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Elon & Twitter

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Is there any room for Hitler on the hard right these days?
Elon has linked himself with anti-democratic authoritarians and anti-Semites. He has promoted baseless conspiratorial attacks against Democrats and he often acts like a mean-spirited bully. He said it's okay for him to bully trans people because, according to him, some of them use preferred pronouns in a bullying way. There is plenty of room for Elon on the hard right without comparing him to Hitler.

Or is your point that as long as someone is not as bad as Hitler then they are just fine and dandy in your book?

Elon's okay because he's not a bad as Hitler.
Is that really the best defense you have for Elon's swing to the hard right? I'm not surprised this thread has gone the way of Godwin's Law but I am surprised the comparison came in support of Elon and was loved by another one of his supporters.

Just to be clear, I think we should resist the far right, authoritarians, foes of democracy, and fascists way before they get as bad as Hitler. If you wait until they're as bad as Hitler then it's too friggin' late.

Elon Musk is now the most-followed person on Twitter

The billionaire has dethroned former President Barack Obama as the most popular person on Twitter.

Musk’s posting habits stand in stark contrast to Obama’s, who mainly uses his account for professional purposes, such as promoting an important cause or highlighting some of the work he did as president. The same goes for Justin Bieber and Katy Perry, who occupy the third and fourth most-followed spots, respectively.
The White Hand of Saruman Will Be Given Only to Uruk-hai Who Subscribe to SaruBlue

Yes, I have heard the growls from prominent Uruk-hai in our platform, such as Lurtz, who has threatened to leave if he has to pay monthly to keep the White Hand of Saruman burned on his head. My response is that SaruBlue is more about treating everyone equally. There shouldn’t be a different standard for certain Uruk-hai just because they are humongous and were among the first Uruk-hai to be bred, IMO.
There’s something very ironic and self-defeating about a social media company which doesn’t communicate. Twitter can only blame themselves if they feel their side of a story isn’t told.

Twitter replies make sense again — on the web, at least

Tweet replies now once again show who the user is actually replying to.

It’s unclear if the original shift was a bug or an intentional change. When we asked Twitter to clarify, its press email auto-replied with a poop emoji. Personally, I think it was just a bug given that tweet embeds and tweets on TweetDeck still showed reply information even when tweets on Twitter.com did not. Unfortunately, on iOS, replies still don’t show who people are replying to, but fingers crossed that changes soon.

If this is just a bug, it’s just one of many recent technical problems Twitter has suffered as of late. Some problems that messed up links and pictures earlier this month were caused by a single engineer. On February 8th, some issues prevented people from tweeting. And just after Christmas, the site experienced a few hours of glitchiness. Remaining employees have had to adjust to multiple layoffs and CEO Elon Musk’s many cost-saving measures, so perhaps this replies bug is just one of many spots of weirdness resulting from all of that.
Musk pushes subscriptions as Twitter's ship takes on more water

Subscription revenue has not yet made a big contribution to Twitter's coffers, and the company is likely to keep seeking new ways to attract more payments from users.

Earlier this month, Twitter said that verified status would only be available to subscribers starting April 1, when users who'd been verified under the old regime would lose their blue checkmarks.

Why it matters: The more Twitter erects subscription barriers, the less it will serve as the "global town square" Musk has envisioned.

Of note: In response to a complaint by William Shatner about the changes to the verification system, Musk said his goal is "treating everyone equally."

But Musk made headlines in February when Platformer reported that Twitter engineers had rigged the service to give his own tweets a ton of extra exposure.

Twitter also has a list of roughly three dozen VIP accounts
— including President Biden, a conservative Musk fan who posts as "catturd2," Lebron James, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ben Shapiro and other journalists — whose tweets get special amplification, Platformer further reported Monday.

The other side: Good journalistic practice compels us to seek comment from a company in a story like this one, but Twitter's communications team is long gone — part of the mass layoffs and resignations that have left the firm with less than a third of the 7500 employees Musk started with.

Today, emails to Twitter's old press inquiries inbox receive an auto-reply of "💩."
Allegedly, Twitter is being weaponized by pro fossil-fuel agents:

Source: Musk is remaking Twitter into a climate denier sanctuary

Even taking this research with a grain of salt, after months we can safely say that Elon botched quite a few things in his Twitter acquisitions.
I personally have Twitter Blue, and I kind like some functionality (long texts, long videos and edit above all). Technically, I would say that Twitter Blue is better than Twitter before. No questions about that. Engineering side, Elon did a lot of things right.

But the marketing/communication campaign has been a disaster. Elon has been having knee-jerk reaction in public, has been making promises and then didn't comply (remember about "every major policy change will be subject to a poll?).
Now, with the new changes the poll will be for Blue users. Blue is being marketed, by and large, to Elon supporters, which in this political environment now are all leaning right.
So much for the "centrist" approach. Even if he wanted to do that, I feel that he simply failed to achieve this goal.
Elon Musk is now the most-followed person on Twitter

The billionaire has dethroned former President Barack Obama as the most popular person on Twitter.

Musk’s posting habits stand in stark contrast to Obama’s, who mainly uses his account for professional purposes, such as promoting an important cause or highlighting some of the work he did as president. The same goes for Justin Bieber and Katy Perry, who occupy the third and fourth most-followed spots, respectively.
Definitely the result of fiddling the algorithm. He’s just not that interesting.
Elon Musk is now the most-followed person on Twitter

The billionaire has dethroned former President Barack Obama as the most popular person on Twitter.

