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Is the dash/steering control for the sunroof is backwards?

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2022 Model S
Jun 6, 2013
So Cal
The dash/steering control for the sunroof seems backwards to me.

On the center screen, there are two methods of opening the sunroof: either by sliding the "top" down, or sliding the sidebar down.
The steering wheel control is opposite: if the sunroof is closed, it is listed as 0% and you slide the control up to open the roof. Shouldn't this match the function of the center screen?
I tend to agree that it feels backwards. The only justification I can see for this is that when you adjust via steering wheel, all you see is the percentage increasing or decreasing, so it makes sense that up would increase percentage open, down would decrease percentage open. On the touch screen it must be swipe down to open in order to match the graphic display. It definitely "feels" backwards though on the steering wheel.
I agree 100%, but am also one of those people that tried to switch to Apple's "natural scrolling" (where the traditional scrolling directions are reversed and you push up rather than down to make the screen go up) and could not seem to get used to it after months of trying. I wonder if those "natural scrolling" people have different perceptions of it?

Tesla making the option user selectable would be nice...
I agree 100%, but am also one of those people that tried to switch to Apple's "natural scrolling" (where the traditional scrolling directions are reversed and you push up rather than down to make the screen go up) and could not seem to get used to it after months of trying. I wonder if those "natural scrolling" people have different perceptions of it?

I use natural scrolling even on Windows (some modifications required), and as I mentioned above, think it's backwards.
Agree on both, though I have yet to use the steering wheel button for the sunroof. Canceling cruise control always takes me 1-2 seconds to think about pull/push and that screws up my timing for the perfect slow-down. Seems more natural to pull cancel. And I have yet to automatically use the best go pedal pressure to smoothly enter regen from cancel. But then, I'm only a week into the car, still practicing. And practicing :) (did I mention, this is how ALL cars should drive).
I have only used CC a couple of times and was utterly confused by it. I figured it out, but by the next time I used it, I forgot again.

(Mods: how to I fix/change a title of a thread? I mistyped it. Please remove the second "is")
I agree it's backwards (as is CC as I've complained about many times). But for the roof one way to think about it that may help:
Visualize the glass as if it's behind the thumb wheel and the wheel is pushing the glass up and down. When you use your thumb to move the front of the thumb wheel UP, the back of the thumb wheel slides the glass DOWN. There, now it's not backwards anymore! It all depends on how you visualize the expected movement.
I feel the sunroof control on wheel is backwards too.

But I wonder - even if Tesla recognizes this issue, would they change it? Because could trigger another wave of complains from those who did not think it was backwards, and from those who got used to it anyway. I don't believe it's a big enough deal to sit as a preference in the settings. In conclusion, as much as I want it be be changed, I don't see it happening, and feel it is better to just get used to it. My two cents.