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WTB: Model S Car Cover (for indoor use)

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Hi! I am looking to by a Model S car cover. Ideally with an open for the charging port, like the one sold by Abstract Ocean. It is for indoor use, so it does not need as heavy.

I have tried a couple of covers from Amazon, but they don't fit right...

I’m selling an outdoor one(I know a little over kill for your use). It does not come with a charge port flap but has enough slack available to lift up/plug in/ drop cover back down. Sells for $200, I only used it once. Asking for $100 plus shipping. Let me know.
Hey! Thanks for reaching out! Sorry for the delay, I did not see your message until today. Yeah, it is probably an overkill, but could you tell me what brand is it so I can check it out? I am looking for an indoor one because my garage is rather tight and outdoor covers tend to be rather heavy and cumbersome. I tried one and had to return it because it was impossible to install with the limited space I have...
Hi! I am looking to by a Model S car cover. Ideally with an open for the charging port, like the one sold by Abstract Ocean. It is for indoor use, so it does not need as heavy.

I have tried a couple of covers from Amazon, but they don't fit right...

He;llo Vinc:
New to posting here, so pardon the months long delay. I have the original black, Tesla-logo'd, stretch-satin. indoor car cover from my 2014 Model S P95. I unfortunately totaled her 2 years ago :(. I've since learned to love my Model Y. Make me a reasonable offer that includes shipping from DC and its yours.