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Maritz Research wasted my time

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Al Sherman

It's about THIS car.
Nov 29, 2012
Batesville, IN
I get this survey request from Maritz Research. They tell me they'll donate money to my favorite charity if I fill out their car survey. I figure what the hell I'm just sitting here watching the tube. Ten minutes into it they find out I drove a Prius for 6 years and switched to a Model S. They then say they have too many people like me responding to the survey. "We are sorry, but we have a sufficient number of responses for consumers who meet your particular characteristics. Thank you for attempting to take part in our survey."
Not great news for Toyota.

Greetings from Maritz Research!

Some time ago you completed our New Vehicle Customer Satisfaction Study about your Tesla Model S. Thank you, once again, for participating in our survey! Your feedback about your new vehicle experience has helped auto manufacturers improve the products and services they offer.

At this time we are asking for your participation for a different study, one we think you will find interesting. We will be asking for your feedback on a variety of auto related topics, such as:

What would be your ideal vehicle?
How do you use your current vehicle?
What are your views on new vehicle features?

The survey will ask a few initial questions to check if you qualify for our study. If you qualify, the total survey should take about 35-40 minutes of your time. When you finish the entire survey you will be given a $10 gift as a thank you for your participation. For your gift, you can choose among an Amazon e-certificate, a check from Maritz Research, or a donation to your designated charity.
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Mod hat off - that's a pretty obnoxious survey! I'd send them a bill for $10.

LOL. I was very annoyed and probably over reacted and sent the following email:

You people are clearly morons and you just wasted ten minutes of my time to tell me you have too many people like me in your survey already. Shame on you! Now leave me alone forever. You're a bunch of fools with no integrity and your survey sucks.


Al Sherman

They actually responded and said they were sorry. Offered to donate the ten bucks. :smile:

It's pretty hard to see when the sample is measured in the thousands, compared to a worldwide market of 100's of millions, but the conversion rate of people from ICE drivers to BEV drivers, and then on to "nothing-but-BEV" seems awfully high, at least based on my reading of these forums.

In my case, the worldwide auto market currently contains 1 shipping vehicle, 1 production vehicle that is no longer in production, and 1 soon-to-be shipping vehicle. With only 3 cars to choose from, you'd think the market would be busy providing more options. All the rest are just placeholders and make-do cars - something I'll use as rentals, but nothing I'll be visiting a dealer to buy.
It's pretty hard to see when the sample is measured in the thousands, compared to a worldwide market of 100's of millions, but the conversion rate of people from ICE drivers to BEV drivers, and then on to "nothing-but-BEV" seems awfully high, at least based on my reading of these forums.

That's because the BEV experience is so much better than the ICE experience. I don't know of anyone who has gone back--although I'm sure there have been one or two.