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Politics - Quarantine Thread

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Anybody here know which specific piece of insanity Elon is pushing here?

Supreme court? Vaccination decree? Fire people?

I believe he's referring to Biden signing an executive order requiring federal employees and federal contractors to either get vaccinated for covid or test every day as a matter of workplace safety.

I'm aware of it because I'm in one of those categories of workers. The EO was in place for somewhere around 6 months, probably really off on that number, and then the Supreme Court struck it down. Which is a decision I sort of agree with. Covid vaccinations as an osha requirement seemed dubious to me.

This is just personal experience but for where I work the deadline never hit. It was pushed out a few months. Then SCOTUS struck it down. AFAIK no one was actually fired over it. A lot of people got vaccinated who otherwise wouldn't have. They were very upset at being forced to get a potentially life saving shot.

The whole situation seemed to me like a mild abuse of power in the name of public safety. To the antivaxxer lunatics it's a crime against humanity on par with genocide.
Good for Wiki.

But here’s some more info in the community notes.

“It's worth noting that while the case did indeed go in Wikipedia's favor, the site was banned in Turkey from 2017 until the 2019 ruling.”

Not public yet but probably will be eventually.



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So ?

Just shows Elon is just peddling BS about"free speech". He only cares about white supremacists having access to Twitter. Nothing else.
I don’t agree.

Having the site unavailable completely for a couple years while it goes to court, isn’t ideal either.

I think it should go as follows:

1. Twitter complies to government request.
2. Twitter makes the request public. (Very important).
3. Twitter can go to court to fight the issue. And if they win, put the tweet back up.
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Elon seems to be completing his metamorphosis from tragically uncool to revolting- attacking George Soros by calling him an evil villain who hates humanity after it was revealed that Soros sold off his Tesla stake earlier this year.

Elon seems to be completing his metamorphosis from tragically uncool to revolting- attacking George Soros by calling him an evil villain who hates humanity after it was revealed that Soros sold off his Tesla stake earlier this year.

So like the author of the article, you are trying to convince people that because Soros sold his TSLA stock that that’s the reason Elon said Soros *reminded* him of Magneto - yeah, didn’t actually ‘call’ him Magneto - and all the rest. My cat sometimes does things that reminds me of a dog, doesn’t make him a dog nor do I thusly call him a dog.

As is often pointed out by people here, Elon can be both a person who does good things and not so good things, makes brilliant decisions and epically bad decisions. A person who has been a recipient of bullying and can bully. Someone not above criticism.

I don’t know George Soros personally. Do you? Regardless, do the same rules not apply to him as Elon. Could there not have been times in Mr. Soros’ life where he was less than a gentleman? Why, yes. I believe so. Something, something bank of England, something, shorted it into oblivion, something. Here’s a li k to his Wiki page - not sure of its entire accuracy.

Counter to the shorting he loves to do and the subsequent destruction, he also makes lots of charitable donations. I guess that helps even out his conscience. Do you know who’s donated even more money to good causes? Supporter of both progressives and conservatives at various times. Who else has done that?

Which one of these two men put his entire fortune on the line to try and save humanity from itself? And you actually care enough about the jokes and gibberish he tweets from his bathroom throne on 30 minutes of sleep to follow it incessantly, make it more than it is, and get bent out of shape about it day after day? Wow. Sticks and stones. Talk is cheap. Deeds, not words, as a measure of a man.

Nobody knows specifically what Soros did or didn’t do at any point in his long life that triggered Elon to tweet what he did. Neither you nor the author implying/suggesting/leading people to the belief it was because Soros sold all his TSLA stake is helpful in anyway and could very well be straight up wrong. It’s simply adding to the already burning pile of poop that is people’s unimportant and often inaccurate thoughts and opinions.

And no, this is not me supporting Elon in this matter or being against Soros. I’m simply pointing out the double standards, the assumptions, the jump to conclusions, the unnecessary sensationalism and drama. It’s a form of feeding the troll, but in this case the troll is both dishing and eating starting with the Forbes article author.
I don't see the relevance of your comments on Disney and Bud Light. Bud Light is boycotted by both sides of the fence... so.. are you the lone non-ignorant one? Maybe so, because if you want cheap beer, now is the time! Also, people are always boycotting Disney... they are a very loud minority.

So keep your shame to yourself. We are doing just fine, thank you.
I don't see many videos online of "Progressives" shooting up Bud Light cases with AR-15s. That's strictly redneck conservatives.
It's transphobia. Who cares what other people do with their lives. Just shut up and live yours the way you want to and we can all do the same.
And yeah, when it comes to BS political "issues", it does seem there are less and less non-ignorant folks.
Not every effing stance in life has to be politicized.
The greatest illusion that politicians and those in power have ever pulled off is manipulating the ignorant into thinking they're on our side. Or at least on half of our sides. They literally create topics out of thin air and decide to push their fake agenda, pitching their ideas in a way that makes it sound like we have to choose sides. Trivial BS topics, that are just a distraction for their real agenda that they continue behind the scenes, which is to make more money for themselves and their friends/donors, and build their own power and influence, at any cost (always costing us, not them).
I could not care less who's in the White House. It doesn't affect me in the least day to day. Because the reality is, it doesn't matter who's in charge in DC. They're all just slowly taking away more and more of our freedoms. And they spin it as if we're going to love it.

Stay out of my pocket, leave me alone. I don't need you telling me how to live my life.
Well… it’s all but official. I will chose another EV brand for my next purchase.
This will impact brand identity.

How many folks of different persuasion whined and stomped their feet like a 2 year old when they learned that Musk voted for Obama and then Biden?
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