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Cancelling my reservation

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Have you had a good look at the Bolt? I got to sit in one the other day. Small and doesn’t look good. Now the odd thing with GM is they didn’t built it to look and feel like their Volt which is a much nicer car. If they had they would have, even I would have been interested.
But you'll probably get the full 7500 tax credit with the Bolt, has heated steering wheel, Carplay and Android Auto.

At the car show a few months ago, I test drove a Bolt and fingered every crack and crevis...build quality looked pretty high. A couple of Mod S and X's were also at the show....didn't take me long to find loose seals, and a large hes head fastener just sitting on one of the X's door sil...unsure which hole it came out of. I prefer the interior of the Bolt more than the Volt...you sit higher, and the window belt is lower. ..better visibility. One pedal driving to a complete stop was also cool on the Bolt vs Volt.
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But you'll probably get the full 7500 tax credit with the Bolt, has heated steering wheel, Carplay and Android Auto.

At the car show a few months ago, I test drove a Bolt and fingered every crack and crevis...build quality looked pretty high. A couple of Mod S and X's were also at the show....didn't take me long to find loose seals, and a large hes head fastener just sitting on one of the X's door sil...unsure which hole it came out of. I prefer the interior of the Bolt more than the Volt...you sit higher, and the window belt is lower. ..better visibility. One pedal driving to a complete stop was also cool on the Bolt vs Volt.
You do t compare a Bolt and a model S !
You compare a model S to a Porsche Panamera / BMW 7 series/ Maserati etc
That is what the model S buyers do.
The S wins on acceleration- braking close on handling air suspension inferior fit finish and stereo but best tech That is a valid comparison not a crappy shoe box with batteries
16 pages of comments and counting ... Why? Sadly because E.R.Musk sets goals higher than any human can achieve.
It's not because he's a charlatan. He actually means well, but sadly, after missing deadline after deadline he fails to
acknowledge that he sets his goals TOOOOOOOOOO high and repeatedly makes the same mistake with every project.

It's okay to set high goals, but not so high that they're never reached.

Anyone who has been following him during his years at Tesla knows to take his deadlines as a grain of salt.

BUT, and this is a big but, keep in mind that the original plan for the Model 3 was moved UP 2 years and we are now
witnessing why that was an unrealistic goal. Amazingly, it appears that the Model 3 will actually be widely available by 2019 which is still one year earlier than the original plan.

Something else to keep in mind; if you are committed to changing from ICE to EV than the options are still limited.
The Bolt is still not available in all states and all dealers, even though Chevy claims it is and it's still in limited production and it's really not a Chevy. The Leaf is still at least a year away from having a 200 plus mile range EV and VW is still years away from building out a High Speed charging network that would make it easy for long distance travel. TESLA is the only company that has all that infra structure in place now and has a vehicle line that can utilize that structure. Everyone else is making lots of promises and presenting lots of concept cars, but just wait and see how many will be available once produced and make special note that the majority will NOT be available at every dealer in every state and long distance travel in any of them will still be a difficult task.

So, as others have said, go ahead and cancel, if you are really reservation holder(s), because it just means that many more future Tesla owners will be that much closer to getting their dream EV.
My reservation is delayed because I want a full range, all wheel drive, loaded Model 3 to replace my 2015 Model S 70D. I can wait.
Can you?
16 pages of comments and counting ... Why? Sadly because E.R.Musk sets goals higher than any human can achieve.
It's not because he's a charlatan. He actually means well, but sadly, after missing deadline after deadline he fails to
acknowledge that he sets his goals TOOOOOOOOOO high and repeatedly makes the same mistake with every project.

It's okay to set high goals, but not so high that they're never reached.

Anyone who has been following him during his years at Tesla knows to take his deadlines as a grain of salt.

BUT, and this is a big but, keep in mind that the original plan for the Model 3 was moved UP 2 years and we are now
witnessing why that was an unrealistic goal. Amazingly, it appears that the Model 3 will actually be widely available by 2019 which is still one year earlier than the original plan.

