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Firmware 7.1

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Are you missing the driving dynamics of regenerative braking or the presumed energy savings? If the latter, is it possible that Tesla
got this right and that heating the battery would cost more energy that you'd recoup with regen?
I miss the driving dynamics too, and use most of the same techniques @Andyw2100 described. I do wonder why, when regen is limited, Tesla doesn't take some regen power and dump it to the pack and/or cabin heater. (Or maybe they do, but the amount of power they're able to dissipate that way is so small it's imperceptible?)
By the way, I confirmed this morning that yes, with Range Mode ON, and the A/C temp set to anything, be it LO or 65, 68, 72, etc, the fan now goes to 11. This is relatively new; in the whole history of owning the car when Range Mode was on, the fan ONLY went to 8. I believe this changed with 2.20.45. I contacted Tesla a second time, and sure enough they say they're not technical and they have no way of reaching the engineers, so it has to go through a service center... sigh... so I have a pending request at a service center to find out more.
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By the way, I confirmed this morning that yes, with Range Mode ON, and the A/C temp set to anything, be it LO or 65, 68, 72, etc, the fan now goes to 11. This is relatively new; in the whole history of owning the car when Range Mode was on, the fan ONLY went to 8. I believe this changed with 2.20.45.

It changed with 2.18.77, or earlier. I posted about it in this thread, back on May 24:

I have not been around the forums as much as usual the past few weeks, so it is possible the following has been mentioned / discussed, but I did get caught up on this thread, and I am reasonably certain it has not been mentioned here, where it belongs, so...

Driving today, on version, with range mode on, I changed my temperature from 64 to "lo" and the fan speed kicked all the way up to 11. In the past, with range mode on, the fan speed would have been limited to 8.

I apologize if this has been discussed before, but this was new (and welcomed) behavior for me.
Past 3 updates I ever had shows same thing over and over..

Summon update "select the position where the car needs to move to" or something... am I the only one?
Are you referring to the Release Notes or something else? If the former, while many of us may not like it, it's been common practice since day 1 for Tesla to generally not always update Release Notes from dot release to another, and to not always provide any idea to its owners of what may have changed from a prior version.
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Are you referring to the Release Notes or something else? If the former, while many of us may not like it, it's been common practice since day 1 for Tesla to generally not always update Release Notes from dot release to another, and to not always provide any idea to its owners of what may have changed from a prior version.

Yes it is the release notes.. if thats the case, then I won't even know what updates I have received...
Seems pretty "shady". even free app on the phone updates show what update they are doing..
Yes it is the release notes.. if thats the case, then I won't even know what updates I have received...
Seems pretty "shady". even free app on the phone updates show what update they are doing..

You don't need to know every little thing they update in each minor release. Only if there are major user experience changes should the release notes indicate it.
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Interesting bug... I put my car into valet mode while at the body shop... they didn't drive it anywhere (except around the lot). When I got it back and turned Valet mode off, the steering setting reverted back from "Sport" to "Comfort".
Is that one of the settings that's saved for each profile? Is it possible they have a "service" profile and the tech changed it?
Let the owners decide what "they need to know".
Actually from a software developer the answer is no, you as an owner don't need to know every small change that is done. First its proprietary information and the change might not even pertain to a user actionable items. If it was open source then sure, put it on a public repo and let everyone at it but it isn't.
Actually from a software developer the answer is no, you as an owner don't need to know every small change that is done. First its proprietary information and the change might not even pertain to a user actionable items. If it was open source then sure, put it on a public repo and let everyone at it but it isn't.

The problem with letting the manufacturer decide is they have an inherent conflict of interest in revealing bugs particularly if it has marketing, legal, liability or safety implications. I don't need to know every nit but would love to have more transparency.

Also, with due respect, the decision to publish the release notes and what the content of that will be is not a software developer decision, it's a management decision.
Actually from a software developer the answer is no, you as an owner don't need to know every small change that is done. First its proprietary information and the change might not even pertain to a user actionable items. If it was open source then sure, put it on a public repo and let everyone at it but it isn't.
If we were talking about a Mercedes here then the "Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head about what magic the Wizards are doing
behind the curtain!" attitude might fly, but since Tesla customers are all (willing or unwilling) beta testers a considerably greater amount
of transparency is called for. Even the single sentence "This update contains no user-visible changes." would be a huge improvement
over the present level of (non-)communication. (or is it now obligatory to say "yuge"? ;))
Yes it is the release notes.. if thats the case, then I won't even know what updates I have received...
Seems pretty "shady". even free app on the phone updates show what update they are doing..
These perhaps subtle points are not evident to most owners until after they purchase, but people keep buying Tesla with the service and practices they are delivering, so IMHO as long as Tesla sells enough new product to move forward, and as long as there is no significant negative press, it reinforces to Elon and Tesla all is well with a majority.

Tesla unlike most more mature auto mfgrs, does not seem to have advisory councils and participate in JD Edwards surveys (or something similar across brands) as it relates to customer sat. Some owners like myself (and perhaps yourself) believe Tesla has room for improvement which IMHO would likely serve the brand well with both some number of current and future owners. Others as you've seen in their replies are accepting and defend Tesla's present ways. I don't get into the food fights with those folks any more. To me, "It is what it is". I don't believe Tesla is being nefarious, but I also don't believe Tesla's aperture has yet opened to change on things like better Release Notes, so I just move on and accept it as the way it is today. Thank goodness for a couple of Tesla forums like TMC that help somewhat fill in the gaps for me. As to how much these little frustrations add up, influencing my future purchase decisions when it comes time to replace my MS, or my own recommendations to others looking at purchasing a BEV in the meantime, I can't be sure.
Yet another Tesla-Apple parallel: Apple isn't particularly interested in fine-grain feedback from their customers. They believe
they know what is right, and the market seems to give them massive confirmation of this belief. They generally don't even fix
bugs that aren't fairly major calamities, since, really, where's the RoI in doing so? I'm not saying that Tesla necessarily has the
same degree of (possibly market-vindicated) arrogance as Apple, but I do think they're somewhat purposefully defending against
"vision dilution" from focus groups and such.
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By the way, I confirmed this morning that yes, with Range Mode ON, and the A/C temp set to anything, be it LO or 65, 68, 72, etc, the fan now goes to 11. This is relatively new; in the whole history of owning the car when Range Mode was on, the fan ONLY went to 8. I believe this changed with 2.20.45. I contacted Tesla a second time, and sure enough they say they're not technical and they have no way of reaching the engineers, so it has to go through a service center... sigh... so I have a pending request at a service center to find out more.
I noticed last night that in Range Mode, the words "Range Mode" appears at the bottom of the HVAC screen, so I think "11" on the Range Mode HVAC screen is different from the "11" on the normal screen??