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CrowdFund an AD Campaign

Which Ad do you want?

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We could crowdfund to have a large stance on social media via promoted tweets and Facebook posts! I will set-up a twitter now and indiegogo soon. Any advice is encouraged!

MODS: Can we change thread title to: Fight the NADA through Crowdfunding and Social media!
What a better way to make the shorts wet their bed?! Also increase sales! I see this as an opportunity to "crowd-fund" large scale shareholder activism.
Let me know what you think!

TV Prime time slots cost in the $100k's
Hulu can get 16 views per $1 with a Minimun of $15k

To avoid the costs of producing an ad, Take a look at these ones below and vote on one.
Potential ads:
Tesla Model S: Commercial - YouTube
The Tesla Nod - YouTube
Tesla on Vimeo

Let me know If I should set up this campaign!
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If Tesla Motors thought they needed ads, they would buy some -- they can certainly afford it. But since the car-cales are strongly production constrained rather than demand constrained, there is not much point in ads.
If Tesla Motors thought they needed ads, they would buy some -- they can certainly afford it. But since the car-cales are strongly production constrained rather than demand constrained, there is not much point in ads.
As said in the conference call yesterday, the cell constraites will be gone in the later half of the year. Leaving demand to drive production, as shareholders we can push their marketing to act.
I would be willing to fund an EV commercial but not a Tesla specific commercial... Lot of ignorance about EVs out there...

Sorta like this... but without the Volt slam and LEAF promotion...

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As said in the conference call yesterday, the cell constraites will be gone in the later half of the year. Leaving demand to drive production, as shareholders we can push their marketing to act.
I didn't gather than the cell constraints will be gone, just that the cells available will be higher in the latter half of the year. And, there are probably other supplier constraints.
Perhaps shareholder activism should be directed at countering the NADA lobbying as opposed to trying to boost sales directly...target the lawmakers in specific states...

What a better way to make the shorts wet their bed?! Also increase sales! I see this as an opportunity to "crowd-fund" large scale shareholder activism.
Let me know what you think!

TV Prime time slots cost in the $100k's
Hulu can get 16 views per $1 with a Minimun of $15k

To avoid the costs of producing an ad, Take a look at these ones below and vote on one.
Potential ads:
Tesla Model S: Commercial - YouTube
The Tesla Nod - YouTube
Tesla on Vimeo

Let me know If I should set up this campaign!
I would agree to crowd fund an issue ad to raise awareness of BEVs or shining a spotlight on the NADA shenanigans. I would not support doing something Tesla specific without their explicit support. Rogue marketing efforts can be hugely counterproductive.

Is someone looking into filing requirements with IRS? I don't think you can just collect money for a PAC and use it for ads. There may be some reporting requirements. But I'm not an expert in this area.
good point, Not sure either. I'm sure we have someone on here that knows the answer. I assumed it would be the same as a charity as it isn't for a political campaign or anything.
It seems to me that a broad range of financial interests are vested in fighting Tesla Motors. Elon's tweet regarding ending range anxiety, was immediately given a negative spin by numerous media outlets. I don't view this as a conspiracy, but rather companies that are vested in the status quo, protecting their investments and business relationships. As an example the Los Angeles Times has maintained a profitable business relationship (full-page car ads) with an extensive number of NADA dealerships. It is not in their interest to report Tesla nor electric vehicles in a positive light. If the Los Angeles Times is contrasted with Consumer Reports (a media outlet that has no paid advertising) the difference is stark.

While Tesla Motors (Elon and the Senior Management) have done an extraordinary managing the media, (consider how they have dominated the automotive news for the past several years) they too have a corporate agenda. Just as Tesla has a right (legal standing) to a free market in which to sell their products, consumers have a right (legal standing) to purchase products of their choice. Just as Consumer Reports has objectively reported reviews of the Tesla products, we as individual consumers have the right to advertise the truth, regarding electric vehicles, renewable energy, and basic free market principles.

What chaps my hide, is that constant lies are repeated with the intent of solidifying public opinion. I for one believe consumers of a "solar electric economy" deserve our own voice.
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