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Out of warranty concerns about Tesla

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I don't know exactly how much the center display costs, but according to the IHS Global Insight tear down, there are a large number of system controls attached to the center display complex. I suspect these additional components will add significant cost.

FYI--I just had my center display replaced, and it sounds like there is a lot of labor involved, which would, obviously, drive the cost even more.
He did post a video recently on his youtube channel. Mostly cooling off a bit. Wants to give Tesla a chance to make his car right.

I noticed he said that he regretted sending his email to Jerome and that he did so out of "peer pressure" here. That's not quite how I remember things. I remember reading a very frustrated story from an owner who was sour on his service experience and it was suggested that he relay his story to Jerome, who oversees sales and service. I'm not sure if something else happened on his end, or perhaps his regret relates to the content of his email, or the peer pressure occurred via private messaging, but I'll be honest and say that I engaged in no peer pressure whatsoever. My publicly posted suggestion (for all to read) was intended to help Islandbayy resolve his issue by informing a high level manager about his experience. It was only a suggestion.

I've never, ever heard someone regret sending an email to Jerome. Jerome is like Santa Claus. I hope Islandbayy can clarify?
Islandbayy has been curiously silent... any updates?

Much is being done to my car. I will go into full details when complete.

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I noticed he said that he regretted sending his email to Jerome and that he did so out of "peer pressure" here. That's not quite how I remember things. I remember reading a very frustrated story from an owner who was sour on his service experience and it was suggested that he relay his story to Jerome, who oversees sales and service. I'm not sure if something else happened on his end, or perhaps his regret relates to the content of his email, or the peer pressure occurred via private messaging, but I'll be honest and say that I engaged in no peer pressure whatsoever. My publicly posted suggestion (for all to read) was intended to help Islandbayy resolve his issue by informing a high level manager about his experience. It was only a suggestion.

I've never, ever heard someone regret sending an email to Jerome. Jerome is like Santa Claus. I hope Islandbayy can clarify?

I will clarify. I regretted going directly to Jerome. I should have tried harder to reach out to the Regional Manager first. So far he (and the service center) have been bending over backwards to make things right and get my car taken care of. Frustration, peer pressure, and my shortened fuse shortened my patients, and a result, I wrote to Jerome. I've cooled down quite a bit over this past week. Daily updates from the service center, extensive testing and timely back and forth communication with Engineering, and speaking with the Regional Manager, are restoring my faith in Tesla, and How they plan to continue to change the Automotive and Transportation industry.

I did get many emails and some PM's on this issue. I'd number the emails in 200+ at this point... I didn't realize that many people really cared haha. As usual, I got some hate mail (not the first time, when your someone that speaks their opinion, and speaks it plainly without sugar-coating), and I also got supportive email, and also got much email from people who are also having issues. It is too hard to go into details here, and I will not go into details on what is said in private emails/communication without permission, weather named or not. At the time, emailing Jerome seemed like the proper course, hasty? Maybe. After the cool down, I wish, like I said I would have tried harder to contact Regional. Also, In Hindsight, I should have gotten to Regional First, and Followed up with a letter to Jerome, highlighting my original issues, and how they were taken care of, and how Tesla can improve in the future. In fact, I will still be sending a follow up email to Jerome... And a Christmas Card :)
Islandbayy, I can only speak for myself, but I appreciate how you you have let us be part of the process. I have to admit that I find it very reassuring that they are working with you, and that you are honest in analyzing if you needed to go clear up the chain of command. Thank you, and please keep us up to date as able.
Much is being done to my car. I will go into full details when complete.

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I will clarify. I regretted going directly to Jerome.

I haven't read your email to Jerome but from your posts before and after the email I'll make the assumption that you did nothing wrong by contacting him. You had numerous issues and anyone that can help address those issues needs to hear about them. If I had any of your issues I would have been persistent in getting them fixed and wouldn't regret discussing the issue or reasonable efforts to get someone to address specific issues or methods.

Relax and enjoy your car if they fix it, you likely did no wrong.
I will clarify. I regretted going directly to Jerome. I should have tried harder to reach out to the Regional Manager first. So far he (and the service center) have been bending over backwards to make things right and get my car taken care of.
Were I in your shoes, I wouldn't know how to get to the regional manager. Jerome's name is thrown around all over the place, so he's easier to reach out to. RM's, not so much.
I will clarify. I regretted going directly to Jerome.

I wouldn't regret it. That's Jerome's job (I'm sure he's used to it), and you had many legitimate issues. I recently reached out to Jerome too. I'm not sure how much of a difference it made, but I felt he needed to be advised of the nature of the problems I was having and how his team was responding. In particular, one issue I was having was identical to an issue you raised, namely the endless and slow process of coordinating and analyzing problems with engineering in CA.

I'll add one more area where Tesla needs some faster turnaround -- getting lesser requested parts shipped out.
I regretted going directly to Jerome. I should have tried harder to reach out to the Regional Manager first.

