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Short-Term TSLA Price Movements - 2016

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The current political climate will make people think for themselves: is more pollution good or bad? Just because one person says there is no problem doesn't mean that everyone is required to think like that one person.

10-15 years ago, lots of people would say pollution is not a problem. Now with data and articles so easy to find, people can make more informed decisions.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!"
Why is Elon tweeting this? How does it benefit Tesla? He should learn when to shut up :mad:

I was hoping that Elon would at least maintain a warm relationship with help from Peter Thiel. Start a fight right after the election??

Will of the people is sacred and must be honored even if it is different from ours. Trump is our president now and he deserves full respect and cooperation for the next 4 years.

My bolding.

Mrs. Clinton won the popular vote. She wants climate change to be addressed. If Mr. Trump plans to consider the will of the people, then he must take into account who actually won the popular vote.
My bolding.

Mrs. Clinton won the popular vote. She wants climate change to be addressed. If Mr. Trump plans to consider the will of the people, then he must take into account who actually won the popular vote.
At the expense of the majority of the electoral college which is designed to make certain rural voters aren't steamrolled by urban interests (mostly a festering of subversive interests aligned with well meaning progressive voters)? The electoral mandate is to consider both sides for what they are, I agree, but not to give extra weight to the losers simply because they're more numerous.
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He doesn't even read, and considers Global Warming a Chinese hoax. That's even worse than politicians who just deny that the global climate is warming up. Why Trump dragged the Chinese into this in the first place, I don't know.
They've been infiltrating our government and industries, alongside our own patriots, displacing us. We're frustrated and Trump knew it's politically popular to acknowledge that. Question is if he can separate the message from the messenger (in this case the messenger is evil, the message, although obviously forged, probably is not, as it was based on some real theories).

Those who stand along side fellow travelers with scientific evidence do us all harm by contaminating our scientific hygiene; the sooner they recognize that, the easier it will be to get conservative representatives on their side by standing alone to present their real findings.
Imagine the number of left-leaning individuals who are horrified by the election, and want to make changes by themselves.

They will line up to buy EVs, solar roofs, and battery packs. Just my 2 cents....
I will make changes by myself. I will buy an EV and then buy solar panels even though there is minimal to no economic benefit in Omaha with cheap power. First, I can tell everyone my car does not run on coal. Second, it is something I can do that I know will actually make a significant difference in our carbon footprint and I don't have to ask my family to sacrifice anything. I would also love to talk my family into a smaller home to reduce our carbon footprint but that is a much harder sell.

I'll just say this, Tesla is doing far more work to reduce carbon emissions than any political party or government.
Every single person that voted for Trump Tuesday simply doesn't believe that climate change is man-made. All of them look at the fact that water once covered a far greater portion of the earth LONG before there were humans as proof that the earth has been warmer, without any help from humans (please don't present arguments against this as I am just telling you what the Trump supporters believe). Additionally, those people are middle class working people that Tesla will eventually need to sell cars to in order to be successful and survive. As long as Tesla and Musk use Climate change as the reason for buying and EV, half the population of America will detest Tesla and see it only as another of the Global Warming scam. People don't like scams. The smartest thing Tesla can do is leave the environment completely out of any of its marketing and communications. Everyone that does believe in GW surely knows that zero-emission cars are better for the env. And can buy an EV accordingly. For everyone else, just market the products for what they are - GREAT products that are better on merit than their competition. The Model S is a better solution for those looking for a luxury sedan - without EVER considering its effect on the environment (or lack thereof).

Does your hand every get tired from such broad painting strokes?
At the expense of the majority of the electoral college which is designed to make certain rural voters aren't steamrolled by urban interests (mostly a festering of subversive interests aligned with well meaning progressive voters)? The electoral mandate is to consider both sides for what they are, I agree, but not to give extra weight to the losers simply because they're more numerous.

Of course it's not as simple as assuming that all Trump voters are anthropogenic climate change deniers and all Clinton voters realize that climate change is a problem that needs to be addressed. One would hope that Mr. Trump and his advisers carefully consider scientific research in the matter, rather than propaganda from The Heartland Institute which is the PR firm hired by the fossil fuel industry and previously by the tobacco industry.

Government should be a leader in assessing and addressing this matter, and not simply a follower of those ignorant or misled. Should the president prioritize what is best for the people, or what is best for a dying fossil fuel industry seeking to prevent being displaced by a fast growing sustainable energy industry?

Ugh. The macros are playing with the agitant "messages" (subversion, imo). This too shall pass.

Brexit did similar if I recall. The rats are scurrying, and most people are surprised there were so many of them, and a temporary cry of fear is palpable. It will quickly leave.

Arbitrage at SCTY is steady at ~3.7%, even dropping (but that feels like noise); hopefully their conclusion that the merger is safe is right. I want the merger. (My theory is still that solar leases have an ITC advantage that non-ITC future sales (from competition as well as non-competition) won't have and make the leases safe, but I haven't calculated that value against near term future business in Solar City alone.) Just dropped to 3.3%.
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Every single person that voted for Trump Tuesday simply doesn't believe that climate change is man-made.
You certainly don't know that, and I'd suggest it's quite obviously false. More likely many of them simply felt the climate change issue was of lesser importance than other issues. Certainly for some the vote for Trump was mostly a vote against Clinton.
Ladies and gentlemen Trump hasn't even taken office and we have off the chart FUD here. This feels like a SA forum. Relax!

No Ego is bigger than Trumps and this should assure you he isn't going to kill off any particular industry like solar/wind (the future) to hurt his ambitious US economy growth targets. Mark my words. He is one smart manipulating man. Oh right you guys wouldn't know this cuz all you heard was the mass dishonest media FUD.

Since winning the elections trump had zero tweets bashing anything. Should tell you a lot. Did ya'll catch his acceptance speech that was nothing like his previous speeches. I know the hate for him is real and goes deep but the endless FUD here is disappointing. Tesla in particular will be more than fine. It's a fire sale so act accordingly.

Companies like GM and F should be the ones worried with all the outsourced manufacturing plants outside of the US.
You certainly don't know that, and I'd suggest it's quite obviously false. More likely many of them simply felt the climate change issue was of lesser importance than other issues. Certainly for some the vote for Trump was mostly a vote against Clinton.
Some polls show 1% marked that as their top concern, and on the bottom of a list of concerns. I say they aren't concerned enough. But, we need to clean up the scientific evidence, since clean energy propagandists have hurt the cause in the minds of many who voted R, and we need clean energy realists, evidence, acceptance, and as appropriate, support.

Where the two cross, I don't know. Many are made aware of environmental concerns by propagandists, yet action has to be taken by some that are not beholden to them.

I fee like my non-stock price messages should be moved into a fresh thread. Sorry for my lack of flat thinking.
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