Something else to keep in mind; if you are committed to changing from ICE to EV than the options are still limited.
The Bolt is still not available in all states and all dealers, even though Chevy claims it is and it's still in limited production and it's really not a Chevy. The Leaf is still at least a year away from having a 200 plus mile range EV and VW is still years away from building out a High Speed charging network that would make it easy for long distance travel. TESLA is the only company that has all that infra structure in place now and has a vehicle line that can utilize that structure. Everyone else is making lots of promises and presenting lots of concept cars, but just wait and see how many will be available once produced and make special note that the majority will NOT be available at every dealer in every state and long distance travel in any of them will still be a difficult task.

So, as others have said, go ahead and cancel, if you are really reservation holder(s), because it just means that many more future Tesla owners will be that much closer to getting their dream EV.
My reservation is delayed because I want a full range, all wheel drive, loaded Model 3 to replace my 2015 Model S 70D. I can wait.
Can you?
Maybe this individual never had a reservation or even of he did his financial situation may have changed and he can no longer afford to buy one. But there are so many people that are on here bashing Tesla or trying to convince others how great others cars are. If that’s the case, I have to ask why are they on this forum anyways. Pretty sure its the Tesla Motors Club.
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But you'll probably get the full 7500 tax credit with the Bolt, has heated steering wheel, Carplay and Android Auto.

At the car show a few months ago, I test drove a Bolt and fingered every crack and crevis...build quality looked pretty high. A couple of Mod S and X's were also at the show....didn't take me long to find loose seals, and a large hes head fastener just sitting on one of the X's door sil...unsure which hole it came out of. I prefer the interior of the Bolt more than the Volt...you sit higher, and the window belt is lower. ..better visibility. One pedal driving to a complete stop was also cool on the Bolt vs Volt.

From my avatar you may infer firsthand experience. ;)

The Good:
- The "sitting high" and the airiness of the cabin that you mention. It's way bigger inside than the outside suggests.
- It doesn't have concerning roll or wobble on cornering, steering feels reasonable and it's got that pep that comes with EV drivetrain. Combined with the above point I think of it as riding high on a go-cart, in a good way.
- I REALLY like the one pedal mode, though I wish it the "L" regen was a touch less and the paddle took it to where the paddle is now so it gave a bit better differentiation between the two and tapping the paddle to drop from cruise lead to a bit smoother lead into de-accelariton.
- Build quality so far. We'll see how that holds up over the years but it's looking good so far, as you mention.
- It is a "micro SUV", I've carried 10' small diameter pipe inside (seat down, -just- able to squeeze it in w/no front passenger), and packed a silly amount of stuff into the back when driving my kid back to college at start of semester.
- It's a solid commuter, and it's functional range is easily coming in at 200 mi or better with mostly highway/Interstate miles, though that's nearly all keeping to 65mph or under (to hit it's nominal 238mi range needs really good conditions and/or a lot of 30mph driving). My driving brings the average up a touch but combined between spouse & I the car is reporting an average of 3.6mi/kWh (about 280W/mi) over the last 2500mi.

The Bad:
- Styling is 'different'. I'm okay with it, some won't be. It's a lot better than most that use the "low riding box" aesthetic, it's not got the weird proportions of say the Prius. Better than the Spark, although obviously in the similar body shape family.
- Short wheelbase (11" less than the Model 3, not that it is really a M3 competitor but just for reference). Susceptible to pitch rocking on wavy/bumpy roads at higher speeds, those damn highway concrete sections. It took a couple days to relearn my posture to have my head a bit off the headrest at highway speeds or it'd tap on the back of my head. I don't think about it now but that's there.
- Apple Map UX as implemented on CarPlay right now is flat out ugh, and Google Maps (or any other 3rd party map) isn't supported yet. It just doesn't feel like it's part of the car the way the map did during the Model S test drive I had.
- Pandora doesn't always work, you have to go into it a certain way otherwise it gets into a hung state. That's likely Pandora's coding error but there it is right now.
- The "this is tacked on" really extends to all of CarPlay, the Maps is just the most prominent for what I want to do
- I'm told that Android integration is better but I can't speak to that directly.​
- the seats, I've heard them referred to as "lawn chairs" and I don't disagree with that, even the "premium" ones (which are full manual, too)
- J1772, O...M...G what fugliness
- charging coverage and charging on the road, I didn't even bother to get DC Fast option because there's such limited network coverage (and expect it for the foreseeable future) and as I dug into how it'd would script out I just can't see myself ever bothering to try road trip with the Bolt. Prices for these chargers (Level 2 or Level 3) have fuel cost per mile almost exactly the same as my Acura TL used to cost me. :rolleyes: I charge at home.

