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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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At current prices with current technology.

Increase the prices or increase the tech and the reserves grow.

View attachment 330387
My very rough, back-of-the- envelope calculations suggest the current fleet of Tesla cars, at about 5 billion miles per year, using 300 kWh per mile (and 3x more efficient on a btu basis than ICE) , almost exactly replaces the bbl/day output of Kuwait.
Not bad for a start. Next up: Iran.
As of Model X made through roughly July-August 2017 the reliability has not been very good.

Consumer Reports' survey ranks Tesla Model X 'least reliable'

"In this year's edition of Consumer Reports' annual automotive reliability survey, Tesla's Model X, an electric SUV, finished below cars such as the Jaguar F-Pace and GMC Acadia on its list of the 10 least reliable cars. In fact, the organization's survey places the Model X as the least reliable car."

I am really hoping for an Average rating for both Model X and Model 3 in this October's Consumer Reports new Automotive Reliability Results.

Model S has achieved "average" reliability the last two years. Hoping for "above average" this year.

BTW Yelling FUD at all the pieces of bad news that comes out about Tesla is not helpful. It makes you look like a caricature of Tesla fanboi the Tesla bears portray every Tesla shareholder and owner to be.
Yup, sure am. I had top end Mercedes & BMW for years (between my wife and I we've had at least 6 BMW X5's, BMW 5's, Mercedes S & E) and my wife has had Porsche SUV's so we're not unfamiliar with the high-end German products. Their technology fails quite often.

With re: to Porsche: let's see in 2 years:
Passenger air bag, fuel leak, passenger seat mechanism recalls, two of which took over 1 year to remediate since parts were unavailable. Moreover, the electronics
package failed and they had to replace. btw: I live in Naples a good part of the year and I interact with lots of Porsche owners who drink their kool aid (their fan boy population is very similar to Tesla). However, many of them have to visit Porsche of Naples during the winter for fixes....

So yeah, with no safety recalls nor major parts needed for both my Tesla X's I'd sure say our experience has been better than our Porsche interaction. With re: to Mercedes/BMW, i've experienced window failures, moon roof leaks, door latch issues, brake recalls.....and,

I'd add re: Range Rovers, driver ego aside. Yikes, they need a service tech attached to their trunk given the significant quality issues they have with their products.
I agree with this assessment..

My MB E320 4Matic was one of the most troublesome cars I've ever owned.
Interesting, that is either coincidence, or potentially it is suggesting some not yet public "bad news" being traded on, one that would hit all carmakers badly: for example upcoming (bad) tariff news in the NAFTA zone would be such an event.

I remember reading a report about drop in the sales of Ford (GM might have been mentioned as well) for August, while the average for the other automakers was positive number.
Tesla Semi returns to Des Moines, IA as road tests and customer visits continue

Has anyone done the math on increase of container space by having no engine or exhaust system on Tesla Semi (thus making the truck more compact for more trailer length)?

Won’t need to change the overall length of truck and container combo so can keep overall standard head to toe length.

Since rail could be phased out with platooning, could Tesla also develop a new global container size standard since they have first mover advantage in this space (just as they’ve done with supercharger network)?

Add: could also develop an initiative to turn rail system into new highway system, possibly incorporate hyperloop... just so many massive possibilities Tesla opens up cross every facet of our economy...
I believe over 90% of the Tesla FUD comes from five major sources:
  • mainstream business media
  • shorts
  • fossil fuel seeded/amplified messaging
  • competitors (self-driving, general automotive, dealerships, etc.)
  • emotional Tesla haters
... with frequent cooperation and some overlap between them, of course.

