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You continue to cite distances when it is pretty clear it is not about distance (as the driving manual makes clear).

For example I signal right about 500-600 feet in advance here when traveling 55-60mph. And so does v12. Very appropriate (and the factors here make it clear why). It’s not about the distance.

Agreed. Ambiguity is not good, though of course sometimes unavoidable when trading off multiple factors. Ideally the car takes into account (amongst many others, like speed of course):
1) intervening turns.
2) presence of car behind and following distance
3) presence of car at intervening turn

Before deciding whether a relatively early potentially ambiguous signal is ok.

All goes into a network and magically emerges with a nice low-stress signal we can all agree on.
to add to this, there are many cases with conflicting factors in which humans are inconsistent in their signaling simply because the best option is not clear. If we can't decide what's right, how can the software?
For the first time in months I've actually had critical safety disengagements on my first day of V12.

1. Tried to run a red light. To be fair was a bit difficult to tell since the sun was rising and shining directly into the light, but still was a bit scary.

2. Can confirm it takes corners too tight. Was driving in Old Town Alexandria in NoVa which has narrow side streets. Turning right came within inches of side swiping a car parked on the side of the street. Also had to disengage on a left hand turn when it would have ran over the center divider.

This isn't a safety engagement but had to disengage a few times to keep it in the left lane with a turn coming up in a couple blocks. It seems to overly want to go to the right lane now which is a good behavior but needs some tweaking.

Cars being me definitely were annoyed how slow FSD was. In Old Town it was going 17 in a 25 even with manual speed selected.

Car stops way too far from where it needs to be at a light. There were a few cases this morning where it was probably 5 feet back from the line and didnt trigger the weight sensor for the light.

I also don't like how way less informative the visualization is than before. Until we're actually at L4 Id love more details into the decisions the car is making and what it's planning to do. V11 wasn't great at this either but there's even less on the screen now than before.

Interested to see how this gets better over time but so far V11 worked a bit better where I live. The only behavior that noticably is better is acceleration at stop signs. Otherwise Im even more nervous to use FSD on city streets here in DC than I was before. Hopefully we don't see highway regressions since it's perfect here and saves me a ton of rush hour stress.

But yeah surprised they let this roll out to everyone. Seems like it still needs a ton of work, at least on the east coast. Id probably go back to V11 if given the choice after this initial drive since V11 was at least predicably mediocre and it was easy to predict when it would mess up. V12 gave me too much anxiety today.
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So I encountered a fail last night that never failed in V11. At this intersection there are two lanes going north. The left lane is a turn lane and the other goes straight. There are three traffic lights, the two on the right are for the lane going straight and the one on the left is for the left turn lane. V12 correctly picked the left turn lane it needed to follow where I was going. The left turn lane light was red but the straight lane lights were green. This showed correctly on the visualization. When opposing traffic cleared but my light was still red V12 tried to run the light and I intervened. Thinking maybe it was an oddity, I repeated it with the same results. V11 always got this intersection correct.


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I think Tesla should keep highway stack that way for a while. They should only fix the early, late exit problem that was introduced in v12.
There are many things in city street stack that should be fixed first.
We know Tesla is already testing the highway stack so when Tesla feels it's ready then employees will get the new build. The only question is when.
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For the first time in months I've actually had critical safety disengagements on my first day of V12.

