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Wiki Help Generating TMC User Guides

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Mar 21, 2016
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Hi everyone,

I would like to generate some guides to help new users get familiar with the TMC website's functions and features. I would appreciate any help that you may be willing to provide in helping put this together.

Once we have enough content, I'll string it together into a cohesive general guide.

If you'd like to help, please start a conversation with me or post your proposed content and then also feel free to link to it in the WIKI post above.


P.S. Shout out to @ohmman for taking the initiative to put something together.
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Index of abbreviations
There is a slew of slang. It would be helpful to have a list of abbreviations and translations to let a fellow be sure what a poster was posting.
IMO, M3, SC, OCC,TMC, kWh, the list could be hundreds deep. I find SOME can be deduced using wikipedia, but some are purely tesla.

Not sure who to ask for this...but lets start here.
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Reactions: danny
Index of abbreviations
There is a slew of slang. It would be helpful to have a list of abbreviations and translations to let a fellow be sure what a poster was posting.
IMO, M3, SC, OCC,TMC, kWh, the list could be hundreds deep. I find SOME can be deduced using wikipedia, but some are purely tesla.

Not sure who to ask for this...but lets start here.
EV Acronyms
YES - that is what I was looking for. Now, how do I find it next time?
Bookmark it?

Or, just search for EV Acronyms like so (note the checkboxes and the quotes):
Screen Shot 2016-04-17 at 3.41.56 PM.png
TMC is being ruined by short-term investors and/or shorts. The quality of discussion about actual Tesla car ownership has gone in the toilet. I wish we could at least make the forum postable ONLY by actual registered owners. Would still allow postential owners to review discussions, just not comment. I'm getting close to giving up on TMC.
TMC is being ruined by short-term investors and/or shorts. The quality of discussion about actual Tesla car ownership has gone in the toilet. I wish we could at least make the forum postable ONLY by actual registered owners. Would still allow postential owners to review discussions, just not comment. I'm getting close to giving up on TMC.
I hope this "quality" comment was not directed at me. I have appreciated the assistance I've been given by the Mods, and by the educating comments from sound comments.
I hope this "quality" comment was not directed at me. I have appreciated the assistance I've been given by the Mods, and by the educating comments from sound comments.
No chance. It was directed more at people who are trying to sway the stock or sentiment. The investors' section is the most egregious example.

I personally appreciate your participation, @Desert Driver
No chance. It was directed more at people who are trying to sway the stock or sentiment. The investors' section is the most egregious example.

I personally appreciate your participation, @Desert Driver
BTW - I am actively pursuing buying the new MS60. I will keep my M3 reservation -just because.
I have three questions you may be able to answer. 1) Using the referral code, looks like must place order before July15. Default delivery is July. Without using referral, I can ask for delivery in Sept (anniversary present). Do you know if (how) to keep the $1,000 referral and get delayed delivery?
2) I want the latest AP package. I think I heard the default wiring harness may be the most future based (AP2.0) - but I am wondering if I could offer to pay for the most advanced sensors also (active or not) just to be ready (eyeQ4). Is this within ordering options?
3) The dual charger has me stumped. I think the car comes with dual chargers, and I will drive around with only one active until I activate for a fee. Its there, but not active? Or - If I activate, the service center bolts the box in the belly? How does this work?
(4) ok- just gotta push the envelope...Can one request Michelin tires? I understand that Goodyear and Michelin are both offered - but I don't know if I can select. Did not see such a switch on the order site.
Another thing, is there a way to search for keywords/posts by a user within just one thread? I had to write some JavaScript to do this, and perhaps I'll make a bookmarklet for it if it's too difficult to add/not gonna happen.
How can I edit a post of mine? Also things like adding a reaction to another post doesn't seem to be obvious at all. Thanks!
Editing posts is time-limited. On non-mobile platforms, the Edit setting appears on the lower left of your post (near the Report link). Once the time limit has passed, you cannot edit the post. Edit button here:
Screen Shot 2016-06-21 at 3.47.23 PM.png

To add feedback to another post, you click the icons on the lower right of the post. Hovering over them tells you what each mean. See here:

Screen Shot 2016-06-21 at 3.47.38 PM.png
If so, I can understand why reactions would be limited, but not editing your own post. What real harm could editing a post you created do? That's the point of the time limit after all, to establish that you can't just change the content of post maliciously. I honestly feel this should be removed, because I wanted to slightly change the wording of my first post and I cannot now that I've posted it.

Also is it possible to search within a single thread?