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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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How are Tesla's margins compared to pre-Covid?

EDIT: Apparently same or better 😮

Haha, who cares? Shortzes? That's a made-up care-bear talking point, neither a top-line or bottom-line metric. Tesla is immensely profitable now, wasn't in 2019. Tesla has quadrupled deliveries since 2019 too. This is the Mission. Or perhaps you know of another one that cares about 'margerine'? :p

ShorteningVsButter-blog-Imperial Sugar .jpg
Their WAS discussion of how Tesla arrived at the choices it made today. The fact that you don't like the answers speaks about your ability to filter out feedback that disagrees with your entrenched views. Your loss. You should probably sell.

Serious question:

Are people in this thread not allowed to post critical or even possibly negative reactions to things Tesla does? Because nothing I've seen StarFox post today warrants a response anything close to that which I've quoted above (emphasis mine). Seems overly nasty and aggressive in my opinion for simply having an issue with Tesla deflating their own Highland product launch news?

Is it really so difficult to just be civil towards each other?🤔
I've never been a fan of the shouting down of dissent that can occur in this thread and have stated numerous times that it only does a disservice to the forum. Never hurts to just step away for awhile when you're feeling frustrated / burnt out - hopefully we see you in the future. There are also other threads in this forum that are a little more receptive towards criticism of Tesla, though they are more focused in their scope.
Dissent is one thing. Calling names (moronic) is another.
Everything complained about is short term.

The company has tried to make it clear they do not care about short term movement of the SP.

Can't help those who refuse to listen.
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I've never been a fan of the shouting down of dissent that can occur in this thread and have stated numerous times that it only does a disservice to the forum. Never hurts to just step away for awhile when you're feeling frustrated / burnt out - hopefully we see you in the future. There are also other threads in this forum that are a little more receptive towards criticism of Tesla, though they are more focused in their scope.
I don't think there's any shouting down here. Some people have an opinion. Some have the opposite opinion. You say your piece. I say my piece. That's freedom of speech. Maybe more people agree with me. Maybe it's the opposite.

I remember when Elon sold his shares. That was fun. I didn't say anything about leaving back then.
Don’t see why CT needs to be garaged.

No cars need to be garaged. But living in an area that gets tons of snow and freezing temps for months, having a garage makes life during these months a lot more manageable. (no clearing off snow in the mornings, car stays warmer, doesn't block the plow from plowing my driveway otherwise I would have to shovel myself, etc.)
This forum is filled with investors. If you are going to post in here that Tesla is being idiots, you're going to hear reasons why that's wrong. Decide rationally if it's valuable perspective or echo chamber. Many investors here have a solid thesis behind their often significant investments and I value the insight and counter-arguments when I have trouble seeing the forest for the trees.
This forum is filled with investors. If you are going to post in here that Tesla is being idiots, you're going to hear reasons why that's wrong. Decide rationally if it's valuable perspective or echo chamber. Many investors here have a solid thesis behind their often significant investments and I value the insight and counter-arguments when I have trouble seeing the forest for the trees.
I agree with this. Very few agreed with my position on the price reduction on the S/X, but no one was rude. They just expressed a different opinion and provided reasons. That's the point of a forum like this.
Any news on VWAG? VW down 5.5% today; maybe they’ve also disrupted one of their core products with an even better product at nearly the same price, and likely at higher margins.

Or maybe more C suites headed to prison. Hard to know with these guys.

Edit; maybe due to this “rare sell rating”. Im all for the idea of selling VW stock. But it seems like a bit of an overreaction based on just an analyst rating change.

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What harm would have been done to announce the S/X price cuts early next week?

Harm? How about a missed opportunity? How many folks will hear from the unpaid mainstream media today (or over the Labor Day Holiday) that Tesla Model X is now $10K cheaper AND it qualifies for the $7,500 IRA tax credit?

People don't give a 2nd thought to how guerilla marketing is done, how Tesla has mastered it, and how the MSM is cutting off their own knowzes to spite their fate... :p

I don't think there's any shouting down here. Some people have an opinion. Some have the opposite opinion. You say your piece. I say my piece. That's freedom of speech. Maybe more people agree with me. Maybe it's the opposite.

I remember when Elon sold his shares. That was fun. I didn't say anything about leaving back then.

Eh, some people here can get pretty snarky at the first whiff of complaints about the company's (or certain executives'...) decision-making. While I personally don't let it get to me, I can understand why others would. Always sad to see good contributors go - just wish some folks here had the capacity to self-moderate better and/or step away every once in awhile.

C'est la vie.
Once you are done tackling sustainable energy, self driving transport and human labors, there wouldn't be any other products Tesla can tap into that would bring meaningful earnings in comparison.

