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Russia/Ukraine conflict

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Back when I was on the flight line, working on F-16A’s and B’s, we had one landing gear failure to drop down. This was an early issue and resolved by General Dynamics. The one case I recall, the pilot pulled negative G’s and everything was good.
True failure of the landing gear from a weak design was not seen, even when fully loaded with armament and external fuel tanks.
If the concern is the condition of the airfield, slap on a top coat of smooth asphalt. Just stay away from the far ends where the afterburner blast zone is

The problem with this in a war zone is that the enemy can pock mark the runway every day with a missile loaded with cluster munitions. The runway can be fixed quickly, but it won't be as smooth as a pristine runway and planes with weaker landing gear will be more likely to have landing gear failures operating from such a field.

If they can see the status of the pavement they can see a bunch of F 16's parked as well.

Any halfway competent air force in a war zone will use dispersal and have the planes hidden in reventments.

How is the world a better place with "a healthy number" of pacifists?

I wonder what this planet would have looked like today if pacifists would have had the final say in the US/UK during WWII... A Europe controlled by Nazi-Germany armed with nuclear weapons?... And large parts of the Pacific and the Eastern Asian continent controlled by some Fascist Dictatorship version of WWII Imperial Japan – also probably armed with nuclear weapons... How could that possibly be a better world?...

Another thing I'm also wondering about: How many of the "pacifists" in the West are actually sleeper agents ultimately controlled by the Russian Dictator and his minions?...

If the world was 100% pacifists, it would be a pretty peaceful place, but all it takes is one sociopath to mess it all up.

Flurry of equipment being promised is perhaps tied to expected Ru offensive (won’t get there in time but good PR for western governments):

The more in depth stories have all said the serious offensive equipment like tanks were not going to start arriving for a few months.

According to ISW, the Russians are conducting a full scale offensive around Kremina, but it isn't going well. ISW reports the Russians have about 100,000 troops in this operation. It's doubtful the Russians have enough logistics to support a second offensive.

In other news Trent telenko had a bizarre thread a few days ago with completely wrong conclusions on truck logistics. Makes me wonder about his background. Basic argument was trucks with pup trailers is a sign of weakness where In reality they are the gold standard in commercial logistics.

Telenko is a retired US civilian employee of the DoD. He was involved in military logistics, ensuring US Army equipment was repaired and fit for service.

I haven't seen the thread you're referring to, so I can't comment.
I think you are making too much of the landing gear. Ukraine assuredly knows all the strengths and weakness of what is available and they are asking for f16 and the choice seems as obvious as asking for leopards, despite the leopards1 and 2 obvious shortcomings it is the better choice right now. Same with f16. Availability and munitions.
In other news Trent telenko had a bizarre thread a few days ago with completely wrong conclusions on truck logistics. Makes me wonder about his background. Basic argument was trucks with pup trailers is a sign of weakness where In reality they are the gold standard in commercial logistics.

I read the thread. I think he meant "not good" as meaning not good for Ukraine. It means the Russians have finally figured out how to move more supply per vehicle.
So would you say those pacifists are making "the world a better place" when it comes to the situation in Ukraine?
A world with fewer weapons, and those weapons in responsible mature disciplined hands subject to checks & balances and proper accountability to the rule of law, would be vastly preferable. That's not pacifism, that's reality. Unfortunately most so-called "pacifists" don't think through all of the issues in the imperfect world we live in, and that leads to some rather strange positions at moments like these.


I wonder how much thought went into getting Orban into that specific spot for this particular photo angle. Well done to those responsible.


"Ukraine Latest: Kyiv Says Russian Missiles Cross Part of Romania

10 februari 2023 kl. 08:30 CETUpdated on10 februari 2023 kl. 10:59 CET

Two Russian Kalibr cruise missiles launched from the Black Sea on Friday morning crossed the airspace of Moldova and a corner of Romania - a NATO member - before entering western Ukraine, Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, Ukraine’s chief commander, said on Telegram. Romania’s defense ministry said it wasn’t confirming the incident. [..."

Sometimes, running from a fight intensifies the threat and widens the fight.
Most times, running towards a fight lessens the confrontation and may even prevent a fight.
Einstein would not have lasted long in the jungle.

Russia has proven to be a very dangerous petulant child. Anyone who has raised children knows the sooner you deal with the problem the better and, if you stick your head in the sand and do not deal with the problem, there is a risk you could raise a sociopath.
See UK takes lead and Dutch can follow
Sorry, but after the big show in London the British start to realise that they have exceedingly little to offer. After successive budget cuts the RAF is just a shadow of its former self and even the training regime of their own pilots has been cut to the bone.
As with the tanks there are some countries that love to showboat and others that are more discreet.
As to targeting civilians, that's extremely nasty and most likely a war crime, but may I just point out that both the US and the UK have also employed this policy of terror bombings in the past?
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"Ukraine Latest: Kyiv Says Russian Missiles Cross Part of Romania

10 februari 2023 kl. 08:30 CETUpdated on10 februari 2023 kl. 10:59 CET

Two Russian Kalibr cruise missiles launched from the Black Sea on Friday morning crossed the airspace of Moldova and a corner of Romania - a NATO member - before entering western Ukraine, Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, Ukraine’s chief commander, said on Telegram. Romania’s defense ministry said it wasn’t confirming the incident. [..."

