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Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the Perpetual Investors' Roundtable

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Every week we are getting significant good news on Tesla at the moment. Ever since the 420 tweet really, with very little negative. In the way that our chimp evolved brains are only designed to be able to maintain 150 relationships, I think we are now hitting the limit on Tesla moats. A new relationship with China is groundbreaking when you think about it but we take it in our stride - just another day where TSLA is undervalued and should be increasing more rapidly. A great infographic could do wonders to present the entirety of the Tesla moats so that we stand a chance of taking it all in.

This is Tesla’s secret sauce, really. They don’t work to protect their motes — instead they build new ones at a faster pace than their competitors can build bridges across their old ones. While Porsche and VW are busy trying to figure out how to deploy a charging network and build batteries en masse, Tesla is setting up a Chinese gigafactory and designing their own dedicated FSD processors.
OT :

Unlike Republicans, Dems are very sensitive to MSM, since most of their voters get news from MSM. And they can't control the MSM narrative as Republicans can at Fox.


Perhaps, but the MSM is pushing that it’s his fault. Dems have to keep *trying* to open the govt, but so long as the only reason their stuff isn’t passing is that they aren’t putting money in for the wall, they’re winning that narrative.

This is basically why the shutdown is going on so long with no end in sight: You have the intransigence of Trump and his base re: the wall on one side and Dems with every vote they need in 2020 dead set against that on the other. The Dems will lose support if they cave with no gain, and Trump will lose support amongst the only group he cares about(and face) if he does. Congressional republicans are the only ones with anything to lose by holding out.

This fear mongering needs to stop, it doesn't do anything to promote EV's. ICE's are dangerous, I once ended up in the hospital with third degree burns from working on one. People are going to work on EV's and some will hurt themselves doing so, it's inevitable, but having worked on EV's and ICE's I can say I'm much more comfortable working on EV's because they are safer.

I can pound a hammer to a gas tank and nothing happens go do that to a battery or go and stand in water and work on your EV :D. You guys are delusional. I have nothing against working on cars but I am not putting my hand on a Tesla pack or messing with the HV system.

Yes they are safer as designed. I wonder what would Rich would have said if he had burn his buddies shop into the ground. Is just a matter of time....
I can pound a hammer to a gas tank and nothing happens go do that to a battery or go and stand in water and work on your EV :D
Go light a match after you poked a hole in your gas tank. Your fear mongering is wrong and counterproductive. Each technology has its own, different issues. EV's are already statistically safer than ICE vehicles, and it's not because they are inherently more dangerous. Your argument is ridiculous on every level.
Did something happen at macro level ? Nasdaq dropped 40 points in a hurry. Tesla lost $3.

At that time Trump surrounded by congressional Republicans announced solidarity on insistence that a border wall be included in the bill to keep the government running. In response to a question he reiterated that declaring a national emergency is still an option for him to unilaterally order that the wall be built.
This fear mongering needs to stop, it doesn't do anything to promote EV's. ICE's are dangerous, I once ended up in the hospital with third degree burns from working on one. People are going to work on EV's and some will hurt themselves doing so, it's inevitable, but having worked on EV's and ICE's I can say I'm much more comfortable working on EV's because they are safer.
Any heavy machinery is as safe as a hummer, it all depends on how you handle it.
As long as you don’t juggle them with bare foot, they are safe to work on.
But this Rich guy is doing exactly that, which should be discouraged.
Go light a match after you poked a hole in your gas tank. Your fear mongering is wrong and counterproductive. Each technology has its own, different issues. EV's are already statistically safer than ICE vehicles, and it's not because they are inherently more dangerous. Your argument is ridiculous on every level.

you are hilarious. Yes they are safer in crash scenarios. They are not safer when an idiot with a butter knife tries to pry open a battery pack :p.

Perhaps, but the MSM is pushing that it’s his fault.
But for how long ? I'm sure as soon as Trump comes up with something approaching giving half an inch, they'll pile on Dems to give in a few yards.

BTW, MSM comes up with duds like these as well.

That statement I agree with.

In one of his videos Rich uses brute force on a salvaged Tesla battery pack while saying something to the effect of:

"I have no idea what will happen next".

