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Green New Deal

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Roosevelt's New Deal offered hope in desperate times. We can do the same now

Roosevelt's New Deal offered hope for the desperate. We can do the same now | Eric Rauchway

The current, acute crisis in unemployment is likely to become a chronic condition that, even if it waxes and wanes, will not remedy itself. Like the Great Depression, it demands intervention not only to resume trade and employment, but also to preserve the institutions we cherish.

Roosevelt promised public works and jobs, labour rights, and a transition to more sustainable practices of production. He acknowledged that he, too, would like a balanced budget – once the nation had spent the necessary amount to end the depression. He espoused “the philosophy of social justice”, rejecting “trickle down” prosperity and preferring instead to “make the average of mankind comfortable and secure [so] their prosperity will rise upward, just as yeast rises up”.
Roosevelt's New Deal offered hope in desperate times. We can do the same now

Roosevelt's New Deal offered hope for the desperate. We can do the same now | Eric Rauchway

The current, acute crisis in unemployment is likely to become a chronic condition that, even if it waxes and wanes, will not remedy itself. Like the Great Depression, it demands intervention not only to resume trade and employment, but also to preserve the institutions we cherish.

Roosevelt promised public works and jobs, labour rights, and a transition to more sustainable practices of production. He acknowledged that he, too, would like a balanced budget – once the nation had spent the necessary amount to end the depression. He espoused “the philosophy of social justice”, rejecting “trickle down” prosperity and preferring instead to “make the average of mankind comfortable and secure [so] their prosperity will rise upward, just as yeast rises up”.
Too bad no one in power has any interest in carrying this plan out. Certainly not Trump, Biden, or the Senate.
As stated the New Deal Offered Hope. It was started in 1933 with unemployment at 24.9%. Unemployment did go down but it still stayed above 14 % until WW2. It went down to 14.9% in 1937 and then back up to 19% in 1938. In 1939 it was at 17.2% and 1940 14.6%. So it may have helped but it didn't solve the problem.
As stated the New Deal Offered Hope. It was started in 1933 with unemployment at 24.9%. Unemployment did go down but it still stayed above 14 % until WW2. It went down to 14.9% in 1937 and then back up to 19% in 1938. In 1939 it was at 17.2% and 1940 14.6%. So it may have helped but it didn't solve the problem.
I'm pretty sure employment was counted differently back then. Now it's counted to leave out a lot of people who aren't employed to make the numbers look better. As shown below, if you have given up trying to find a job, you're not counted. Information on the rates in the Great Depression.

What are the basic concepts of employment and unemployment?
The basic concepts involved in identifying the employed and unemployed are quite simple:

  • People with jobs are employed.
  • People who are jobless, looking for a job, and available for work are unemployed.
  • The labor force is made up of the employed and the unemployed.
  • People who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force.
Here Is How The Source Of Electricity Influences An EVs Indirect CO2 Emissions

Very strange that TX did not have a big slice of Solar. TX is perfect for solar to power the day and wind to power the night.

Another neat thing would be to allow HVAC to be remotely controlled to reduce temp at the home during solar maximum and reduce usage later in the afternoon.

Texas is a large and growing energy user. Texas has excellent wind resources in the panhandle, and went big on wind, which led solar in cost reductions.

But now that solar prices are low, solar installation has significantly increased, and Texas will be one of the major installers this year. Given that it already has significant wind power, and the large transmission capacity to move the power to the Texas Triangle, I expect the solar will grow rapidly there.

I'd like to see a distorted map based on total generation.
8 of the Best Books About The Green New Deal | Book Riot

What is The Green New Deal, and why is everyone from Naomi Klein to Noam Chomsky publishing books about it? If you remember hearing a lot about The Green New Deal in early 2019, it’s possible that you heard about climate policy and carbon reduction. But The Green New Deal is not just a carbon policy.

Rather, it’s a governing fabric to stop the climate crisis, create secure green jobs, and pass a new Bill of Rights that addresses human rights issues like medicare for all, a fair living wage, and housing.
Texas is a large and growing energy user. Texas has excellent wind resources in the panhandle, and went big on wind, which led solar in cost reductions.

But now that solar prices are low, solar installation has significantly increased, and Texas will be one of the major installers this year. Given that it already has significant wind power, and the large transmission capacity to move the power to the Texas Triangle, I expect the solar will grow rapidly there.