Musk’s posting habits stand in stark contrast to Obama’s, who mainly uses his account for professional purposes, such as promoting an important cause or highlighting some of the work he did as president. The same goes for Justin Bieber and Katy Perry, who occupy the third and fourth most-followed spots, respectively.
And I'm sure we can trust that EMu got his new title legitimately, what with all that's gone down recently, and humble servant that he is... /S
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Media hit pieces are at an overdrive now. They sense an opening to kill this company to keep themselves relevant at least for some more time. So they amplify every little issue and every negative sentiment raised by any celebrity.

"Sky is falling. Sky is falling. This removal of legacy blue checks will make the platform run wild with bots, imposters and hate mongering. Everyone quit this platform now and kill the company".

But I think people are more smarter now. They don't take lying fake media as gospel anymore. They will experience it directly and make their decision. And the noise will settle down.

Same story with Tesla.

- Tesla will go bankrupt and will leave your cars as ten thousand pound paper weight
- Tesla will leave you stranded
- Tesla cars explode and kill your family
- Musk is fraud and will get indicted
- Tesla finances are completely fraudulent
- Tesla loses money in every car they make
- Tesla treats their employees badly
- Tesla is a racists company, because of Musk
- Tesla tolerates and encourages sexism at work place, because of Musk
- Competition is coming.. Competition is coming.. Competition is coming.. Tesla will be killed
- Bolt is Tesla killer. Mach-E is a Tesla killer. Leaf is a Tesla killer.. Every two bit EV are Tesla killers.
- Panel gaps... panel gaps.. panel gaps
- poor quality.. poor quality.. poor quality..

On and on and on... in the end nothing mattered. Public ignored all the media's lies and FUD, and relied on word of mouth on other Tesla buyers..
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Media hit pieces are at an overdrive now. They sense an opening to kill this company to keep themselves relevant at least for some more time. So they amplify every little issue and every negative sentiment raised by any celebrity.

"Sky is falling. Sky is falling. This removal of legacy blue checks will make the platform run wild with bots, imposters and hate mongering. Everyone quit this platform now and kill the company".

But I think people are more smarter now. They don't take lying fake media as gospel anymore. They will experience it directly and make their decision. And the noise will settle down.

Same story with Tesla.

- Tesla will go bankrupt and will leave your cars as ten thousand pound paper weight
- Tesla will leave you stranded
- Tesla cars explode and kill your family
- Musk is fraud and will get indicted
- Tesla finances are completely fraudulent
- Tesla loses money in every car they make
- Tesla treats their employees badly
- Tesla is a racists company, because of Musk
- Tesla tolerates and encourages sexism at work place, because of Musk
- Competition is coming.. Competition is coming.. Competition is coming.. Tesla will be killed
- Bolt is Tesla killer. Mach-E is a Tesla killer. Leaf is a Tesla killer.. Every two bit EV are Tesla killers.
- Panel gaps... panel gaps.. panel gaps
- poor quality.. poor quality.. poor quality..

On and on and on... in the end nothing mattered. Public ignored all the media's lies and FUD, and relied on word of mouth on other Tesla buyers..
No, not really. Can you add something to the discussion here rather than periodically popping up to stir tribalism with one-sided spin?
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"one sided spin" ? You mean the rest of the discussion here has been pretty even handed with both sides of the picture ?

Meh. There’s facts, and then there’s Ben Shapiro, Catturd and the rest who make a living off distorting things to make a specific tribe feel good about their general dislike for people who are different from them. And just happen to align with science deniers.

Based on your comments over on the main investment thread, I understand you believe there are pretty much nothing on this thread but hopelessly deluded people, and you seem to have taken it on as your duty to prod them a couple of times a day for their lack of blind acceptance of whatever comes out of Elon’s mouth or Twitter feed. Or maybe just for personal satisfaction.
Your only effect -- and it seems to be your desired one -- is irritating people. If that’s what floats your boat, and mods continue to allow it, OK, carry on.

Oh, and tell me again, what happened to your “unsubscribe” here?

Elon Musk says he's working on Twitter customer service, but some customers are unimpressed

"Of course, you need to have good customer service for money," Musk tweeted, adding he was "working on it."
Jackie Fann, who lives in Michigan, told Insider she got fed up after waiting over a year and a half for Starlink and requested a refund of her $100 deposit in October. She said on Tuesday she still hadn't got her money back.

"They have been giving me the runaround," Fann said.

Other Starlink users have complained to Insider about the company's lack of customer support. One user in Northern California said customer service had been non-existent, while another user said they felt scammed.

Last year, SpaceX apologized to customers for falling behind on their "normal response time," saying "this is not the level of support we aim to provide."

At Tesla, complaints have rolled in from customers about fixing repairs, lack of contact, and long wait times, Insider's Tim Levin reported in February. One Tesla owner described the company's customer support as "lousy."

Twelve Tesla owners previously spoke to Insider about problems with their vehicles. Some commented on how slow and unresponsive Tesla's customer service was, while others said it was quick and easy.

One Tesla owner said he spoke to an "arrogant" employee about an issue with his Model 3. After dropping the vehicle off at a service center for a repair, he told Insider that customer service didn't tell him what the company was doing to his car to fix it.

Twitter, SpaceX, and Tesla didn't respond to Insider's request for comment.
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