Overall happy with it, the spouse (the main commuter) is really taking a liking to it. But it isn't a Model 3 competitor, it's aimed at a different target. That could change with the Y, though.
You do t compare a Bolt and a model S !
You compare a model S to a Porsche Panamera / BMW 7 series/ Maserati etc
That is what the model S buyers do.
The S wins on acceleration- braking close on handling air suspension inferior fit finish and stereo but best tech That is a valid comparison not a crappy shoe box with batteries
Right....I was comparing build quality...was suprised that I found loose seals and a dropped fastener on the X/S.....while Bolt build looked solid. IMHO....the Panamera build is at a higher level than the S.....fondled that one also at a dealership.
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Remember the S 40kWh? They’ve done that type of thing before. They cited “lack of interest” then if I recall correctly.

You make it sound as though ‘lack of interest’ was a lie. The facts: only 4% uptake for that version, and that 4% got what they ordered with an unprecedented chance to change their minds at a later date, which some did - a 60kWh battery limited to 40kWh.

I actually expect mostly non-interest in the 35k version of this car, which let me remind people is not just SR battery but also

My very last Seattle day 1 early morning non-owner reservation delivery date for SR was early 2019. This was pushed back from “early 2018”. I don’t recall what my original SR date was, but my first production date was Nov 2017 - Jan 2018.

In hindsight, this latest delay sealed my cancellation, but being somewhat underwhelmed with an owner’s LR Model 3 a few weeks ago after getting to spend 2 hours with it played a big role as well. I didn’t think the car was as amazing as Elon, Franz, and others have built it up to be, and this was the expensive version. It’s a really good car, just not great enough to make me want to try to force our family to wait another year (or longer, if delayed again) for it or a lesser version of it.

I think you’re just trying to talk it down to make yourself feel better. Anyone underwhelmed by a Model 3 is either being disingenuous, so biased it has to hurt, doesn’t get an ounce of pleasure out of driving at all, or doesn’t have a clue what they are talking about. The car is badass on almost every metric. It makes the S feel dated like the S made ICEs feel dated.

Enjoy your wife’s SUV.
I think you’re just trying to talk it down to make yourself feel better. Anyone underwhelmed by a Model 3 is either being disingenuous, so biased it has to hurt, doesn’t get an ounce of pleasure out of driving at all, or doesn’t have a clue what they are talking about. The car is badass on almost every metric. It makes the S feel dated like the S made ICEs feel dated.

Enjoy your wife’s SUV.
While I had a generally favorable impression of Model 3 in person, I was also underwhelmed. And I'm neither disengenuous nor biased, and I get a lot of pleasure from driving. Might not have a clue, though.
Seriously, what we value in a car is pretty personal. A vital feature for one is total fritterware for another. It has to be a fit, and Model 3 is...could never be...a fit for everyone.
Maybe this individual never had a reservation or even of he did his financial situation may have changed and he can no longer afford to buy one. But there are so many people that are on here bashing Tesla or trying to convince others how great others cars are. If that’s the case, I have to ask why are they on this forum anyways. Pretty sure its the Tesla Motors Club.

I can't speak for others, but we're on the Tesla Motor Club forum because we care deeply about Tesla's success. We committed to the purchase of Model S before there was even a car or a factory. Currently we have three sub-200 VIN Signatures. The idea that anyone who dares to offer anything less than phenomenal, fawning comments is somehow illegitimate and is "bashing Tesla" serves no useful purpose in advancing the discussions. Modifying a quote from politics: "My company - when right, to be kept right; when wrong, to be set right".
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While I had a generally favorable impression of Model 3 in person, I was also underwhelmed. And I'm neither disengenuous nor biased, and I get a lot of pleasure from driving. Might not have a clue, though.
Seriously, what we value in a car is pretty personal. A vital feature for one is total fritterware for another. It has to be a fit, and Model 3 is...could never be...a fit for everyone.

Certainly it can’t hold a sheet of 4x8 plywood. Is that why you were underwhelmed?