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I expect 12.5 to get us the third 1 (87.5%).

I expect you’ll be wrong for 12.5 with reasonably busy traffic conditions. It could be fine if they are all rollers. Like it is now.

I just expect zero progress. They seem constitutionally incapable of it and I expect no progress until they do a strategic reorg of their flagging AI team.
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At least all this means that it looks like 12.3.6 has become the baseline install and is starting to replace 11.4.9.
Now it has me wondering if where they will start the 12.4 group, will it be from the 2024.3.5 folks or the 2024.14.x
I'm making a WAG that its the 2024.3.4 folks that get FSD 12.4 as the early-ish access, but not as early as the YouTube level early access
I sure hope not. I want off of this 3.25 and onto new features that were introduced in 8.X and 14.X. I could care less about FSD....fun trial but I'll only subscribe for my July road trip to get EAP, don't care what version of FSD is on it.
I sure hope not. I want off of this 3.25 and onto new features that were introduced in 8.X and 14.X. I could care less about FSD....fun trial but I'll only subscribe for my July road trip to get EAP, don't care what version of FSD is on it.
If you unsubscribe you will likely be updated to the newer software and no longer in the most current FSDS release.

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 6.47.39 PM.png
If you unsubscribe you will likely be updated to the newer software and no longer in the most current FSDS release.

View attachment 1046050
exactly this ^^
It took no more than a day or two after I moved FSD to my Model Y before my old Model 3 switched from 2023.44.30 up to 2024.2.7.
Right now my FSD car is on 2024.3.25 and the non-FSD car is 2024.8.9
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Reactions: FSDtester#1
If you unsubscribe you will likely be updated to the newer software and no longer in the most current FSDS release.

View attachment 1046050

I'm not subscribed. So far no cars on 3.25 have moved to anything looking at TeslaFi data. I would guess the large majority of these cars are people who aren't subscribed. We got the free trial, we had 30 days of fun and we are done with it. We'd rather move on if we aren't planning to subscribe.
Okay, so after having 12.3.6 for the better part of a day and going on a longer drive I'm coming to the conclusion that if 11.4.x was like a teenage student driver, then 12.3.6 is like a 6 year old that can barely see over the wheel and has wooden blocks tied to their shoes to operate the pedals. Although it has pretty sloppy lane holding, wandering gradually from cowering at the right edge of the road to aggressively hugging the centre line with no obvious reason for either, it's pretty much all aspects of speed management that are the most awkward and uncomfortable. Hard acceleration from every stop right to the speed limit and then having to use regen to back off feels very unnatural. Coming up behind slower or stopped traffic seems to threaten running into the rear of the car in front almost every time - I wound up disengaging by brake a lot of times to prevent the apparently real possibility of it just plowing right in. The automatic speed offset is useless and would likely wind up getting one a speeding ticket in short order. In the regular speed mode, it can change the speed out of the blue to slow down with no obvious reason regardless of the limit. Today, it did not get a comfortable speed right once around a corner, going either way too fast or inappropriately slow.

11.4.x had its issues, but it was on average pretty useable. This version is just not worth the constant hassle. I'm shocked (but not really) that they thought it was okay to release. If the take rate for the previous trial round really was just 2%, I'm surprised it was that high. Most people are not going to remotely tolerate that behaviour, let alone pay for it.

ETA: not to mention, the wipers were flapping in the sun like a beach full of startled seagulls.
Based on that description, I don’t know what the heck you were using or what your settings are but it wasn’t FSD v12.

I have literally had 3 consecutive 45 minute drives to work this week where I did nothing but press the accelerator to help it along.
Based on that description, I don’t know what the heck you were using or what your settings are but it wasn’t FSD v12.

I have literally had 3 consecutive 45 minute drives to work this week where I did nothing but press the accelerator to help it along.
Agreed, fastest ignore button in Tmc history... it was a TeslaQ post.
I had my first safety intervention today in over a month of using it. It freaked out over a jogger at the side of the road. It usually handles them fine by crossing into the other lane a little to give them some space. My guess is that it couldn’t see around the curve on the road to determine that was safe, so it started beeping and I had to take over. It turns out the jogger was the head football coach at Texas, so running him over would have gone over particularly badly.
  • Funny
Reactions: APotatoGod
If you unsubscribe you will likely be updated to the newer software and no longer in the most current FSDS release.