Once Tesla starts posting profits and Elon starts filtering the tweets he reads and writes, it will have the following probable effects:
  • mainstream business media: I expect an eventual near 180 degrees turnaround, from critics to admirers of $$$$$$$ success. Tesla could help this process some more by doing PR in a more quid-pro-quo fashion, like almost every other big company on the planet does. I mean, the BFR will fly to freaking Mars in a couple of years. Even thinking about that project is goosebumps.
  • shorts: the quants will be gone, the investment banks on the wrong side of the TSLA trade will have liquidated and written off the loss, Chanos's fund will close with heavy losses and most of the dozens (hundreds) of small hedge funds short $TSLA will liquidate. They'll get the ear boxing from their investors that they deserve and they'll grow much more quiet. There will be new shorts, but they'll have to grow their messaging and overall influence will be much diminished.
  • fossil fuel seeded/amplified messaging: this might in fact get a bit milder as time goes on, because with global warming killing people even in the U.S. actual criminal prosecution of the fossil industry's crimes against humanity are a real future possibility. They'll try to reduce their future liability and instead ride the green wave. Fossil fuel interests will own much of the new tech, and they'll try to grow into the new markets.
  • competitors (self-driving, general automotive, etc.): they'll still be around, but they weren't the source of the most damaging FUD I believe. They'll respect a successful Tesla more than they are now.
  • emotional Tesla haters: they'll keep on hating.
I.e. I expect FUD volume (FUD count weighted by reach and damage) to drop by an order of magnitude - and that's all that matters. ;)
@Fact Checking Very well written post and I agree with you. Common sense and doing the right thing should prevail.

However, I don't think that you've taken into account all of the wealthy and powerful people who need Tesla/Musk to fail so they can maintain their wealth and power. Using their influence to destroy Tesla/Musk by any means necessary is a very easy business decision.
Blimey, never quite caught up with the thread all day until now - that's Twitter for you!

So rather than respond with many posts, I picked up a load of quotes, so you can ignore my thoughts in one go... Note I've had a few beers, so probably best to not read any of it...

@Toolsmack - yeah, seems he was "disliking" anything that wasn't related to "Market Action" - TBH he created a rod for his own back there...

Is @Toolsmack here all day pressing disagree?


Sorry @sdtslafan but I don't get this. We're on the verge of profitability, even if you're fed-up with all the drama - and yes, it chronic stress for me too - it would have been worth holding on a few days, at least until the August estimates are released.

Sold most of my shares today. For many different reasons. Tesla is an awesome company with awesome products. I think it will eventually be successful but many hurdles to still overcome. Management has s spotty record and I have been giving them a benefit of the doubt but I think at this point in my life no reason to take excessive risk. Elon is a visionary.but is unreliable and unpredictable. I doubt that will change. Recent tweet was ridiculous. Thanks for all your advice over the years and best of luck. Peace out.

Insidevs only in the first few days of September, but I expect 20k-ish M3, going to pop the SP a bit

We need some good news...will they publish August production/delivery most. in first week of Sept. ?

Twitter is actually an incredibly good medium for targeted communication. After years of Facebook I embraced Twitter and was amazed at the quality of information I received. For sure there are idiots there too,

4 birds* - the one giving the massage too, for that happy ending...

* English slang for an attractive young lady

Don't even understand why elon wastes time on twitter. It's basically a cesspool.

If it's late and you feel like twitting, do what I do, get a deep tissue massage. Since elon has sore back, kills two bird with one stone. Oh ya, and it is super easy to fall asleep while getting a massage. 3 birds.

Yep, long term the desirability of Tesla's will win the day. Look at all the new owners popping up on, erm, Twitter! They love it - it kind of sad to say so, but it's life-changing and they're telling all their friends, family, strangers in the street even, about this. Constantly.

The demand will increase, the fundamentals will win over the BS. Just had a little patience.

Reading the posts here in the last 24 hours I sense a lot of nervousness and searching for explanations and I ask myself why. I try to understand that sentiment and believe people are way too much focussed on the daily/weekly stock movement versus the instinct value of the stock and long term outlook.

A higher stock price say we would be today in the higher 300s does not protect your investment nor does it express the real value of Tesla. The stock price means nothing but the value does. Only exception: you don't have time or you are unable to deal with your own emotions. In both cases I recommend not to invest.

I can understand if you are deep in options or a swing trader that the daily chard does matter to you but the vast majority of people here are more focussed on the long term I believe.

All analytics I look at and assess is telling me exactly the same story. Thats a very unique situation I have not seen before.

This I believe is true for negative and positive reports, analysts, youtubers and you name it. I hardly remember and believe have not had before any investment where I did feel so strongly that the real value of the company is not at all realized by the market or priced in. Thats an awesome situation to be in which we will all remember as a great moment in retrospect.

Having said that I feel very relaxed with my investment as its always only a question of time until the real value is finally priced in until its overblown. Thats at least my experience with the stock market.

You can fool the public for a while and press the price down with shorts and biased information maybe even for years or have a CEO Twitter not helpful messages but at the end the real value and more will appear to the public and be priced in. Its like the truth that you cannot hide forever one day it will appear.

