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TSLA Market Action: 2018 Investor Roundtable

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That’s a steep cliff Nasdaq is falling off.

Its that below:


BTW: Fear is a positive indicator for investors. Greed a sell sign...

Sounds simple right?! Still most people are unable to follow a simple rule.
Admittedly, the last thing I made (partly) out of titanium was a travel bird cage (which I never actually used), so not everything made out of titanium is actually useful ;)

Haha, just a nerd whose idea of fun reading is peer-reviewed research papers and technical reports ;) And a tinkerer who can't stay focused on one project for very long. To give you an idea: I have an entire room dedicated to exotic tropicals (some of which don't even have scientific names) lit by LED lights and in custom soil mixes. In the corner of the room is a custom-built sound-absorbing box for the vibrating lap that polishes the minerals which I collect on hikes and ID at home with a variety of tests. I'm polishing them to build a custom countertop for my (still early in progress) underground cave house, which uses basalt rebar instead of steel and basalt dust as a pozzolan to replace part of the cement, to increase longevity and decrease environmental impact. I modeled prototypes of the house - for appearance, heat flow, and and in a FEM simulation - to get a sense of what would work before handing them off to my architect and engineer. My compute node these days however is mostly busy with a genetic algorithm optimizing a CFD simulation of an electric ram-arcjet; I first started learning how to work with CFD sims back when writing a book based around an engineering analysis of the colonization of Venus. Which is a bit different from the project I was working on before that, which was welding a custom art-gate for my house out of bent scrap steel tubes which has my name and the name of my land in Old Icelandic runes. I had recently been messing around a bit with stellar isochrone modeling and quantum chemistry sims recently for a project I've had at the back of my mind for ages for doing whole-planet CFD and geochemistry sims, but I've decided to put it on hold for a NFC data system for a biodome project I'm involved in.

Like I said: nerd. ;)

I have a phd, "expert" in biomechanics, exercise physiology, machine learning etc... and I feel like a minion lol
Regarding titanium, I have a cycle with a titanium frame - it's very light, seemingly indestructible, super scratch resistant, but has a nice springy quality which gives a comfortable ride.

Furthermore, I have a few titanium screws in my right leg, down by the ankle, had a few in my knee too and a big piece down the middle of my tibia, these items were removed and are now in the sideboard drawer. Was holding things together after a particularly bad football (soccer) incident in 1999...

So after Karen, I think I'm the most qualified on titanium here :D

I have 2 titanium plates in my face and can confirm. I have not broken my cheekbone again. Plates haven't been scratched. And they handle well when my face bounces off the pavement after being hit by a car while cyclingg.
Long time AAPL shareholder here ... and I've been saying this for two years now. I've posted many times on a well known AAPL forum and I have to say that I've not really felt many agreed with me but maybe now with Tesla actually selling cars with respectable numbers people will come around.

It's VERY simple :

Apple needs another product and a way to get into the Auto ecosystem, Apple "skates to where the puck is" ... the puck is in EV and autonomous driving.

Tesla needs capital and manufacturing experience ... Apple has both ...

Both companies believe in green power and know the power of alternative energy sources ....

BIG question is how the two cultures can exist .... Elon's personality is larger than life and next to a Steve Jobs it may have proven to be too much ... Tim Cook on the other hand has the kind of personality that can work with Elon's quirks.

I think if Tesla and Apple were to partner in some sort of way the results could be amazing, talk about Synergy??

Cheers to the longs
Apple doesn't manufacture anything. Try Foxconn instead.
Well it looks likes there is just as much resistance to the idea of a Apple/Tesla partnership on this forum as well as the AAPL forums.

I just see the combination of the two simply unstoppable ....

Let's see what happens but I will admit it's a longshot.
I don't see it myself. Of course I also don't care for Apple products for the most part. I had an issue with a password on my ipad and Apple literally couldn't help me. The only recourse given to me was to find my receipt (lol) and go to an apple store. There was no way to just restore the whole deal. I eventually got lucky and guessed my old password.
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