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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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4 rules... he added a 4th much later about harming humanity...

Yes, and ominously that 4th rule allowed for individual humans to be killed if it was for the betterment of humanity. Indeed, the robots engineered earth's crust to turn lethally radioactive over hundreds of years to force humans to venture into the galaxy. Hopefully Elon or his robots won't have to resort to such drastic measures!
This is an interesting rivian thread. Couple of takeaways I thought were relevant:

1. As Rivian charging stations are opened up to other cars, they expect to recover 80% of the cost from federal grants
2. While trucks are popular in the US, they argue that traditional trucks are too cramped and a spacious EV truck might attract SUV buyers. The EV truck may likely be more popular than the traditional truck.

Of course, both these points are applicable to Tesla. I would have been in the second category if only the cybertruck would seat 6. Unfortunately, that's not happening.

The elephant standing behind him wanted to ask about how resilient their ASPs are with competition coming and whether they could in fact retain those positive gross margin in a market where the Cybertruck is driving down the ASP of the electric truck market.

He didn’t seem to want to talk to the elephant though. Wonder why.
I was listening to someone talking about other EVs and Tesla's competition, blah, blah, blah and noticed that Tesla announced a new megapack factory to be built in China. I then realized the hit pieces we've seen touting the other auto companies are likely NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING compared to the coming storm that will be the energy companies fight against Tesla. This FUD we see now we will all think back on as "the good old days". We'll see posts like "Remember when all we had to fight against was Mary Barra's '30 new models by x year' and 'the government is in cahoots with the auto unions'?". If you think you need diamond hands now...just wait....eek!
In the long run regardless of the narrative being spun, the stock is valued on the fundamentals.

Tesla energy starting to contribute to profits in a meaningful way will be a great result.

Others promoting energy storage batteries will be free advertising for Tesla.

Energy companies are going to fight by trying to prevent clean energy and storage being commented to the grid, that will be a political fight, But I suspect many Fossil Fuel generators will simply give up and exit the grid, battery storage will then be essential.
Yes, and ominously that 4th rule allowed for individual humans to be killed if it was for the betterment of humanity. Indeed, the robots engineered earth's crust to turn lethally radioactive over hundreds of years to force humans to venture into the galaxy. Hopefully Elon or his robots won't have to resort to such drastic measures!
Wasn't it R Daneel Olivaw who theorized the Zeroth Law in discussion with R Giskard? I don't think it was ever implemented into robot production.

Great guidelines for Tesla and other A.I. engineers to follow, but I'd bet it will be very hard to implement in any permanent way as was done with the Azimov robot brain being hard-wired to obey those rules or break.
Not sure what Tesla uses (voices from cars are so distracting that I turn them off), but many shows and movies use people with English Canadian accents because it's neutral.
To be candid most people think of their own accents as neutral. There really is no such thing except perhaps in the UK with BBC standard. Many languages and dialects have broadcast versions that pass for neutral although they really are widely intelligible rather than neutral.
Maybe you were joking since English in Canada comes in a wide variety of accents too.
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I've been living my life the past week. So, what's there to report?

The news/media is awful right now. There's awful things going on right now too. There's some amazing things happening and it's not really being remembered. There's a lot in flux.

With that said - If you pay attention to nothing of the news/media and just HOLD, while seeing the effect Tesla is having with your eyes on the streets/highways/conversations in WoM (word of mouth), it's never been a more risk-resilient time in Tesla's history than now. Testament to what that founding team built and they're still so focused on what they're doing after so much scale!
Today was a good day. I had to sell a few shares to pay tax on a margin loan I closed last year. Woke up and the SP was around the mid 170s, so I put in a limit sell order for 185 and went out to do some chores. Beats the heck out of suffering along watching the ticker.

I had every intention to check things again before the close, but when you are on a roof replacing shingles time kinda flies by. It was an hour after close before I checked again.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! The chairs were sold when the price touched 185 at some point today. Yay.

Okay, probably not a biggie for everyone else, but, it felt pretty good for something with the SP to actually go as I hoped for, for a change. 🤓
BYD trying to preempt Roadster's rocket booster tech? Looks pretty cool, not gonna lie.

Great news. The mods said we couldn’t talk about Twitter, but never said anything about X.com.

I’m afraid Elon’s shenanigans are going to ruin the demand for the letter X. Soon everyone will refuse to type words that start with X like Xylophone and Xanax. I’m so tired of this.
Wasn't it R Daneel Olivaw who theorized the Zeroth Law in discussion with R Giskard? I don't think it was ever implemented into robot production.

The idea of the zeroth law is mentioned (but not named that) all the way back in The Evitable Conflict by Susan Calvin when she explains why the machines are causing small harm to humans to improve humanitys future and that they have generalized the first law to do so, in a form very very similar to what’d be called the zeroth law...

Daneel later began to hypothesize the law after a discussion with Elijah Bailey on his deathbed where Elijah says about his death he is a “mere thread in the vast tapestry of humanity” and then further developed in Robots and Empire from discussions between him (Daneel) and Giskard… Daneel coins it, but Giskard is the first to try and apply it, which leads to his own death, passing his telepathy to Daneel as he died… and Daneel over the centuries that follow eventually learns to follow it fully. leading to, it turned out, most the events of the entire foundation series

There’s also a faction in the sequel trilogy (post Asimov) that postulates a -1 law above the zeroeth “A robot may not harm sentience or, through inaction, allow sentience to come to harm” but it doesn’t really stick
I asked ChatGPT about it..

New Rules:

THIS thread will not countenance the promulgation of ChatGPT or other such artificially created entries. Serious or no, jocular or no, On- or Off-topic or no. It already is hard enough - nigh impossible for most - to discern what is or is not the product of a human brain, so zero tolerance for the obvious ones.

Summarizing: Deleted
pour encourager les autres.

Can I still ask ChatGPT for summaries of some of the longer posts on here?


/s No need to clarify.