All what you need to bring is time and patience.

If you do not have time and patience - do not invest in Tesla.

You could be right that the $TSLAQ community os closed, but the major new outlets publish there and their stuff gets read widely, and commented on by the $TSLAQ lunatics. So we need to patrol and police as necessary.

I'm already evangelising about Tesla for the last 5 years - people cross the street when they see me coming in case I start talking to them...

Probably *the* best thing Tesla Owners can do for fighting FUD is to give rides to strangers/acquaintances, either with Uber or Lyft of however is best for you.

Twitter is important but it's also a very big bubble: much of the shorts have few followers and talk directly in $TSLA and $TSLAQ threads that nobody reads. Sometime they popup in other timelines but that's it. Media FUD won't stop overnight if we twitter users with few followers just start tweeting. I just go and like and retweet, but I bet my impact is minimal.

What's definitely important is to have average people drive a Tesla,be in one, understand what's like. You conquer them for life, and they won't believe more FUD headlines in the future. I think you just win them over without much arguments. They will see with their own eyes what's like.So just organize BBQ weekends and let your friends stay in a Tesla. Go to your daughter's friend birthday party and let other parents check your car. Be the driver car-pooling some co-workers. I mean, if you organize a bit you can change the mind of 30-40 people in few weeks...

I bet a Model 3 owner who does Uber/Lyft has a greater and profound impact than 100 new twitter users.

Isn't it also the case that with the shorted shares we essentially have a dilution effect? Can't remember who discussed this, but it boiled down to taking the capital value, removing the shorted shares, then you derived an real value in the region of $425. Well there's that number again...

Nice and simple. And if we're going to talk about "intrinsic value" of TSLA we mustn't forget that at any given moment the high short interest is "artificially" depressing the stock price in the market, due to the inherent dynamics of short selling (i.e. an "artificially" generated sell pressure using borrowed shares). In other words if nothing else changed but the short interest approaching zero TSLA would trade at a significantly higher price - closer to its "intrinsic value". Now TSLA has had such a high short interest for so long that it's kind of "built in to the stock price" at this point, but it is highly abnormal compared with other stocks, including other growth and tech stocks.

Any help on Twitter would be great. I think I'm spending 4-5 hours a day on it though, which isn't healthy.

Great idea, but the point is to use 10% of your time on Twitter instead of TMC, not to create another TMC time sink.

Just search for $tsla and respond to 10 tweets with facts and humor. Follow and retweet anyone who likes or retweets your post. Takes 20 minutes a day max. One person can't make much of a difference but a 1000 would.

This is awful - Reuters using a Twitter troll called Latrine (or something similar) as a source. The guy is could and has been very aggressive and rude to many people, including @bonnie

You want an example of what we are up against. Read this tweet and the replies:

Reuters Top News on Twitter

Main stream media are putting these parking lot truthers on a pedestal as champions and heroes. One guy is a rabid misogynist and personally attacks bulls in DMs, but the Reuters writer has been trolling twitter saying she is in the "Market" for Tesla inside info so she can continue to write these terrible articles. This while youall wonder why the stock is down 10 days in a row. One major reason is that Fudsters spread false narratives that the media picks up and lately has been quoting these same fudsters like they are facts. This crap gets clicks so the media is very happy to push it. I mean, there is no one to correct the record. One parking lot truther finds 2 days worth of production on a logistics/shipping lot and they claim Tesla is not selling cars, they are just building them to make production goals then stashing them. Now this is stupid, I know that, you know that, but the press is reporting it likes its facts and people are commenting how these images are making them get a second mortgage to short Tesla. Without anyone to counter this crap, its only going to get worse. Think of it like Bitcoin, only you are on the other side of the trade as it goes to 20k. Its becoming in vogue to bash Tesla and have people like Chanos and MBS on CNBC. We have Gali and the Loup Ventures guy.

You can spare 20 minutes a day to counter some of this vile crap.

Not all the bears are trolls - I've had quite some interaction with @tftf on twitter and it has been quite civil. Some of them are psychopaths and clearly just paid agents, others pretend to be fund managers and belittle you. It's all good fun. Honest!

Additionally, some of the hit parade of “care bear”, “empathic shorts” and others of similar ilk are proliferating their “Gee I care about your problem, maybe you should sell your car” on a lot of other threads right here on TMC!