I'd like to see a distorted map based on total generation.
Almost all the planned power production is solar. Wind is pretty much complete unless new transmission lines are created. NG takes too long to come to market to be viable anymore. (Of course, there is a lot of existing NG that will take a long time to get rid of). Coal is pretty much dead, once the existing plants are at end-of-life no new ones will be built.
Almost all the planned power production is solar. Wind is pretty much complete unless new transmission lines are created. NG takes too long to come to market to be viable anymore. (Of course, there is a lot of existing NG that will take a long time to get rid of). Coal is pretty much dead, once the existing plants are at end-of-life no new ones will be built.

Wind in Texas still has the largest amount planned and approved (5.5GW).
Then solar PV (4.4), combined cycle combustion turbine (1.6), combined cycle steam (0.9), combustion turbine (0.6),
Wind credits will end soon, so there's a rush to get those in. Solar will begin to decline so also a rush on those, but not so critical.
For reference Texas had 28.8GW of wind power at the end of 2019. There was 4.3GW of solar. I expect solar to continue growth and catch up after the wind subsidies are gone.

(There's a good chunk more of wind, solar and combustion turbine that doesn't yet have approval).
I would note on the natural gas, that a lot of new US capacity is replacement of steam turbine with combustion turbine. Combustion turbine is cheaper and uses a lot less water, although less efficient than steam turbine.

I haven't looked at the planned retirements, so the above figures are additions, not net additions.
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Humanity must take this chance to find a new 'normal' – and safeguard our planet

Humanity must take this chance to find a new 'normal' – and safeguard our planet

Climate risks and opportunities need to be incorporated into the financial system as well as public policymaking and infrastructure

There is a lot of talk about getting back to normal after the Covid-19 crisis is over. And yet normal – business as usual – is what has made our planet and our societies vulnerable to crises in the first place.

Normal means cutting down huge swathes of forest to plant crops. Normal means overgrazing livestock, destroying natural ecosystems at the expense of habitats for wild animals. Normal is driving climate change, which increases stress in wild species and their habitats and makes people more susceptible to zoonotic diseases (which spread from animals to humans).

Nature provides “ecosystem services” that are essential for life. Food. Water. Pollination. The very air we breathe. Ecosystem services are worth at least $125tn (£102tn) per year. This is about 1.5 times the gross domestic product of all countries, according to the WWF and Axa Report Into the Wild: integrating nature into investment strategies.
Could a green new deal turn South Korea from climate villain to model?

Could a green new deal turn South Korea from climate villain to model?

I am very optimistic. This is the best opportunity in Korea since I have been involved in this field since 2008,” he said. “The government is very ambitious about the green new deal and, with a strong majority in the national assembly, the president can enact policies with no roadblocks.”

Lee argues South Korea will have more stranded assets the longer it delays transition away from fossil fuels. “It makes economic sense to change. These kinds of businesses will not be viable in the future.”
Democrats blowing a good opportunity

Democrats are fueling a corporate counter-revolution against progressives

Democrats are fueling a corporate counter-revolution against progressives | David Sirota

The tragedy is that we’re already moving in that wrong direction, and chances to change the political dynamic do not come around often. As Barack Obama’s former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel (now an investment banker and TV talking head) said more than a decade ago during the financial crisis: “Never allow a good crisis to go to waste – it’s an opportunity to do the things you once thought were impossible.”

Billionaires and corporations are clearly following that advice, aiming to use the pandemic to grow their wealth and political power in previously unfathomable ways. It would be better if the opposition party put up a real fight – or at least refused to be complicit in postponing progress for yet another generation.
World health leaders urge green recovery from coronavirus crisis

World health leaders urge green recovery from coronavirus crisis

Doctors and medical professionals from around the globe have called on world leaders to ensure a green recovery from the coronavirus crisis that takes account of air pollution and climate breakdown.

The signatories also want reforms to fossil fuel subsidies, with public support shifted towards renewable energy, which they say would make for cleaner air, cut greenhouse gas emissions and help to spur economic growth of nearly $100tn in the next three decades.
The world wasn't ready for a Green New Deal in 2009. Today, it may be | Larry Elliott

A year of floods, hurricanes and bush fires had made a strong case for action to make economies more sustainable. What was lacking was a profound shock that would make change possible. Now we’ve had one.

Governments are creating, borrowing and spending money like never before in peacetime, in an attempt to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. They have the opportunity to reshape their economies in a way that would be consistent with preventing catastrophic increases in global temperatures.
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