View attachment 1046050

You are on the Internet reading my post. I could care less, but if I did I wouldn't bother typing this.

If I couldn't care less I wouldn't have bothered writing this.

Anyone that says they couldn't care less and bothers to type out a big post, isn't speaking accurately or being honest.
I disagree. We need to able to take different experiences as they are stated. Their experience is as true to them as the above post about not any disengagement in 45 minutes drives are to the above poster.
Yeah I’m not claiming the poster is lying…but something isn’t right. The described behavior is not characteristic of v12 running properly. Maybe the car needs a reboot, calibration, or something else.
Yeah I’m not claiming the poster is lying…but something isn’t right. The described behavior is not characteristic of v12 running properly. Maybe the car needs a reboot, calibration, or something else.
I interpreted the post as taking a few minor but real v12 flaws, and overexaggerating them for attempted comedic effect.

The current state of FSD (to me) is that it's incredibly mind-blowingly amazing, yet at the same time, not nearly where it needs to be. The incredible part is the super-wide ODD and general competency at most things, including a very humanlike driving style much of the time. The "not nearly" part is for still having to disengage every couple miles for simple, sometimes inexplicable mistakes, such as trying to drive straight from a well-marked left-turn-only lane, or being oblivious to large potholes, or being inadvertently rude to other drivers. (Also for making me goose the accelerator far more often than I'd like, which sometimes makes it feel like I'm manually controlling the speed with one-pedal driving, to the point that all FSD is doing is side-to-side lanekeeping.)

It's been observed that most airplane crashes are typically the result of about seven compounding mistakes, any small subset of which would be minor on their own. Car crashes also often involve multiple mistakes; a combination of one car doing something unexpected, and another car not paying attention or not being able to react in time to take evasive action. As such, reducing car crashes may ultimately be as much about reducing common minor mistakes (e.g. doing something erratic or unexpected, even if not illegal or directly dangerous) as it is about reducing the rarer major mistakes. This blurs the line of what constitutes a "safety intervention": if driving predictably enhances safety, then driving erratically decreases it. An intervention could thus be considered a "safety intervention" without having to be an "imminent collision intervention", at least in my book.

As incredible as FSD v12 is, I still believe it's many years away from full L4, and probably will never reach it with the current hardware stack. So the question becomes, what constitutes useful L2 (or L3)? I think that useful city-streets L2 will be when the most common head-scratching failures are solved; turning from incorrect lanes, ignoring lane guides, being oblivious to large potholes and road debris, irritating other drivers. The car needs to drive in a way that combines efficiency (proper speed and lane selection, and accepting the right of way) with being polite to other drivers and not getting honked at. When FSD can regularly do a 10-mile drive through complicated urban traffic and street patterns without making me wince, I'll consider that useful city-streets L2. (It's already useful L2 on highway, and has been for several years.) Bring on v12.4, I can't wait!
Yeah I’m not claiming the poster is lying…but something isn’t right. The described behavior is not characteristic of v12 running properly. Maybe the car needs a reboot, calibration, or something else.
Perhaps. I will try the reboot and camera calibration as it was coincident with the 14.6 update. Hoping for the best.
I'm not subscribed. So far no cars on 3.25 have moved to anything looking at TeslaFi data. I would guess the large majority of these cars are people who aren't subscribed. We got the free trial, we had 30 days of fun and we are done with it. We'd rather move on if we aren't planning to subscribe.
It will happen BUT only whenever Tesla "decides" to put you in the queue. So far not that many cars have received 24.14.x so you are still in the majority. New integrated updates like this ebb and flow and take some time to test on all hardware combinations for small bugs. Likely why we had 24.14.5 and that was updated to 24.14.6. Usually once all the bugs are ironed out you will then see a huge increase in the number of Teslas getting a new update. This is the most likely time you will get it.
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You are on the Internet reading my post. I could care less, but if I did I wouldn't bother typing this.

If I couldn't care less I wouldn't have bothered writing this.

Anyone that says they couldn't care less and bothers to type out a big post, isn't speaking accurately or being honest.
This is incorrect. Figurative analogy of the post I quoted.

[newbie wanting to buy a Tesla] Looked at a red Tesla and told it adds $2000 to the price. What colors don't cost extra since I couldn't care less about the color and just want to get the best price.
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