They are an incessant scourge on unsuspecting new TESLA family members. So get out there and shut em down whilst welcoming our new family members:)

OK, back to today’s market moves.... /

Fire Away!

I agree with some, disagree with most. It's not b&w you know.

No one takes $tsla bulls seriously on Twitter because they often make some outrageous statements.

If you disagree with any one of these bullets, you're not going to be taken seriously by mainstream media or Wall St:
  • The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Moody's are all generally respected organizations that have more trust and respect than Elon Musk
  • Tesla's current cash position is very weak.
  • There are signs of financial distress at Tesla:
    • Asking suppliers for refunds
    • Elon cracking down on contractors/suppliers
    • Elon personally approving every 1M+ expense
    • Laying off 9% of their workforce
  • The Model 3 ramp has been a disaster. Q2 average production was below their Q1 target.
  • Tesla is yet to verify that they have delivered 5000 Model 3s per week in any two consecutive weeks.
  • SolarCity was a disasterous acquisition due to their liquidity problems and debt obligations.
  • Tesla will need to raise billions for all of their projects if any are to happen before July 2020:
    • Semi
    • Pickup Truck
    • Solar Roof
    • Model Y
    • Roadster
    • Germany Factory
    • Shanghai Factory
  • Tesla level 4/5 autonomous driving is still several years away.
  • The $35,000 Model 3 does not appear to be coming in 2018.
  • Elon Musk has been behaving erratically on Twitter and conference calls since Q2 began, to the detriment of his reputation and Tesla shareholders.
  • The auto industry is unlikely to be a winner-take-all market.
You might personally disagree with these statements, but professional investors and fund managers won't.

I can understand why Tesla needs to sell the higher-spec cars right now, but I can also imagine the impact that the entry-level M3 will have with a different demographic. Will probably reach more people and create and even bigger buzz. So I'd like them to produce it sooner rather than later.

I guess the good news is that it's likely most USA reservation holders will get their car with at least the $3750 tax-credit - once again for those that actually earn enough to claim it...

oh get off my back :) And no, it's the company needs to be successful to fulfill the mission statement. I honestly don't care if people on here or in the world don't make that extra 100k because the stock didn't go up another $10 or whatever because the company chose to produce the SR to get more people driving electric. Glad people want to make money off the company, but not at the expense of keeping certain products off the market. Here, look at this again, it's from the company. It shows nothing about stock price, just the focus of expanding:


Elon is forever giving credit to others, but there's no escaping that he's equated with Tesla, he's the talisman. And let's be clear, under his leadership, the company is doing amazingly well.

But why do all Tesla's problem now appear related to Musk's fatigue/courage/emotions? It's a company with dozens of thousands of people!

Perhaps the boss could better highlight the work of his co-worker and stop making everything *his* problems.

Then what does "in the market" refer to? 15 minutes of fame, without the fortune?

In any case, it's digging for dirt and seems highly immoral. How about digging for good news, or is that too much to ask?

This is blatantly false and should be deleted by mods. At leass @ggr would have slammed lies like this.

In no way is that Tweet an "offer to pay." It's just a phrase.

Reuters has a strict policy against paying sources for obvious ethical and legal reasons.

Well don't try and defend something you can't, that makes no sense. I'm very honest with people and say straight that Elon should have said this, or that. But I then point out how amazingly well Tesla are doing and that Elo has a great vision and drive, despite his occasional human failing.

But which one of us hasn't posted a tweet they regretted? And email that you immediately recalled? A text message when drunk that came back to haunt you?

One of the reasons many people relate to Elon is because he's basically the same as the rest of us, but happens to have a huge intellect, grand vision and huge drive. He's a guy you'd like to go and share a beer with. I cherish that.

In any case, we respond to FUD not defending Elon - the two are totally different.

I've accumulated TSLA shares since 2012. They now account for 90% of my financial assets. I also always supported Elon.
But his recent behavior makes it impossible for me to defend him publicly. It also makes it quite difficult to promote Tesla's mission with all the noise about to Elon's ego.

I won't support the company very long if Elon keeps taking all the spolight. For one, he could reserve the main annoucement for .@Tesla and retweet the company instead of mixing his personal hobbies with Tesla's business.

To those who invite TMC members to respond to trolls and FUDsters on Twitter: perhaps Elon could behave himself a little beforehand? I'm a supporter of Tesla's mission, not Elon's concierge.

You're a great FUDster yourself FearBird - all the statements below are potentially true, potentially false.

