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Reputation points?

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By the way, posts that tend to get positive rep from me (and not going to work here, so don't even try :)):

  • Particularly informative
  • Helpful to another member, especially to a new member
  • Inclusive of all forum members
  • Rational response to an emotional post, trying to diffuse the situation
  • Role-modeling (like someone saying they were wrong or apologizing to another member, without drama)
  • A post that lightens up an emotional thread (see above, 'trying to diffuse the situation')

Note I didn't say 'those that agree with me'. I've given positive reputation to a number of people who strongly disagreed with me - who had good rationale. I always enjoy a good discussion.

I rarely give negative reputation because with this number of bars (a few rare exceptions), the impact of negative rep from me would be a lot of points deducted. That seems unfair. So I usually send the poster a private message to see if that will work instead. (It doesn't always work.)


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Reference my list earlier as to what causes me to hand out reputation :).
And I qualify at least under #1 and #2. My comment was quite informative AND helpful to another member (ok, not a particularly new member...) :)
Oh, oh, oh, and #4 - I'm clearly trying to diffuse an emotional situation with people upset about reputation points and me ROLE MODELING calm, analytic behavior (there, that's #5!)
Doesn't that totally lighten up this thread? See? I thought so.
Hint: You're assuming there are only two variables in the equation.
Funny you should mention this. I had someone contact me who's #posts and reputation points are << than mine, yet his reputation power is almost the same.
But he's been registered here a lot longer. So I'm guessing that years of service plays into that math as well.
ARG. More variables.
But this makes the math work better now that I think about it.
1 per year registered
1 per 1000 posts
1 per 100 reputation points
That appears to get us close for the data points I have...
I'm pretty certain reputation power is not only tied to reputation points.

Edit: You do realize the reputation module being used is publicly available. That should tell you what's possible but not necessarily how it's configured.
I'm looking at that... This is highly configurable:

  • Enable User Reputation system
    This is the global switch for the reputation system. If you disable this, users will not be able to rate each other nor will their scores be visible.
  • Default Reputation
    This is the reputation score that new users will start out with.
  • Number of Reputation Levels to Display
    When a user enters their User CP, they will see a list of their most recent reputation ratings. This affects how many of the latest ratings to display.
  • Administrator's Reputation Power
    If you wish to have administrator's wield a certain reputation power independent of their calculated score, enter it here. Otherwise, set this to 0 and they will use the same calculations as everyone else.
  • Register Date Factor
    The number of reputation points that a user is able to give or take is dependant on several factors, with the length they have been registered as one of them. A user's power is first initialized at 1 and then this factor and the factors that follow are used to increase it. For example if you set this to 365, every 365 days that the user has been a member of your forum, they would gain one point. So if they have been a member for five years, they would gain 5 points of power for a total of 6.
  • Post Count Factor
    The amount of posts that a user has can also affect their reputation power. Set this to number of posts that you want to award one point for. For example, set this to 50 and for a user with 500 posts, they would gain 10 points of power.
  • Reputation Point Factor
    The users current reputation score can also affect their reputation power. Set this to 100 and a user with a reputation of 1000 would gain 10 points of reputation power. If you set any of the power factors to 0, that will effectively remove that factor from having an effect on the user's reputation power.
  • Minimum Post Count
    If the reputation system is enabled, anyone will be able to rate a post but only users with a post count above the level you set here will be able to actually give points or take points from another user.
  • Minimum Reputation Count
    As with the post count above, a user must have a reputation above this level to be able to give or take points from another user's score.
  • Daily Reputation Clicks Limit
    This sets how many unique members that a forum user will be able to rate in any 24 hour period. Administrators can rate as many people as they wish.
  • Reputation User Spread
    This setting dictates how many unique members that a user must rate before they are able to rate the same member twice. The goal of this setting is to stop a member from either artificially bumping or dropping a user by repeatedly rating their posts.