There is no comparison to someone like Ingineerix,

OT. Ingineerix actually did some of the work on the car though Rich never credited him or anybody else. He also has a habit of speaking to Linette Lopez, BI reporter and BFF of Chanos

TL/DR: The OP asked whether a PG&E chapter filing could affect TE's contract(s) at Moss Landing. Your response: a categorical "NO!" Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the 2019 Investors' Roundtable, My response "Depends. (and it's complex)" "Tesla, TSLA & the Investment World: the 2019 Investors' Roundtable We'll both see

You haven't ever followed a utility company bankruptcy, have you? ..
Arrogant idiot. I know this stuff. You don't.
It's unfortunate that you are apparently incapable of engaging in civil discussion with anyone who might have different information, experiences or viewpoints than yours, but consistently resort to juvenile ridiculing and begin hurling insults at any and all who might contradict your beliefs.

They're about a lot more than that {PUCs' power to set rates}, including "public necessity and convenience", and that's all I'm going to say about that..

Is that because a CCN is little more than a grant of a monopoly right to provide public utility services in a defined geographic area? "Necessity" does not connotate what you seem to be implying.

The state can literally order the company to do things and spend money based on public necessity, regardless of what the bankruptcy trustee wants.

Who is the "state"? PUC?, Attorney General? Governor? If the "state" = CPUC, that's a misrepresentation of how it operates, even when a utility it regulates files for creditor protection (Perhaps it's you who fails to grasp the public policy principles inherent in regulated monopolies?).

"Public Necessity" actions before PUCs are prophylactic measures requested by the regulated utillites. When granted, the ruling pre-empts rate-payer advocacy groups (like TURN) from retro-actively playing "gotcha" in prudency dockets, claiming an action/project/capital expenditure should be removed from the rate base on which the utility earns a return of and a return on its infrastructure investments.

PUCs do promulgate broad policy goals and standards (with the more technical standards in the realm of Reliability Councils and ISOs), using rate actions as their primary leverage to achieve the desired results. In exigent circumstances, a PUC could threaten to amend or revoke a CCN, but that's usually a ultimate measure.

For the utilities they have jurisdiction over, PUCs DO indeed have final say about re-organization plans agreed by the creditor committees in bankruptcy proceedings. However, their modus oprandi is generally "Yay or Nay." If "Nay," it's often "bring me another rock" with some guidance from the PUC's staff about what might be acceptable. PUCs and their staffs have insufficient time, interest, and resources to micro-manage re-organization plans. Rest assured, CPUC is not going to reach down into the nether details of PG&E's reorganization plan and decree that unless the Trustee accepts TE's executory contract at Moss Landing as previously awarded and approved by CPUC for addition to PG&E's rate base, the plan will not be approved.

Bankruptcy proceedings ensue when available liquid assets exceed near term liabilities. One obvious tactic to bring the two into better balance is to delay, or even cancel, planned capital expenditures.

A PG&E bankruptcy isn’t “likely” at this time as the company can tap other sources of cash, either through the sale of its natural gas unit or other real estate, or a cut in its $5.5 billion capital spending plan, analysts at Mizuho Securities USA LLC led by Paul Fremont wrote in a research note Tuesday.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Tesla might get paid late, sure. (Or paid by the state government, depending on the final outcome.)

Your parenthetical is simply fanciful. It's NOT going to happen. California may ultimately backstop some portion of PG&E's tort liabilities to innocent fire victims but will resoundingly reject ALL of PG&E's contractual liabilities. California has previously enacted legislation (somewhat similar to the federal Price Anderson nuclear indemnity) to limit liability for the 2017 fires but passage of a similar measure for 2018 (and future fires) is far less likely.

Nate, you may well be omniscient and capable of accurately predicting the future. I'm not, and won't even guess whether PG&E will file for protection. If that occurs, however, all counter-parties to executory contracts should proceed cautiously. I submit that Vistra (to whom TE submitted a proposal for significantly more MWhs using "Mega-Packs" as part of VST's PPA with PG&E) is will aware of the risks, having experienced the torturous path from TXU as a fully-integrated regulated monopoly through deregulation, re-organization, TxPuc approval and merger to its current form.

One consideration in the resolution of the tragedies in PG&E service territory that I have not seen discussed much is that the ultimate "deep pocket" is not the PG&E's insurers, re-insurers, creditors, share-holders, or even the State of California, but its electrical customers/rate-payers. They will probably be hit with surcharges. The ultimate resolution may effect TSLA more than at just Moss Landing--it might depress the EV market in the region while benefiting residential solar and stationary storage markets.
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Macros and Tesla took more hits a few minutes ago after Trump asked Pelosi if she would support a border wall. According to Schumer she answered negatively causing Trump to slam the table and immediately walk out of the meeting. Trump tweeted that the meeting was a waste of time. And it was revealed that Trump lawyer Giuliani has informed Special Counsel Mueller that Trump will not respond to any more questions in the probe of Russian involvement in his campaign.
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