I sincerely disagree. I think all of them would agree with every bullet, and are choosing to invest despite of them.

And that's fine. We're all trying to predict the future.

But Twitter bulls lose a lot of credibility when arguing things like...
  • "Pshhhh, Moody's. Remember 2008? Lol"
  • "The NYTimes, Wall Street Journal - they're just FUD"
  • "Maybe Vern is a pedophile"
  • "Competition LOL. Tesla is going to get a 50%+ global market share of the entire global auto industry. Just wait and see."
  • "Shorts positions are inherently evil."
  • "Tesla will launch X new products before 2020."
All of these are just stupidly ignorant statements, many of which have been made on this forum. Even more often on Twitter.

And when bulls make these statements, it weakens their core argument: Tesla is ahead and will build on their lead.

This I agree with - why don't they push-back more, it seems so obvious to me. Elon should hire me, I'd do a great job.

I also think, as said yesterday, publish the freaking daily production figures. Remove the speculation. As it is, we have to wait 3 months every time before we get validation and in that time the FUDsters have a field-day.

we know this bullshit is going on, so does elon and tesla. and tesla could do something about it, so why aren’t they?
all they have to do is have a tactful PR team that simply negates most of this *sugar*.
OR, elon himself, since hes really the PR, could simply negate most of this crap.

i’m not saying reply to these individual scumbags that sabotage for profit on twitter. instead they can reply, professionally, to any article with facts. even if once a month, this would send a clear message, don’t F with us

what’s been going on instead is quite the contrary. he’s losing the PR battle. and the scumbag shorts and media are controlling the narrative now because tesla doesn’t say a word, nor does elon.

he could mention a million different things without divulging anything material that would be positive PR (not talking about mkt moving stuff).

he’s already done this for years, so it’s not a new concept.

he let them get under his skin, this lately is his own creation.
- attack media in may (IMO rightfully so, they’re dirtbags - but should’ve been handled differently) now he barely gets a fair shake from anyone.
- the pedo guy, june and this week - no reason for it. i don’t care if someone is egging him on...what are we, teenagers? there’s a better way to handle, period

a ceo responsible for 10s of billions and 10s of thousands of people just can’t do that.

i’m NOT saying stay off social media. i’m JUST saying do not have petty name calling on social media, or doing anything that the public will say, wtf?
this turns people against you, and your products. these are potential customers! and at this early stage, it’s ever important! let’s not kid ourselves.

this is part of the playbook for the enemy..can’t destroy the company? destroy the man!

so why give them ammo to do it!!!!!

the psychology of social media is another animal altogether. i’m guessing 33% of the users are pure trolls who hate themselves, so projecting their hatred and wishing failure on others is their only outlet in life, and social media is the only empowering tool for them besides outright violence.

elon should continue using it to his advantage, not detriment.

Like it or not, but essentially Elon = Tesla. And yes he needs to be careful, but not become a "droid like Zucker.

At some point, you might wonder when Elon crosses the line and put his personal reputation above the company's interests. In my opinion, he's recently been on the knife-edge. That's to the detriment of most shareholders.

Isn't this the case any given day?

Tomorrow is options expiry day. I think shorts will try to suppress the SP below 300.


You're asking the CEO of multiple companies to allow himself to be treated like a child. Somehow I don't see that happening.


Think about it. The idea is he can't control himself not to tweet, how do you stop him unless you take all his devices away from him?

Agreed, why don't we get more factual information. For a while there were some "leaked" Tesla emails. Why is it not considered to say the production figures when they're positive?

stock lost $20 on his second pedo tweet,

If Elon were to tweet that production is now sustained
At above 5000 per week and accelerating most of
The other issues would become irrelevant

The higher the production the lower the stress.

Electrek hasn't helped recently either... But indeed, SP is 250 today, 350 tomorrow, does it matter? I'm looking for 3500...

I've reached the point where I can't tell who are longs and who are trolls any more. Endless whining about things we have no control over is just pointless. I can't keep up with all the endless posts about the same things that don't belong in this thread. I'll just follow Elon, Zach, Electrek and a few others on Twitter and the web, and save myself a few hours a day.

My last advise, If you can't tolerate volatility then don't invest in TSLA.