So my current guess is that we have Registration Date Factor of 365, Post Count Factor of 1000 and Reputation Point Factor of 100.
People start out with 1 but there's a certain Minimum Post Count before they can give reputation.
A little story that might relate to reputation points

When my children were under teenagers (young enough), I got them in front of our scribble message board and presented my green dot red dot system.

Here is how it goes:

Me: This is a new game that I would like to play. See the dots? When you behave* I will stick one green dot under your name on the board. When you misbehave* you will get a red dot. Green dot is bigger, so if you get 2 red dots that can be offset with one green dot.

Note*: I do not remember the details of 'good' and 'bad' behaviours that I specified at the time, whatever bothered me at the time.

Children: What do we get for our green and red dots?

Me: All you get is dots. Green are good, red are bad, and you can cancel out 2 red dots for one green dot.

Children: But that is worthless if all we get is just dots.

Me: Maybe, but I will still put them on the board under your name as you earn them.

Children, laughing: That is silly, we do not care about silly dots that we can not get anything for.

Me: Yea, maybe it is silly, but it might be fun, lets try.

We played the game for about one year, until it wore off. Once started, the game got a life of its own, the worthlessness of the dots was forgotten.

Despite claiming that the dots were worthless, my children tried to steal green dots form each other and to stick red dots to each other. They would happily come and claim their green dot and try to avoid red dot. Dot trade was thriving for a while. Over time, they came up with various schemes of how to reclaim the dots for something with more inherent value, like movie tickets.

My takeaway from playing the game:

Visual in your face display of approval or disapproval may have its own inherent value. The value lies in its power to promote desired behaviour over undesired one, to a degree. Such power comes from children's hunger for approval and affirmation. Perhaps that hunger lessens in adulthood, but I think it rarely goes away.

The biggest inherent value of the game was that it was such fun to play.
Thanks to rep points from the new power broker (Dirk), I just got my 6th S&H green stamp, and can now re-verify the 500 point milestone.

PS, anyone who remembers what an S&H green stamp is gets a rep bump... anyone? anyone? Bueller?
OK, I actually was explaining all about S&H Greenstamps to a coworker this afternoon! That's a crazy coincidence!

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And they weren't self-stick!!

View attachment 76662

... and now I'm wondering what kind of toxins I was exposed to, licking all those stamps as a kid ... :(
Glad I had a mom who thought to give us a saucer with a damp sponge, no way would I lick those!
A little story that might relate to reputation points

When my children were under teenagers (young enough), I got them in front of our scribble message board and presented my green dot red dot system....

So my current guess is that we have Registration Date Factor of 365, Post Count Factor of 1000 and Reputation Point Factor of 100.
People start out with 1 but there's a certain Minimum Post Count before they can give reputation.
I was able to confirm this formula with a few members. Some were actively trying to throw me off track (gee, thanks, bonnie), but this seems to be fairly close:
1 point per year on TMC
1 point per 100 received reputation points
1 point per 1000 posts
Anyone who is willing to share their numbers with me to either confirm or deny these results will be rewarded with positive reputation :)
I was able to confirm this formula with a few members. Some were actively trying to throw me off track (gee, thanks, bonnie), but this seems to be fairly close:
1 point per year on TMC
1 point per 100 received reputation points
1 point per 1000 posts
Anyone who is willing to share their numbers with me to either confirm or deny these results will be rewarded with positive reputation :)

Not sure it adds up. I joined TMC April, 2009, have just over 1k posts, and believe I have just over 100 reputation points, though can't recall how to see what it is. And, as you can see, I have 2 bars.
Bribing. Really? Dirk, dirk, dirk.
dirkhh... learning from the best since 1967

And I didn't try to actively throw you off. You were asking on April Fools Day! C'mon. I gave you good info. Sheez.
I stand corrected. bonnie gave me excellent data. And when I used that to come up with a good candidate formula, she very effectively used the coincidence that this happened yesterday to momentarily distract me.
But she did admit to it in a follow up message... so I guess I should state that net-net hers was a positive contribution. I'll give her some much needed reputation points for this... I hear it's a looooong haul to get to 12 green buttons :)