Even if it was a mistake, and I'm not sure it was, don't be too hard on yourself. Cars evoke emotions right up there with family and pets.

You always seem level-headed to me in all your posts, and more than fair, and I'm certain Jerome understands the emotion and frustration involved in these things.

Besides, at least it's not lethal... ;)
Not a mistake at all to go straight to Jerome for such a large set of ongoing problems. In fact, Jerome sent out letters to some early customers a while back encouraging people to contact him directly for problems. I'm certain that applies to all Tesla customers since as well.

As long as people don't abuse it and spam him for minor things, which your problems are most definitely not, then it's what Tesla wants.

As for contacting the regional manager, I'd argue it's on the regional manager to check in on their service centers and recurring problems and contact _you_, customers that are having a rough time, and not the other way around.
First of all, Islandbayy, I think you are awesome and have been remarkably restrained given your issues even though you may not agree. We are always harder on ourselves than we should be and feel guilty maybe when we did nothing wrong. I watched your video update regarding your car and I could see in your face and body language, and hear in your voice, how much this has affected you. I'm so glad Tesla is taking care of you and making this right. In the end, that's what counts.

I've dealt with a handful of companies in my life that have gone to extraordinary lengths to make right something that went wrong. I will forever do business with those companies over others when I need a similar product. Tesla has treated me exceptionally well. Seeing them step up to the plate in cases like yours and others convince me that I will never buy a non-Tesla vehicle, even if that means pinching my pennies for a few years to pay for it.
Some service centers have what's called a diagnosis fee for both the roadster and Model S posted in the lobby. If I remember correctly, it was $125 for the Model S, and $250 for the Roadster. Now whether they sell you parts to fix it yourself after having it diagnosed is anybody's guess.

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Little late getting back to this party.

THIS is my big big problem with the car and Tesla.

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I just want to say..my faith has been restored!! I would highly recommend that if you are having doubts or concerns voice it to your service manager! After a few of my posts here I decided I'd drop him a call and figured it couldn't hurt. Tesla is going to take care of us.

That is not the feeling I got from the Highland Park SC manager.
That is not the feeling I got from the Highland Park SC manager.

Sounds like you need to go to the regional, then. My SC manager always makes sure that every one of my concerns is resolved to my satisfaction. This same service center paid to fix creased frunks, on its own dime, when owners complained. If your SC isn't going to those lengths to make you happy as an owner, it seems an escalation may be in order.
Just thought I would update.

I "MIGHT" get my car back tomorrow evening. Some major surgery still going on and they just got the last parts needed today. Again, very happy with the daily update call, and responses. They should be doing a extended test run of my vehicle tomorrow and then making arrangements for me to get it back.
Just thought I would update.

I "MIGHT" get my car back tomorrow evening. Some major surgery still going on and they just got the last parts needed today. Again, very happy with the daily update call, and responses. They should be doing a extended test run of my vehicle tomorrow and then making arrangements for me to get it back.

If it's not too much trouble, it would be great to see an itemized list of what Tesla did to your car. I am so happy that you are getting your issues resolved!
Truly I don't understand. This car is new to the landscape. ICE vehicles have had decades of refinement. Tesla has not. I think everyone should get the extended warranty and then battle it out with Tesla for repetitive service charges if need be. $4,000 is peanuts when you are driving a $100,000 car nowadays. I replaced 2 air suspension struts on my Mercedes at $3,000 each, not under warrantee.
Truly I don't understand. This car is new to the landscape. ICE vehicles have had decades of refinement. Tesla has not. I think everyone should get the extended warranty and then battle it out with Tesla for repetitive service charges if need be. $4,000 is peanuts when you are driving a $100,000 car nowadays. I replaced 2 air suspension struts on my Mercedes at $3,000 each, not under warrantee.

Certain states (eg: Florida) are ineligible for the extended warranty due to Tesla being unwilling to comply with state law. Every other car company has no problem selling warranties that comply with state law here.
Truly I don't understand. This car is new to the landscape. ICE vehicles have had decades of refinement. Tesla has not. I think everyone should get the extended warranty and then battle it out with Tesla for repetitive service charges if need be. $4,000 is peanuts when you are driving a $100,000 car nowadays. I replaced 2 air suspension struts on my Mercedes at $3,000 each, not under warrantee.

Except Tesla sells the Model S based upon it needing LESS maintenance than an ICE car. You shouldn't let them off the hook so easily by justifying Model S post-warranty repair costs using ICE equivalents. Tesla says it is not equivalent and Model S should cost much less. Don't let them off the hook so easily.
Except Tesla sells the Model S based upon it needing LESS maintenance than an ICE car. You shouldn't let them off the hook so easily by justifying Model S post-warranty repair costs using ICE equivalents. Tesla says it is not equivalent and Model S should cost much less. Don't let them off the hook so easily.

I've always differentiated maintenance from repair/replacement. For example, no need for tune ups, oil changes, etc. But, electronics, suspension, etc are just as subject to failure as in an ICE car. And the drivetrain repairs appear to be more expensive than comparably priced vehicles.