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The Tesla FUDge Factory is Now Open

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Opus BC fan

TSLA long since 2011
Supporting Member
Dec 9, 2012
At Large
This is a duplicate of a post in the Tesla General Forum
There is a lot that comes down from high on Bullshit Mountain. What has amazed me for the last 48 hours is how every piece of positive news on Tesla was dissected, repackaged and presented as a negative.
Rather than reading it all and thinking WTF?! Why don’t we take the “narrative” and have some fun with it?
For the most recent news I have some FUD HEADLINES for the promising Tesla news that is already in use:
  • Achieving 5k in a surge week = "UNSUSTAINABLE"
  • US deliveries paused to have the 200k car delivered in Q3 = "DELIVERIES ARE DOWN"
  • Increased assembly-line efficiency = "DISCARDED SAFETY CHECKS"
  • The waiting list for the M3 is down commensurate with deliveries = "DECREASED DEMAND”
In the original thread FrancoP added:
  • New general assembly line built in record time and cost = "TESLA HAS NO IDEA HOW TO BUILD CARS AND IS USING A TENT”
So, I would like to see what we can come up with for the joy of it. Take a Tesla positive and spin it NEGATIVE. Most all of us are long-term Tesla fans. We have seen and read a lot. We can collectively benefit from a few laughs. Here’s a few to start:
  • Rare Tesla battery fire never enters the passenger cabin = “YOU CAN’T TOAST YOUR MARSHMALLOWS IN A TESLA”
  • Wannabe has an idea for a future electric vehicle = "TESLA KILLER"
  • Capital investment = CASH BURN
  • Battery Electric Vehicle = POWERED BY CLEAN COAL
There are some good additions over on the Tesla General Discussion Forum (I will let those authors decide where they wish to post)
We have so much to work with.
Now it is your turn...
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Tesla has a communication problem and they are not doing anything to fix it. Journalists are lazy and incompetent, they take fake news as facts as they don't have the time or neurons to figure out Tesla.If you accept that as a fact, then help them out , explain it to them.

Tesla needed units, margins and demand.
Units are getting there but they got to 5k with a last minute crazy push and they've got little credibility as they miss targets often. Some doubt Tesla more than others but it's a gamble.
On margins the info is outdated, if you assume 12-15% M3 margins in Q3 with a healthy P mix, it's rather difficult to reach 25% anytime soon. If you assume 20% or better in Q3 due to P, that's quite a different picture but Tesla is only gonna talk about this in a month when they have the Q2 call.
On demand no idea why they would share data that looks negative without context. It's likely that there was a wave of cancellations from folks that wanted the base model with the full tax credit and that explains the weakness (and ofc on top of that, you are never gonna have 100% of reservations converted to orders) but Tesla just dropped a number that looks really bad. The number they should have shared is new reservations during the quarter and highlight what % is N America while reminding people that demand will rise when more M3 on the road. If that number was terrible too, just don't share any data on this yet.

They got to do PR and IR properly , explain EVs and Tesla to people instead of Elon going bananas and taking it personally. It's a problem like any other problem so go find a solution, a viable one. The FUD is there but their lack of an appropriate reaction is rather absurd too.
There is also a downside here, if they explain Evs and Tesla to the press, they also convince their competition to invest in EVs so it's a bit of a catch 22.

In the end, it's a buying opportunity for long term investors and the stock will recover as Tesla regains credibility but they got to keep working and mess up less.
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Tesla has a communication problem and they are not doing anything to fix it. Journalists are lazy and incompetent, they take fake news as facts as they don't have the time or neurons to figure out Tesla.If you accept that as a fact, then help them out , explain it to them.

Journalists are people, so some are really smart and on the ball and others are dumb and lazy. Most of them are working 24/7 under tight deadlines in understaffed offices. I strongly doubt that there is any kind of conspiracy either against Tesla, Trump, or anything else. They just want to file their copy and get to the next story.

They got to do PR and IR properly , explain EVs and Tesla to people instead of Elon going bananas and taking it personally. It's a problem like any other problem so go find a solution, a viable one. The FUD is there but their lack of an appropriate reaction is rather absurd too.

I agree. Journalists usually don't have the time to get everything right. Provide them a message that seems logical and accurate and they will probably print it. That is why savvy organizations have departments to develop corporate messages and the means to subtly get them out. Otherwise, organizations with competing interests will get their message out. Tesla's not doing a good job getting their message out right now and Elon isn't helping by acting imperious and threatening.
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The ones selling shares are shorts and people who follows the fake news, they don't matter.
Just remember Model 3 has at least 6 months of no competition before incentives start to reduce.
By the end of December you bet the stock will be $450, anything less than a drone strike on their factory is not going to change that.
The ones selling shares are shorts and people who follows the fake news, they don't matter.
Just remember Model 3 has at least 6 months of no competition before incentives start to reduce.
By the end of December you bet the stock will be $450, anything less than a drone strike on their factory is not going to change that.

Please do not give them any ideas ;)
@ lkstaack

Wasn't trying to imply that there is a conspiracy just that they are failing to do their job. No matter the constraints, they can't inform their readers if they don't make an effort to get informed.They need to figure out EVs, they need to figure out Tesla and then they need to figure out car as a service so the future. They need to be really smart, have vision and put thousands of hours into it. And they need to do it on their own because the auto industry and analysts are not of any use. it's hard but it's their duty.
And ofc Tesla should do more to help them out , that was my main point.
I would like to add a side note to this thread. There are many reasons I am "all in" on Tesla and Elon Musk projects. I have been closely following Tesla & SpaceX since 2011. I am not a big numbers person. These are data points that I use in my decisions.
  • He didn't go public with Tesla until he had assured himself it would make money for his investors.
  • The pre-video audio feed at the time of the first S being delivered had someone asking Elon if this was one his greatest days ever. He replied something like "well you have to compare that with things like the birth of your children".
  • The first industrial injury at the Fremont factory got a concerned personal response from Elon.
  • He sees a group of kids trapped in a cave in Thailand and thinks "I have to help"
Musk is much more than a "decent" human being. His core values are reflected in his companies and his actions. This drives those who have sold their souls long ago nuts!
I have no doubt that the attacks, distortions, and FUD will continue. Where possible, I try to use humor as a defense. Okay-- back to the thread already in progress...
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