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Enhanced Summon coming (Elon tweet 6 Apr, 2019)

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Here's the tweet

I need to find the tweet again. I seem to recall that Elon said V10 would go out this week to FSD owners but pending testing. So it was not a definite.

Enhance summon coming next week! (Based on Elon tweet 6 Apr, 2019)

Wait a minute... wasn't the report last week that we would see v10 mid this week? Not joking... I thought someone posted an Elon tweet to that effect. @diplomat33 ?

No. That's not correct. He was only referring to early access (see tweet screen cap in link above). The actual wide release of V10 has never been more specific than 4-8 weeks from mid-August or so. And I don't think there has been any guarantee of inclusion of Enhanced Summon in that initial V10 release.

There have been other tweets regarding early access and wide early access (I think in August sometime), but generally nothing specific guaranteeing Enhanced Summon - except that it will be released in SOME version of V10. He didn't say anything about V10.0. He said Autopark probably in V10.1 - and implied that Enhanced Summon would be before that. But obviously that could mean Enhanced Summon in V10.1 and Autopark in V10.2. Or Enhanced Summon in V10.5 and Autopark in V10.6. Anything is possible. All would be consistent with Enhanced Summon in V10.

In any case they won't release it if it's not ready, and if the rest of the stuff in V10 is good enough, they'll release that without Enhanced Summon and include Enhanced/Smart Summon when (if) it is ever ready.
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I agree with @AlanSubie4Life about timing and "who's gonna get it next."

Furthermore, reading Elon's Twitter responses is like attempting to dissect my boss's emails where I ask explicit questions and they provide a semi-direct half-answer that may or may not be related to one of my questions.

Boss: What ice cream flavors? In a cone or cup?
1. Vanilla
2. Chocolate
3. Strawberry

Yes! Excited for ice cream! Super cold and delicious on a hot day, melts down the side of the cone if you don't eat fast!
I would love to know how a system which, at the short ranges involved with parking only has omnidirectional sonar to work with, plus one fisheye reversing camera, is expected to self-park based on lines on the driving surface.

The Model 3 also has B pillar cameras which it can conceivably use to calculate how close to the lines it is and any corrective actions necessary. Basically, the cameras have the same or better view outside the car than a driver does, so it conceivably works just like a human driver would.

This is off topic from Enhanced Summon, but as has been discussed elsewhere, the FSD delivery (the one being sold today) is pretty clearly only a level 2 system, for it to be a 100% complete delivery.

I completely disagree with your assertion here. Remember that smart summon was touted as "If you're in NY and your car is in LA, you can summon it to you". Which is absolutely not what Summon is right now. More importantly, early on when AP was being worked on, the description of the system was fall asleep and wake at your destination. That is very clearly not what is being delivered, but that was the benchmark set for the "full self driving" feature. And I'll argue that the level of autonomy in that description isn't achievable on HW3, and we do not know what it would take to solve that challenge until it's solved.

Back to smart summon, I still assert that to solve the smart summon problem you need to solve the FSD problem, because smart summon in a real world scenario will require lane keeping even without lane lines, passable surface detection, obstacle avoidance, self navigation, obeying traffic control devices, etc.

We all agree that the initial release of smart summon will not work in all cases, but will solve the simple general situation- a flat, open parking lot. But in order to solve parking lot summoning, the FSD computer will need to read an interpret signs and arrows as well as everything above so it can navigate within parking structures. I think we can abandon the "If you're in NY..." statement, but I don't think it's inconceivable that someone would expect their smart summon vehicle to be able to operate in a parking garage, or a parking lot with one-way lanes, etc. And those situations can only be solved by real, autonomous, level 4/5 driving.
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Also, sorry for the double post, but the v10 rollout stalled last week when Tesla found a regression. A new point release showed up which presumably fixed that regression and that rollout has stalled as of three days ago. From that we can either interpret that the regression was found and fixed, and that v10 is ready to go out to FSD owners. Or we can infer that v10 rollout has been stopped because of something else that was found. I prefer the former over the latter.
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Remember that smart summon was touted as "If you're in NY and your car is in LA, you can summon it to you". Which is absolutely not what Summon is right now. More importantly, early on when AP was being worked on, the description of the system was fall asleep and wake at your destination.

This is all true, but in 2019 the description of FSD was changed significantly, and I am confining my interpretation of what FSD is to be based only on what is on the website today (it says it does not make your vehicle autonomous - though the upgrade verbiage rather than the original sales site verbiage is slightly different, and more clear on this autonomous point). The original FSD was definitely more than level 2, per the description, I agree with that. I'm only speaking about the version being sold today.

Otherwise, in regards to Enhanced Summon, I agree it's a super hard problem even if we confine it to parking lots and ignore the coast-to-coast feature (could even exclude parking structures - it's still really hard!). I don't know whether I would say you have to solve the FSD problem exactly - the rare failure is much less of an issue in a parking lot (depends on the fail mode of course!). But there are many commonalities for sure.
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I would rather they release enhanced summon when it’s ready.
If anyone here thinks about this for a second, and is at all interested in protecting their investment (Car), you would want it to be ready wouldn’t you ?

Those here that want it NOW, because Elon said it would be here ages ago, don’t seem to understand that half baked functionality of this nature will hurt every single Tesla owner (that means you), if it’s released and not ready.

Everyone wants this cool feature, and it’s very late. We ALL get that by now.

Some here seem to need to remind everyone daily about that. ?

Can’t we just wait until it’s ready?
Wouldn’t that be better for everyone than a product that isn’t. ?
I’m certain it will be released the second it’s ready.

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Next week has finally arrived!

For future reference, one week equals 24 weeks.

Remember, it only counts once it hits actual wide release (which would mean release to Enhanced Autopilot owners I guess).

No wide release yet. Still just Early Access as far as we know (though the tweets are slightly ambiguous).

Basically, once regular AP (no EAP or FSD) also get V10 (without Smart Summon for them of course), then presumably that would mean wide release for V10.
I agree now with the posts above: it does seem that next week is finally here! Though based on the post on the Tesla website, it sounds like for some people, Enhanced (Smart) Summon will actually be coming next week, not this week. I think for me it will probably be coming next week. We’ll see!

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