But yeah surprised they let this roll out to everyone. Seems like it still needs a ton of work, at least on the east coast. Id probably go back to V11 if given the choice after this initial drive since V11 was at least predicably mediocre and it was easy to predict when it would mess up. V12 gave me too much anxiety today.
I'm on the east coast and V12 is a dramatic improvement. Perhaps after a few more days of driving you're experience will improve. Certainly hope so. I suspect a key reason Tesla rolled V12 to everyone are the statistics they collect. Great chance the overall rate of disengagements is way down from V11 meaning FSD now is simply safer.
I'm on the east coast and V12 is a dramatic improvement. Perhaps after a few more days of driving you're experience will improve. Certainly hope so. I suspect a key reason Tesla rolled V12 to everyone are the statistics they collect. Great chance the overall rate of disengagements is way down from V11 meaning FSD now is simply safer.
I'll try it in a few other places today. You probably are right. Old Town here is a very hard drive given the narrow streets and amount of pedestrians. I was planning on doing a more suburb drive which it probably will do way better at.
For curiosity I downloaded a cheap g-force app to get a qualitative idea of v12.3's standard FSD acceleration from a stop light when there's no lead vehicle. There's a relatively quick ramp-up in g-force with even quicker, sharp drop back to near zero g's. The g-force ramp-up duration is ~1.5 secs with abrupt following g-force drop in a ~0.25 sec period. There's not much resolution, no accuracy, or calibration but the app displayed a peak g-force of at least 0.3g.
Until we're actually at L4 Id love more details into the decisions the car is making and what it's planning to do.
That's funny because I'm the reverse - I don't care what the visualization is reporting until we're at Level 4 because I have to keep an eye on traffic.

It would be really handy if the car added the visualization to the dashcam recordings.
One case of awkward steering jerk this morning. I was in the right lane with a car to my left. For some reason v12.3 abruptly steered toward the other car's lane as we accelerated across the intersection from a green light. Fortunately it quickly corrected itself. It reminded me of MissJilly's intersection near miss with an oncoming pickup.
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Anyone have their dash cam stop working after the 12.3 update? Mine's been working fine for almost 4 years and still works on my iMac but "not available" in the car... 🤔
For the past year, after each firmware update, the dashcam icon showed it was not on with an X.. It's been my routine to reseat the USB stick in the glove box, that solves the problem every time.
For the past year, after each firmware update, the dashcam icon showed it was not on with an X.. It's been my routine to reseat the USB stick in the glove box, that solves the problem every time.
Thanks, I've tried everything - reseat, reboot, reformat, etc... Trying a new Samsung Bar Plus 256 today, I suspect it's a SanDisk drive issue as it's almost 5 years old now and I've read numerous failure complaints. Just wondered if the timing with 12.3 update might have caused it but probably unlikely.
Thanks, I've tried everything - reseat, reboot, reformat, etc... Trying a new Samsung Bar Plus 256 today, I suspect it's a SanDisk drive issue as it's almost 5 years old now and I've read numerous failure complaints. Just wondered if the timing with 12.3 update might have caused it but probably unlikely.
Can’t say I had the Same one as you but my Sandisk (as recommended by many) crapped out in just 2 plus years. Ended up getting the one Tesla provides off Amazon.
I'm on the east coast and V12 is a dramatic improvement. Perhaps after a few more days of driving you're experience will improve. Certainly hope so. I suspect a key reason Tesla rolled V12 to everyone are the statistics they collect. Great chance the overall rate of disengagements is way down from V11 meaning FSD now is simply safer.
It would certainly be hard to imagine that V12 would get better here in the East without actually having been rolled out yet to us lol. So it has to start somewhere, and here we are. I'm about to go to the Sawyer Merritt meet-up at the Chestnut Hill SC scheduled for 1pm. First chance to try out 12.3 with an actual destination. Oh, and that Reading rotary is on the way :)
Dibs on your referral points!
I survived! No referral points for you! 🤣🤣🤣

BARELY survived. Some jerk pulled out in front of me while on FSD going about 40, but it handled it like a champ...

FSD braked accordingly and accelerated fine after it crossed our path. I need more time with FSD 12.3 to judge but in a quick synopsis, turns are much better, accelerating from a stop is much better, general jerkiness is improved but DAMN BOI she slow. I drive in assertive and it feels like it doesn't make a difference to FSD at all as its generally 5mph under the speed limit at all times unless I'm encouraging it with the go pedal. Highway stack is still v11 so I wasn't expecting a change there, whenever I exit the HOV lane while going 75ish, it aggressively brakes down to 65ish before moving over into the fast lane. I always had to mash the go pedal to make sure I keep up with traffic. This behavior existed in the last build also.

Last night's 15 mile drive street / highway mix had zero disengagements both ways, so far so good!
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