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Sleep Mode For Dummies

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Al Sherman

It's about THIS car.
Nov 29, 2012
Batesville, IN
K all you folks who are way smarter than me. You know who you are. You really do it's OK to admit it.:smile:

I've read everything I can on sleep mode and most of it is about the problems with it in 4.1. Elon was pretty clear yesterday that it's coming back with 4.3.

How about a simplified explanation/discussion on this.

I know a lot of the more technical stuff may still be speculation and imo that's OK.

But for the basics:
What is it?
How does it actually work? ( basically what's happening).
When does it apply?
What are the real world applications for MS owners?
Will I use it at the airport for 2 weeks?
Will I use it when I fly to the Lake House for a month and leave the MS home?
Is the car plugged in,or not or either/or?
What do you speculate we'll be able to do, or not do from the app?

The more dumbed down info the better and thanks in advance.

Any other "dummies" please feel free to ask other questions.:smile:
K all you folks who are way smarter than me. You know who you are. You really do it's OK to admit it.:smile:

I've read everything I can on sleep mode and most of it is about the problems with it in 4.1. Elon was pretty clear yesterday that it's coming back with 4.3.

How about a simplified explanation/discussion on this.

I know a lot of the more technical stuff may still be speculation and imo that's OK.

I'll hit some of it.

But for the basics:
What is it?
Basically think of it as turning off (or going into hibernate) your computer while you are away, versus letting it run.

How does it actually work? ( basically what's happening).

There are dozens of computers/microcontrollers in your Tesla. They all run to preform various functions, and use electricity. Sleep mode is putting some/most of them into a low power state, a non-power suspension mode (hibernate) or off completely. So your Tegra3 behind your dashes will stop working (versus the backlight just turning off like it does now) and save you maybe 10W. Your battery monitoring chip will probably stay on.

When does it apply?
Probably a little different depending on which computer/controller. My guess is something similar to when/how your home computer sleeps. When the car is 'off' for 15 or 30 minutes. I assume Tesla will determine this time delay, and it won't be user selectable.

What are the real world applications for MS owners?
You will have a on/off slider for 'sleep mode'. If you turn it on you won't lose 4-5 miles of charge overnight. You will lose 1 or less. So normal daily usage you might save 2kWh in power a day (swag number). When parking your car unplugged for a week long vacation. You will save a loss of 50 miles or more.

Will I use it at the airport for 2 weeks?
Yes, I see this as the main use for the function. The other is for people worried about the extra $ of the electrons while parked at work, or parked overnight in their garage.

Will I use it when I fly to the Lake House for a month and leave the MS home?
Probably, but solely for the cost savings. If you leave your computers on when you go on vacation then you probably won't need it.

Is the car plugged in,or not or either/or?
It may work slightly differently if the car is plugged in. I still expect significant electrical savings if enabled. But Tesla may keep a bit more running if the car is plugged in, versus unplugged.

What do you speculate we'll be able to do, or not do from the app?
I wouldn't expect anything to change as far as app goes. I would imagine that Tesla may 'wake up' the car if you start a preheat. And you might not get as much data, or might get staler data, from the car in the app if the car is asleep.

The more dumbed down info the better and thanks in advance.

Any other "dummies" please feel free to ask other questions.:smile:

The problems they were having with 4.1 sleep mode is some of the processors/controllers weren't waking up properly. They need to do some Apollo 13 stuff to make sure their procedure gets everything woken up properly.
Not specifically about 4.3 but during the live stream of the event yesterday he took a question about sleep mode and said it's coming back with the earlier issues resolved. He said that the vampire load in the new improved sleep mode would be somewhere on the order of .2%.

"It's coming back" could be 6.x :)
Another question. Sleep mode will obviously be great for airports and will mitigate a lot of anxiety about airport charging. How will pack temp figure into this? Or will it? Will the vampire load increase if the battery attempts to maintain a temp? Or will the battery NOT do this in sleep mode? If we don't use the app to wake the car up before we get there? Say, when the airplane lands. Will it take much longer to wake up and drive?
The car will not attempt to maintain battery temperature. Some people on the forums have said that in extreme cold (e.g. -30C) it will apply some heating; however, I have not been able to verify if this is actually true. This is probably the reason why the manual says not to leave the car out in -30C temperatures for more than a day.
The car will not attempt to maintain battery temperature. Some people on the forums have said that in extreme cold (e.g. -30C) it will apply some heating; however, I have not been able to verify if this is actually true. This is probably the reason why the manual says not to leave the car out in -30C temperatures for more than a day.

So can we assume that above -30C (within reason) we are OK in sleep mode? Assuming this scenario (pretty cold ambient temps) will it take a long amount of time before the car will LET you drive? Or is regen and energy draw just limited for a time period?
So can we assume that above -30C (within reason) we are OK in sleep mode? Assuming this scenario (pretty cold ambient temps) will it take a long amount of time before the car will LET you drive? Or is regen and energy draw just limited for a time period?
In 4.1 sleep mode it would take about 30 seconds from the time the handles extended for the car to be ready to drive. For me it wasn't too long of a wait by the time I got myself settled in, sunglasses on, phone plugged in, etc.
All of this was before the mobile app too so even if the new system took a minute, you could make it seem like nothing by waking the car up with your app before walking out to it. Maybe they'll have a low, medium and always on sleep setting where low would be longest wake up time but most energy setting. During the day, the car would default to medium for faster wake up but go to low power mode after 24 hours of sitting there (you go traveling). This could all be customizable.
So can we assume that above -30C (within reason) we are OK in sleep mode? Assuming this scenario (pretty cold ambient temps) will it take a long amount of time before the car will LET you drive? Or is regen and energy draw just limited for a time period?

Yes, I believe with sleep mode it will be okay to leave the car outdoors unplugged for a couple of weeks, as long as it isn't brutally cold.

When the battery pack is extremely cold, regen is completely disabled and power is limited. The car is still quite drivable. The car will consume extra power at first as the pack heater will be running (appears to be 6 kW at full power), and the cabin heat will probably be going full blast too - also 6 kW. After a short while you will get full acceleration power back. Then you will start gradually getting regenerative braking back again.
STILL confused about "Sleep Mode"

Been 8 months since I started this thread but now that sleep is back and I'm still confused I thought I'd bump it.

What does sleep mode actually do? This morning I tried to connect to the car with the app and Visible Tesla. The app couldn't connect and VT gave me a window saying I had to wake the car up, or that maybe it was in "deep sleep." Is deep sleep vs. sleep a real thing?

The car was out of 3G range. I had to wake the car with the key fob and actually select my home WiFi before the app, or VT would find the car. Is this normal behavior? If I'm in 3G range can I wake the car with the app or VT, but not WiFi?

I'm also noticing that with the car plugged in, it's allowing itself to lose a lot more rated range than before 5.6, before it tops up.

No real issues, just still curious about how sleep mode actually works.
Been 8 months since I started this thread but now that sleep is back and I'm still confused I thought I'd bump it.
I'm glad you did bump it, as I don't really know what sleep mode is. Is it something I can command? I do know that since 5.8, it requires a lot more time to connect via the app or Visible Tesla. I do have a decent 3G signal, and home wi-fi.

Also, I think there is less vampire range loss.
Sleep mode shuts down some of the electronic computing units (ECUs) and the displays. It appears that the longer it sleeps the more ECUs it shuts down (cars have many ECUs). I see this very plainly when I leave at work because the Tesla T is on the smaller display when I get in the car. The delay from the App, which started in 5.6, is because the system has to wake up first. I've never had the deep sleep message.