Yes, yes, yes - get some facts out there. Why doesn't Elon tweet more about the good stuff?

exactly. he either goes back to doing the PR that he’s so famous for, or he doesn’t.
it’s unlikely any other thing (like pr team) would happen. but if either him or a team did, that would negate a lot of the bs we see in media.

nothing shuts them up more than the reality that tesla is doing well. we just happen to be in a vacuum of time where there’s a wait for any good news, and the negative voices are driving the parade float. and also in a period where there had been some missteps by elon.
keep hoping we’re out of the woods and it will blow over, and the story tells/sells itself once early oct and early nov news hits. q2 ann was that point. we need that point to reoccur soon.

Actually, it's my personal opinion that shorting a stock is evil. Point.

Again, I would encourage every long that hasn't ignored me yet to just re-read this and consider the collective.

Read dondy's responses and ask "if this wasn't Tesla or Elon but some other generic company, would I believe this?"

Tesla is one of the most shorted stocks in history. The idea that we're all evil morons is dangerous if wrong.

Actually, I believe it's enshrined in US corporate law that companies are beholden to make profits for their shareholders... (not that I agree with this, I hasten to add)

I hope not! His job isn't to enrich shareholders but to make Tesla the world leader in mobility and renewable energy. Making profits might be necessary but that's just a mean to an end.

If making money becomes a priority, I'd like the company's mission to be updated: Tesla

And cars, dude, cars!

Tesla's $65 Smartphone Charger Sold Out at Debut

Surfboards, flamethrowers...

Now chargers. (That are even more expensive then comparable brands)

Everything Tesla makes sells out.


After all the twitter theater.


If demand is like this right now, the bought and paid for media and all the big money behind it is failing at its job.


Reminder, numbers coming out soon.

And who's to say they haven't already connected some dots?

Good points....Re: #4--there are a number of very good investigative companies that Tesla could/should (ie Kroll) engage to not only see if they can connect the dots but also to try to determine if shorts are "legal" and/or their connection to press.

I love the FWD's and pedestal seats in my X, thank you.

"I think we now know the X should not have had pedestal seats or wing doors"

I own 2 X's and can assertively say that they are items that I extremely value......don't disagree though that market volume is Y vs. X.

Actually, someone on Twitter actually accused me of being Elon yesterday, made me blush...

There is no mod...

Agree with you though - let Elon be Elon, I think it's fair to say that he's done pretty well in life so far...

I’m about 10 pages behind so excuse me if this has been said or the discussion has been banned by a Mod.

I’ll preface this by saying I’m not trying to compare myself to Elon (I’m much smarter and more accomplished, not to mention stunningly good looking ;))

I find it interesting that both bulls and shorts feel they can psycho analyze Elon using only a tweet or email? It was my understanding that there was a lot more to communication than that? Of course I expect the short trolls to spin it to “Elon has lost his mind, cracking under the pressure” because that’s what they do, but bulls?

I’ve had this happen to me so many times when texting. I’m blunt and don’t pull punches, but I’m also almost completely void of feelings and emotions (just ask my wife). However, my bluntness (via text or email) is always twisted into me being “angry” or whatever childish emotion they want to attribute to me that makes them feel better about themselves.


I think Elon also doesn’t suffer fools gladly, I can relate. As I’ve gotten older I’ve managed to control myself, I use to think I could make everyone see the world logically but finally came to my senses. I still slip up way more often than I like and get sucked into a debate with a moron. Main reason why I haven’t joined the twitter fight, I’m burned out on arguing with stupid.

I’m guessing Elon knows he shouldn’t do it but sometimes you just can’t help yourself.

However, for all we know Elon could be rolling on the floor in laughter with his friends everytime he clowns someone on Twitter. Prove he isn’t?

Enough with the psychoanalyzing, I’m quite confident Elon is perfectly stable, that’s how he is wired.

Alfred, again. Or perhaps he needs a good old-fashioned girl-friend, "girl next door" type. That would do him the world of good - stop with the skinny starlets...

I don't think Elon is unreasonable - he is emotional and sometimes tweets stuff that he regrets later - he said it himself pretty much to that effect. if that is the case a personal assistant who can serve as gate-keeper for his tweets would be completely a reasonable and win-win solution. I suspect the lack of such mechanism is not due to Elon's refusal but people in position to implement such a solution not doing their job. Maybe all it needs is a direct and concrete suggestion from investors to trigger something.

Yep - the products are the best, and more and more people are discovering and yapping about them.