Edited to add: oh DARN, bonnie... I can't give you more reputation right now... need to spread it around some more, first... so once more people provide data I'll come back and make up for it :D

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Not sure it adds up. I joined TMC April, 2009, have just over 1k posts, and believe I have just over 100 reputation points, though can't recall how to see what it is. And, as you can see, I have 2 bars.
2 bars means you have between 100 and 199 points. Simply click on settings in the top right and it will tell you. My guess is that you have reputation power of 8 or 9 (depending when in April of 09 you joined)
1000 posts -> 1
100 reputation points -> 1
6 years on TMC -> 6 (but if you joined Apr 1 or Apr 2, that should turn to 7)

Edited to add: oh look, someone must have just given you reputation (snicker) and that pushed you above 200 reputation points so now you have 3 bars... which means your reputation power should be 9 or 10 :)
I've yet to see any variable associated with negative reputation - meaning, even if two people have exactly the same number of positive reputation points, one may have received more negative rep & caused more disruption than the other. Have to think that might play into it.
So looking through the sources of vbulletin (yeah, I know, what can I do)... there doesn't appear to be a factor that takes that into account.
Negative reputation is subtracted from your reputation points. So you may lose green bars. And you may lose reputation power.
If a couple of the high powered people here rip into you, that could be quite painful - the top two people are no longer moderators and can no longer give negative reputation, but Doug_G and dsm363 both should have pretty huge sticks. Err, I mean, can give quite a bit of negative reputation if they so chose...
So looking through the sources of vbulletin (yeah, I know, what can I do)... there doesn't appear to be a factor that takes that into account.
Negative reputation is subtracted from your reputation points. So you may lose green bars. And you may lose reputation power.
If a couple of the high powered people here rip into you, that could be quite painful - the top two people are no longer moderators and can no longer give negative reputation, but Doug_G and dsm363 both should have pretty huge sticks. Err, I mean, can give quite a bit of negative reputation if they so chose...

For the record, I rarely gave negative rep - only because it was such a large stick. I always wished I could parse it out, so the negative rep could be more in line with the offense. But hey, no longer an issue :).
For the record, I rarely gave negative rep - only because it was such a large stick. I always wished I could parse it out, so the negative rep could be more in line with the offense. But hey, no longer an issue :).
Again, not something that vbulletin really supports - so hard for doug to implement.
And frankly, it's harsh for someone with 20 points to get hit by minus <two bazzilion> and suddenly turn red. Then again, they clearly did something to get you upset and hadn't done much before to earn positive points. So it seems appropriate.
And then again, you and Nigel can misbehave quite a bit before any negative reputation even by Doug_G or dsm363 would really affect you all that much, given just HOW MANY points you have...
So I don't think that really is such a big problem.
Again, not something that vbulletin really supports - so hard for doug to implement.
And frankly, it's harsh for someone with 20 points to get hit by minus <two bazzilion> and suddenly turn red. Then again, they clearly did something to get you upset and hadn't done much before to earn positive points. So it seems appropriate.
And then again, you and Nigel can misbehave quite a bit before any negative reputation even by Doug_G or dsm363 would really affect you all that much, given just HOW MANY points you have...
So I don't think that really is such a big problem.

Not saying it was a big problem - only that I was reticent to give negative rep because it seemed unfair (in most cases).
I was able to confirm this formula with a few members. Some were actively trying to throw me off track (gee, thanks, bonnie), but this seems to be fairly close:
1 point per year on TMC
1 point per 100 received reputation points
1 point per 1000 posts
Anyone who is willing to share their numbers with me to either confirm or deny these results will be rewarded with positive reputation :)
This formula looks good. Here's my data:

4 years on TMC (joined Oct. 2011) -> 4
1,057 reputation -> 10
7,001 posts -> 7
Total 21, which matches my actual. Yesterday I had 20, but then I posted a few items, flipping the odometer over the 7,000 post mark.