - and I mean less than a car length at 80mph at times - and I signal - FSDS just sits there trying to figure out what to do. It will change lanes just fine when no other vehicles are around - big deal - but when you actually have good reason to change lanes and do it now - FSD fails almost every time. It’s like the close proximity of vehicles in front and behind confuses it thoroughly. It’s VERY tentative - and at a time when it needs to move swiftly - twice when I didn’t intervene the car behind us started passing us by quickly switching into the right lane and FSD then started to finally execute the lane change - it caught itself - but this is clearly a problem. What the system needs to really do is not just watch the lead car - it needs to watch cars bearing down from behind and move out of the passing lane promptly. I also had to intervene because it was way too tentative getting into the proper lane before exiting the highway - and it waits until the last minute to try to move into the correct exit lane - then struggles to actually get into that lane - I intervened and shot into a gap - FSD would have had no hope of doing what I did and would have missed the exit.
  • Overall the problem I've observed is that FSDS doesn’t know it’s own limitations when making routing decisions. It routinely tries to stay in the left lanes until shortly before an upcoming exit - leaving less than one mile before the exit - in moderate to heavy high speed traffic - when it struggles to make the lane changes needed ahead of the exit. I have no problem with it being slow - but it shouldn’t be trying to move into the exit lane with less than 0.5 miles distance before the exit in moderate to heavy traffic. On the way up to the Poconos recently - FSDS missed one exit and I had to intervene and dive into the exit lane last minute. This issue seems more prevalent at night vs day time hours. The system doesn’t know its own limitations basically. Granted, it's certainly not self-aware, but it often seems as if the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing type thing. Don't attempt to pass a slower moving lead vehicle by moving into the left lane with under one mile to go before an exit lane is required - with moderate to heavy traffic.
  • Construction areas and inclement weather still prove to be problematic. I had to intervene while up in the Poconos when FSDS was trying to navigate onto I476N via a circular on-ramp under construction because it almost hit a construction barrier that wasn't well marked - pretty sure it would have actually impacted the barrier had I not intervened actually - scared the crap out of my wife. FSDS also limits speed fairly strictly during moderate rain - only 5mph over the posted limit at most - and under heavier rain - it just keeps ratcheting down the max speed to the point where human drivers are constantly passing us. I hit the go pedal and force it to speed up - but having to keep my foot on the go pedal the entire time kinda defeats the purpose of FSDS in a way. Hopefully this gets better over time with more data - but so far - I've not really observed that FSD v12 is any better in inclement weather than FSD 11.4.9 to date. It also repeatedly flashes up "FSD may be degraded" in a big red box on the screen - along with a nice loud chime - which gets annoying after just a few minutes - let alone over 100+ miles.
  • FSDS has issues periodically falsely reading road signs as speed limit signs. We routinely take Rt 301 down to the D.C., area for weekend getaway trips. There are 301N/301S road signs - which FSDS routinely reads as "30mph" signs - and it abruptly changes the speed to 30mph (right on the screen). The pattern I've noticed is that MD state sometimes has double signs - containing both the Rt number and the speed limit adjacent to one another - this is when this problem occurs. If it's only the Rt sign - no problem - but having both white signs right next to one another - problem.
  • In fairness we've also had several zero intervention drives over the past 45 days - except for parking and entering/exiting our driveway at home of course. FSD v12 is definitely superior to 11.4.9
I've got more feedback, but need to stop here for now.
Good, solid report.

Interesting bit about FSDS not getting into the correct lane, even with big white arrows saying that a particular lane is right turn only, left turn only, or is ending. Actually - I've had the opposite experience, that FSDS has been paying attention to those arrows.

About not wanting to change lanes when one wants it to.. I have that problem where it gets stuck in the right lane of a three-lane high-speed local road with several miles to go before the turn.

But I'm wondering: Our two cars seem to be acting differently when exposed to the same stimuli, at least with the arrows. There's been recent reports that doing a camera calibration, as painful as it is, seems to cure Weird Problems. We had a first-time poster in the last week who came in and had a List of Horribles to report, which got quite a bit of, "Must be a troll!" comments from the cognoscenti around here. One cognoscenti suggested the camera recal; and the OP Actually Reported Back and said that the recal had cured, well, not all of his list, but most of it. Would be interesting to see if it causes some noticeable change for you.