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WTB: 1.5 Roadster Left Rear Wheel

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Mine on my 08 Roadster is fine, but came from the factory in a lightly misted grey color, while the other 3 wheels are the pure aluminum color. So it does not match perfectly. Anyone got one with no damage? If not, I can still buy it new from Tesla I think. PM me! Thanks! Chris
Mine on my 08 Roadster is fine, but came from the factory in a lightly misted grey color, while the other 3 wheels are the pure aluminum color. So it does not match perfectly. Anyone got one with no damage? If not, I can still buy it new from Tesla I think. PM me! Thanks! Chris
Can you just get it painted? I am pretty sure that the rims are painted an aluminum color.
Mine on my 08 Roadster is fine, but came from the factory in a lightly misted grey color, while the other 3 wheels are the pure aluminum color. So it does not match perfectly. Anyone got one with no damage? If not, I can still buy it new from Tesla I think. PM me! Thanks! Chris

Are you 100% certain the rim came like that from the factory? Why didn't you mention this when picking up your Roadster? Or are you a 2nd+ owner and don't know the history? If so I'd change the description. I really don't see Tesla letting something odd like that out. Sounds more like the original owner hit a curb, had the rim replaced, and it was of a different variation which can happen.

If it was me I'd just have the 4 powder coated to a black or gun metal color. End of story and it'll look better than stock.