Yeah, it’s hard for people on the street not to notice a Tesla plow through 4 feet high flood waters, zoom past all traffic struggling to get over a mountain pass, or accelerate on a dime to pass you on a country road.

I can’t imagine how the ICE truck driver in the slow lane will react to Tesla Semi cruising by like nothing go over a mountain pass.

That kind of stuff doesn’t care about Wall Street shorts opinion on CNBC, they will want the Tesla every time in the real world.

Reminder, August car sales numbers come out soon.

It was the worst

How quick we are to assume the worse

Seems to me that it's shorts selling to shorts...

I *want* to buy more shares, I just don't have the financial means to do so.

Since the short interest doesn't seem to have changed significantly I don't think it is being depressed by shorting so it would seem that the downward trend represents day traders or longs without discipline.

Of course I could very well be wrong. I'm not a super smart or wealthy investor and my knowledge of the stock market is fairly superficial. (It is enough to discount the constant noise about tweets supposedly driving the stock price, but there's no arguing with people who seize on whatever correlation they want to -- as already evidenced in this thread so I won't go there other than to point out Dunning Kruger.)

Hey big spender!

08/30/2018 Buy Trade Details TSLA
2 $299.4309

Not if shorts are selling to shorts are selling to shorts...

Forgive me my ignorance, but wouldn’t short sellers unloading (=closing?) their positions cause the stock to rise?

Or get you wife to maybe. No, I'll stop there...

Dude, I'd sleep on the factory floor with Elon for $5.
My wife might not be cool with it, but do what you gotta do. And it's Elon!
I agree with this assessment..

My MB E320 4Matic was one of the most troublesome cars I've ever owned.

High end cars including Tesla will never be as reliable as low end cars because all New technology get tested there , then it’s filter downs to lower trim, I do not expect my Model 3 as reliable as my Honda Civic, very little changes in technology in Honda Civic in Last 7 years.
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Why are we still talking about this? Old news.....

Many of us presume this is the cause of TSLA's drop from $350 to $300 and its apparent shakiness.

Many of us are also concerned that another poor tweet could result in large investors just deciding it's enough and unloading a large portion of shares.

Of course, there are counter arguments. But the point is that when people like that are tweeting things like that, we're on shaky ground.
High end cars including Tesla will never be as reliable as low end cars because all New technology get tested there , then it’s filter downs to lower trim, I do not expect my Model 3 as reliable as my Honda Civic, very little changes in technology in Honda Civic in Last 7 years.
However, much of what failed on the Benz was not "new" tech.. it was standard stuff: brake switches, catalytic converters, relays, window switches, muffler mounts, etc...
Blimey, never quite caught up with the thread all day until now - that's Twitter for you!

So rather than respond with many posts, I picked up a load of quotes, so you can ignore my thoughts in one go... Note I've had a few beers, so probably best to not read any of it...

@Toolsmack - yeah, seems he was "disliking" anything that wasn't related to "Market Action" - TBH he created a rod for his own back there...

Sorry @sdtslafan but I don't get this. We're on the verge of profitability, even if you're fed-up with all the drama - and yes, it chronic stress for me too - it would have been worth holding on a few days, at least until the August estimates are released.

Insidevs only in the first few days of September, but I expect 20k-ish M3, going to pop the SP a bit

Twitter is actually an incredibly good medium for targeted communication. After years of Facebook I embraced Twitter and was amazed at the quality of information I received. For sure there are idiots there too,

4 birds* - the one giving the massage too, for that happy ending...

* English slang for an attractive young lady

Yep, long term the desirability of Tesla's will win the day. Look at all the new owners popping up on, erm, Twitter! They love it - it kind of sad to say so, but it's life-changing and they're telling all their friends, family, strangers in the street even, about this. Constantly.

The demand will increase, the fundamentals will win over the BS. Just had a little patience.

You could be right that the $TSLAQ community os closed, but the major new outlets publish there and their stuff gets read widely, and commented on by the $TSLAQ lunatics. So we need to patrol and police as necessary.

I'm already evangelising about Tesla for the last 5 years - people cross the street when they see me coming in case I start talking to them...

Isn't it also the case that with the shorted shares we essentially have a dilution effect? Can't remember who discussed this, but it boiled down to taking the capital value, removing the shorted shares, then you derived an real value in the region of $425. Well there's that number again...

Any help on Twitter would be great. I think I'm spending 4-5 hours a day on it though, which isn't healthy.