Lol, did you browse the 200-odd page PDF released 6 weeks after "Investor Day 2023"? It lays out the other existing challenges. The TL;dr is that if others don't step up to solve those problems (by commercialzing product solutions), then Tesla will.

How's about global Civil Aviation? Then Global containerized shipping. There's enough to go round for the 2nd-tier, IF they start now. Otherwise, Tesla will eat their 2030 lunch and then their 2040 in-flight meal... ;)
The response to Tesla removing the turn signal stalk reminds me of the reaction people had to Apple removing the floppy drive, then the CD drive, then the headphone jack. People adapt quickly.
Over two years driving without stalks, took me almost 30 minutes to get used to the turn buttons.

Mod: enough about stalks... --ggr
I've never been a fan of the shouting down of dissent that can occur in this thread and have stated numerous times that it only does a disservice to the forum. Never hurts to just step away for awhile when you're feeling frustrated / burnt out - hopefully we see you in the future. There are also other threads in this forum that are a little more receptive towards criticism of Tesla, though they are more focused in their scope.
To be clear, nobody here is not receptive to criticism, even me. You entirely miss the point being made, that is representing opinions as though they are fact and doing so in an emotional, ranty, judgmental, sky is falling kind of way. That’s not how reasonable, logical investors should behave. It’s not helpful.

There have been several posts offering various thought processes about why Tesla may have done what they did. They were presented logically and in a reasonable manner. It would be nice if the criticisms would be presented in the same manner. It’s not the message that’s the problem; it’s the delivery.

Without fail, when the SP drops the bandwagon of Tesla did this wrong and that wrong reaches a crescendo. If the SP had been up today, I guarantee the critical posts would have been entirely different.
Once you are done tackling sustainable energy, self driving transport and human labors, there wouldn't be any other products Tesla can tap into that would bring meaningful earnings in comparison. It's like Apple's ipod...yea sure it's something but a rounding error compared to their overall product portfolio.
I would suggest that maybe you aren’t thinking big enough nor giving enough credence to the human and time obstacle that lays ahead to finish tackling sustainable energy, self-driving and human labors. A decade doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Serious question:

Are people in this thread not allowed to post critical or even possibly negative reactions to things Tesla does? Because nothing I've seen StarFox post today warrants a response anything close to that which I've quoted above (emphasis mine). Seems overly nasty and aggressive in my opinion for simply having an issue with Tesla deflating their own Highland product launch news?

Is it really so difficult to just be civil towards each other?🤔
If a person doesn’t like how their opinions are being received and reacted to, perhaps they should change their delivery? A person tends to get as good as they give.
Lol, did you browse the 200-odd page PDF released 6 weeks after "Investor Day 2023"? It lays out the other existing challenges. The TL;dr is that if others don't step up to solve those problems (by commercialzing product solutions), then Tesla will.

How's about global Civil Aviation? Then Global containerized shipping. There's enough to go round for the 2nd-tier, IF they start now. Otherwise, Tesla will eat their 2030 lunch and then their 2040 in-flight meal... ;)
Human labor, ev, energy and self driving tech are multiple trillion dollar revenue/hundreds of billion of net income venture at their tail end. Global Aviation gave Boeing a net income so small during their peak relatively in comparison you need a magnifying glass.
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According to @Papafox, MaxPain for today is $245. As a casual watcher of the daily TSLA ticker and the daily papapfox trading chart thread I am not surprised by the price movement, not. even. a little bit.

I AM a bit surprised so many are attributing todays price movements to the m3 release. Seems we were going here today regardless.

This seems like less a panic moment and more an opportunity to get out for the day. TSLA to the moon (another day); max pain for today!

Edit: by “get out for the day” I mean, go get a bike ride or a hike. Not financial advice, do your own research, etc.
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Serious question:

Are people in this thread not allowed to post critical or even possibly negative reactions to things Tesla does? Because nothing I've seen StarFox post today warrants a response anything close to that which I've quoted above (emphasis mine). Seems overly nasty and aggressive in my opinion for simply having an issue with Tesla deflating their own Highland product launch news?

Is it really so difficult to just be civil towards each other?🤔

You need thick skin in a discussion forum, especially if your idea goes against the "group think". Some maybe take the thumbs down as a personal affront, when its just posters opinions. Thats why the emojis are there.

Group think isn't' always correct either. I am laughing at the all the attention Highland is receiving for a MMC (mid market change, industry speak) and remembering what was stated here. It was once stated Tesla does not do refreshes, it was above that blah blah blah blah and group think picked up the same mantra. Competition (yes it is coming to the states, already happening in China) and the Market forces stated otherwise. Notice how often refreshes are happening, major and minor ones.

Tesla stock has been good for all of us, and everyone has the same goal, to see it go up. How it gets there is up to debate and discussion and no one has a monopoly on that.