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WTB-Roadster charge port for my Rav4

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Interesting idea, and I hope it works...but I'm not sure it's gonna be quite that easy. I think there is some communication that needs to go on and I'm not sure that swapping out the port is going to accommodate that. But perhaps you know what you're doing...I most certainly do not know a lot about this. But clearly one of the major weaknesses of the Rav4EV is the extremely limited charging options and that could open a lot of new opportunities for Rav4 EV owners.
Jim's conversion retains the Tesla plug behind the J plug so if neccessary it can be accessed through the trunk for Tesla charging.

I'm waiting for the Model S plug to become available. Maybe it is???

I'm thinking something similar. I can put both ports under the hood (the Tesla 10kW charger is physically there, too) and just crack the hood open to use them.
Why wouldn't you just convert the Clipper Creek "Roadster" EVSE to J1772? But I would check w/ Tomsax as he converted his Roadster to J1772.

Here's some information he provided:

"Here are the part numbers I have, with prices from February, 2011."

6000523 : $817 (for the 2008 model)
6003434 : $725 (for the 2010 model)
6001535 : $1,193 (unsure which model)

The 2010 has a 7-foot cable with simple lugs at the end. The 2008 has a
2-foot cable that's terminated in an expensive Amphenol twist-lock connector.

- - - Updated - - -

Can somebody identify the correct part from this long list?

ACA-B Series
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I'm thinking something similar. I can put both ports under the hood (the Tesla 10kW charger is physically there, too) and just crack the hood open to use them.

I should clarify that the charge port doors opens to the working J1772 socket. It's only when you want to use the occasional Tesla plug that the cord comes out the closed trunk lid.
Burnt pin on current Rav4

Update: My Rav4 was fixed under warranty for a burnt pin on the charging port. I also got a Camry rental for a week, also courtesy of Toyota. Of course, I don't think the Rav4 had anything to do with this, and IR thermometer testing indicates at least one other Blink/Rema handle got quite hot on one pin (opposite to my pin) on a Rav4. Keep in mind, these are only 30 amp Blinks and the Rav4 can take 40 amps.

Conclusion; a poorly crimped connector on the Blink/Rema charging handle.

More pics here



The Blink plug:


Update: My Rav4 was fixed under warranty for a burnt pin on the charging port. I also got a Camry rental for a week, also courtesy of Toyota. Of course, I don't think the Rav4 had anything to do with this, and IR thermometer testing indicates at least one other Blink/Rema handle got quite hot on one pin (opposite to my pin) on a Rav4. Keep in mind, these are only 30 amp Blinks and the Rav4 can take 40 amps.

Conclusion; a poorly crimped connector on the Blink/Rema charging handle.

You were lucky it was covered under warranty if it was caused by the bad crimp in the Blink/Rema charging connector.
I would like to use the 70amp Clipper Creek EVSE with Roadster "nozzle" and need the charging port from a Roadster.


I'm not all that technical... do you just want the black flexible connector that goes from the HPC to the roadster, with the twist barrel on the roadster end? Or do you want to buy an entire Tesla/ClipperCreek HPC? May have the latter for sale soon, but don't want to take it apart, would sell the whole thing.
I'm not all that technical... do you just want the black flexible connector that goes from the HPC to the roadster, with the twist barrel on the roadster end? Or do you want to buy an entire Tesla/ClipperCreek HPC? May have the latter for sale soon, but don't want to take it apart, would sell the whole thing.

I need the opposite of the black connector; HPC female connector to J1772 male. I have a Clipper Creek charging station.