This is awful - Reuters using a Twitter troll called Latrine (or something similar) as a source. The guy is could and has been very aggressive and rude to many people, including @bonnie

Not all the bears are trolls - I've had quite some interaction with @tftf on twitter and it has been quite civil. Some of them are psychopaths and clearly just paid agents, others pretend to be fund managers and belittle you. It's all good fun. Honest!

I agree with some, disagree with most. It's not b&w you know.

I can understand why Tesla needs to sell the higher-spec cars right now, but I can also imagine the impact that the entry-level M3 will have with a different demographic. Will probably reach more people and create and even bigger buzz. So I'd like them to produce it sooner rather than later.

I guess the good news is that it's likely most USA reservation holders will get their car with at least the $3750 tax-credit - once again for those that actually earn enough to claim it...

Elon is forever giving credit to others, but there's no escaping that he's equated with Tesla, he's the talisman. And let's be clear, under his leadership, the company is doing amazingly well.

Then what does "in the market" refer to? 15 minutes of fame, without the fortune?

In any case, it's digging for dirt and seems highly immoral. How about digging for good news, or is that too much to ask?

Well don't try and defend something you can't, that makes no sense. I'm very honest with people and say straight that Elon should have said this, or that. But I then point out how amazingly well Tesla are doing and that Elo has a great vision and drive, despite his occasional human failing.

But which one of us hasn't posted a tweet they regretted? And email that you immediately recalled? A text message when drunk that came back to haunt you?

One of the reasons many people relate to Elon is because he's basically the same as the rest of us, but happens to have a huge intellect, grand vision and huge drive. He's a guy you'd like to go and share a beer with. I cherish that.

In any case, we respond to FUD not defending Elon - the two are totally different.

You're a great FUDster yourself FearBird - all the statements below are potentially true, potentially false.

This I agree with - why don't they push-back more, it seems so obvious to me. Elon should hire me, I'd do a great job.

I also think, as said yesterday, publish the freaking daily production figures. Remove the speculation. As it is, we have to wait 3 months every time before we get validation and in that time the FUDsters have a field-day.

Like it or not, but essentially Elon = Tesla. And yes he needs to be careful, but not become a "droid like Zucker.

Isn't this the case any given day?



Agreed, why don't we get more factual information. For a while there were some "leaked" Tesla emails. Why is it not considered to say the production figures when they're positive?

Electrek hasn't helped recently either... But indeed, SP is 250 today, 350 tomorrow, does it matter? I'm looking for 3500...

Yes, yes, yes - get some facts out there. Why doesn't Elon tweet more about the good stuff?

Actually, it's my personal opinion that shorting a stock is evil. Point.

Actually, I believe it's enshrined in US corporate law that companies are beholden to make profits for their shareholders... (not that I agree with this, I hasten to add)

And cars, dude, cars!

And who's to say they haven't already connected some dots?

I love the FWD's and pedestal seats in my X, thank you.

Actually, someone on Twitter actually accused me of being Elon yesterday, made me blush...

There is no mod...

Agree with you though - let Elon be Elon, I think it's fair to say that he's done pretty well in life so far...

Alfred, again. Or perhaps he needs a good old-fashioned girl-friend, "girl next door" type. That would do him the world of good - stop with the skinny starlets...

Yep - the products are the best, and more and more people are discovering and yapping about them.

It was the worst

Seems to me that it's shorts selling to shorts...

Hey big spender!

Not if shorts are selling to shorts are selling to shorts...

Or get you wife to maybe. No, I'll stop there...

Bulls or Bears, Looks like @AskDrStupid can handle them all :)cheers !!
The right technique is to zap (block) them on first sight: first strike and they are out, no second chances. Right?

No, if you block them then you can't counter, you need to be able to respond to wha they say. I haven't blocked anyone, but I have been blocked by several trolls - they do that when they either have no facts to back up what they're saying or when they elicit no emotional response.

So be civil, be factual, remember "burden of proof"

What's your Twitter handle, Fact, I'll follow you and jump-in to assist.
Many of us presume this is the cause of TSLA's drop from $350 to $300 and its apparent shakiness.

Many of us are also concerned that another poor tweet could result in large investors just deciding it's enough and unloading a large portion of shares.

Of course, there are counter arguments. But the point is that when people like that are tweeting things like that, we're on shaky ground.

You are a weak long that's why you are concerned
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