Seems to have been incorrect...

"Romania says a Russian missile didn’t enter its airspace, countering a Ukrainian claim."

Also paywalled...

Sometimes, running from a fight intensifies the threat and widens the fight.
Most times, running towards a fight lessens the confrontation and may even prevent a fight.
Einstein would not have lasted long in the jungle.

Russia has proven to be a very dangerous petulant child. Anyone who has raised children knows the sooner you deal with the problem the better and, if you stick your head in the sand and do not deal with the problem, there is a risk you could raise a sociopath.

The US tried very hard to stay out of the two biggest wars of the 20th century, but got drawn in anyway. If the US had a reasonable sized military in 1939 and jumped into the war in Europe when Poland was invaded, Germany would have been stopped before it could get very far. In 1939 the US Army was smaller than Finland's and the US had just started rearming.

Sorry, but after the big show in London the British start to realise that they have exceedingly little to offer. After successive budget cuts the RAF is just a shadow of its former self and even the training regime of their own pilots has been cut to the bone.
As with the tanks there are some countries that love to showboat and others that are more discreet.
As to targeting civilians, that's extremely nasty and most likely a war crime, but may I just point out that both the US and the UK have also employed this policy of terror bombings in the past?

Every power that could bomb civilian populations has done it. Germany did it to several countries, but is best remembered for bombing civilians in England.

The RAF determined that daylight precision bombing of targets in Europe, so it employed nighttime bombing where the best they could hope for was hitting somewhere in a city. The USAAF put in a massive effort to do precision daylight bombing in Europe with less than ideal results. The problem was the Norden bombsight was nowhere near as good as the US claimed and a tendency for creep back. Normally the lead bomber's bombardier would try to aim for the target and the follow on bombers would try to release their bombs over the same point. But the other crews being flown by human beings, and German flak being very intense, there was a tendency to release the bombs as early as possible. The next bomber in line would release a few seconds early, followed by the next bomber releasing a little early, etc. which led to the bombs being scattered a long ways from the target factory.

Over Japan the US tried high altitude precision bombing with B-29s only to find the jet stream is so strong over Japan the bombs would get blown unpredictably off course on the way down and they rarely hit the target. So Curtis LeMay stripped the bombers of their turrets to save weight and sent them in low at night. They did to Japan what the RAF did to Germany.

Over Japan the B-29s did manage to knock out a lot of Japanese industry because they managed to destroy entire cities. The fire storm that hit Tokyo did more destruction than the nuclear attacks.

Over Europe strategic bombing was not very effective at knocking out industry. Where strategic bombers were most effective was in the rare occasions when they were used to bomb battlefields. The 8th Air Force was called on to help the US break out at Normandy in Operation Cobra. They hit the German force concentrations and did massive damage. Oberst Hans von Luck was in command of that sector that day and he details in his book the mess he tried to pull together as the Americans started to break out. He came across Tigers that had been flipped on their backs by the bombing.

The strategic bomber forces rarely agreed to support ground forces. They saw their mission as crippling industry and they didn't want to be tied to the ground forces. They fought hard to be seen as an independent force.

I agree about the war crimes aspect, but bombing civilian areas has been proven over and over again to be counter productive when the civilians feel that their side has the ability to fight back. There were some times early in the war when bombing civilian targets drove an enemy towards capitulation, but it was both when the technique was new and it was against opponents that were outmatched to begin with.

Similarly the Sirens of Jericho on the Ju-87 Stuka struck fear into enemies during this time, but they were removed around the time of the Battle of Britain because they quit causing fear, caused added drag, and tended to alert anti-aircraft gunners you were coming if they weren't already alerted.

The US was dumb enough to repeat the same mistake with civilian bombing in Vietnam. Hopefully the US won't do it again, but who knows what the future holds.
The Roosevelt administration spent 4 years preparing and planning for wwii. Every calculation was carefully weighed and the army and air force and navy were being redesigned for the coming war. It was considered completely unavoidable. WWI- yes avoided til we couldn’t. WWII- not the case at all but this is not really the thread for historical retrospective of events 90 years ago.
Moldova Prime Minister resigns - fine lady (Gavrili), has done great work tackling corruption etc. Not clear exactly why she is stepping down. The President (Sandu) another excellent lady will propose replacement. Moldova is very fortunate to have such capable ladies at this particular time. They are definitely not fans of Putin are good solid technocrats who are very anti-corruption.

(By the way the reports of the Russian cruise missile crossing Romanian airspace are wrong. The cloest point of approach (CPA) was approx 35km. May have crossed Moldovan airspace at CPA, perhaps the Transnistria section).

*** EDIT - TO ADD see link below with more info


EDIT - and this also may interest readers here, see esp description of news management for Putin

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