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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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Elon Musk on Twitter

Elon appears to believe that the judge views the settlement as too much. Lets see if he's actually right over the next week.
I don't think that tweet means that at all. Rather, I think it shows that Elon believes that the SEC needs his cooperation in writing a joint letter to the judge that will convince the judge to approve it, more than he needs to placate the SEC. I don't read the tweet as saying anything about what the judge thinks.
Tesla has always been the quintessential jockey bet. [
That's your view. I consider it dead wrong. My view, and from what I can tell Anderson's, is that Tesla is a bet on the future of electric vehicles and the manifest incompetence of the would-be competition.

It was possible at several points for Tesla to make fatal mistakes which it did not make; some of those decisions were thanks to Musk, others were not. They're past all the points I can think of.

If Anderson decides the jockey's conduct in the last three months raises concerns about his judgment and maturity, he might reconsider Baillee Gifford's concentration in shares without waiting to see if the promise of those future quarters is realized. If he did so last Friday or before, we'll see in mid November.
Like I said, he's not an idiot. He's not going to make stupid emotional decisions.

Fund managers and investment advisors have to make unemotional decisions. Few are likely to embrace recidivist, destructive tweeting.
I didn't support the deranged behavior of the Chevron or Exxon executives back when I was invested in those companies decades ago; I invested in them regardless.
Hi Folks,

Not sure what to think yet about this latest move in the ongoing struggle for the soul of Tesla. A few things come to mind: (starting to form some ideas about the next 6 months)
  1. Elon may have previewed the proposed settlement letter and balked
  2. Shares were down $15 by midday, but only another $6.5 after-hrs post tweet
  3. very likely TSLA will open down further tomorrow as Media picks up the story
  4. one thing seems clear, Elon is in a fighting mood right now
  5. by nature, Elon exhibits only Righteous Anger not to be trivialized or discounted
  6. let me emphasize: I think Elon is PISSED, not BROKEN (he is motivated)
  7. he also burned some bridges today (ie: SEC); so he's not going back that way
  8. one of Elon's choices may just be to resign as CEO and Chairman of Tesla
  9. that would free him to start buying up shares as an outsider investor
  10. owning just 30% more TSLA shares, Elon could force a go-private motion
  11. shorts don't realize it yet, but their existential threat is a private TSLAP
  12. so where does TSLA bottom out, and can Elon afFORD* it on his own?
  13. Elon would give up $300B CEO compensation for $500B as majority shareholder
  14. if a go-private buy-out could be done for $50B, that's a 10x return on investment in 10 yrs
  15. BTW, at the current SP, Elon would only need ~ $14B to buy up a majority of TSLA
  16. Can he borrow that much against SpaceX? @Fact Checking @neroden Others?
So, really, I do not know what tomorrow will bring, or next year. I do know that there is never a dull day in TSLA-town, and that one element is present even when all else is in doubt.

Cheers, best wishes to all. Exciting times! :cool:


*Note: Read more about how Henry Ford took Ford Motors private, here:
Remember That Time Ford Went Private? Elon Musk & Henry Ford ...
Exactly, he is PISSED, not broken. I am and I think we all are pissed at the shorts attacks, manipulation and fake news. I am glad he spoke up to his million followers including some big names. This needs to be heard, maybe some good will come of it.
In the mean time, get your powder ready.
My theory of whats going on:
4. Judge asking for letter explaining the fairness of the settlement gave him an excuse to back-pedal on the deal and go back to fighting, so now he wants the SEC to walk away, thus he is tweeting mocking them
I don’t think this is correct.

EM now thinks SEC will have to renegotiate a deal, because he somehow thinks the Judge is on his side.
Manipulative short selling that tries to use disinformation and market reflexivity to create a negative self-fulfilling prophecy is categorically bad though.

Bro you are done. Why even try. He's on to your shiznat in a big and SPECIFIC way


I hate to break it to you, but shorts are in no way "coordinated."

Maybe it's the longs who have been illegally manipulating the stock price? Doesn't it seem a little weird that a car company that produces 3% of GM's car output has a higher market cap?

Smells like manipulation.


Seriously though, if Elon really thought the shorts have defamed him and/or Tesla...

... Then why hasn't he sued yet?


LOL, ok, no more trolling.

There's just zero evidence that the shorts are conspiring. None.
Are you selling? :confused:

You sold?!?!? Rookie mistake....

I've been investing in Tesla since 2013. I'm buying my 5th car. I believed so much in the Model 3 that I believed they would be so successful by now that there would be NO WAY IN HELL we would be below 300 more than a year after Model 3 hit the streets. So I sold a bunch of Puts months ago that are so negative now, I'm getting margin called like crazy and will probably have to take a big loss if it doesn't get back over 290 ASAP. So Elon's twitter is costing me a lot of money, and unlike Elon, I don't have so much that I can laugh about it. :(
Actually can someone make an explanation? The scam Elon is alluding to went over my head. Not 100% sure what he is talking about.
Spit balling:
People invest in a small index fund
Index fund turns around and lends out the shares
Index fund pockets the interest
Meanwhile, the returns on the stock are poor due to the shorting, but it's the stock price itself that is low, so the index fund looks clean.
My theory of whats going on:
1. Elon did not want to settle in the first place, wanted to fight the SEC to prove his innocence
2. When stock tanked last Friday, he realized the case will hurt shareholders too much and ruin positive effects of Q3 results, so he decided to compromise and signed the settlement
3. Q3 results did not give the effect to the SP he expected, media FUD nullified it, SP kept going down this week, which angered him that he compromised for nothing
4. Judge asking for letter explaining the fairness of the settlement gave him an excuse to back-pedal on the deal and go back to fighting, so now he wants the SEC to walk away, thus he is tweeting mocking them

I agreed with you until point 4
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