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I will pay more than $2k more than Tesla's trade-in quote. Model 3, LR with FSD. Tri-state area.

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There is a lot of discussion about Tesla offering low amounts for trade-ins.

I am looking for a Model 3 for my commuter car and am based in Connecticut. If you are in the tri-state area and looking to trade in with Tesla or sell to Carmax/Carvana I will pay $2k above their price. I have cash and can close the deal quickly (I do not need financing/delays).

You can send me a private message or reply to this post. The only requirements that I have are:
- Must be Long Range
- Must have FSD (not the subscription option)
- Clean title and no accidents

As you can see I am fairly flexible and can drive within a 2-hour distance. I hope I find someone who I can buy from so we can both come out ahead on the deal.

Sincerely, Grant
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