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Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years will definitely worsen the situation. Anyone not strongly adhering to all precautions already will be gathering together in large groups indoors. You can count on that.

I’m somewhat glad society has social media such as Facebook and Nextdoor. I get to see which neighbors or friends I should try to be avoiding in the future.
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Is twice really "so many times"?

It was first posted on Oct 12th by Alansubie4life on page 1072.

we discussed it for a few posts after that on the 13th and 14th but it was still part of the "first time it was brought up".

I posted again yesterday, omg a second time ever it's been posted on this thread.

And notice that is 2 weeks apart, not every week.

It seems to me you are confusing this thread with the entirety of the internet or you really do think 2 times is once too many.

I thought it was another way to look at what states were doing per capita to compare to the other map I posted one or two posts above it. I'm not sure why that stands out so much. It's just one of a bunch of sites I added to a bookmark list to look back at later.

I literally thought it was more important that it was per capita and sorted to show the states in order than it was that it had some sort of color code for partisanship. I think that part is minor since city vs rural partisanship exists in most every state.

My bad, that chart has been showing up on a lot of forums lately... none of which are places I go to read about politics. I only get on this particular one once every couple weeks and just happened to see it front and center both times... I made an assumption that the re-posting and subsequent condescending responses were more prevalent than that are. I probably got a little more worked up than I needed to, I apologize for the misrepresentation. I still don't care for the chart but it looks like I exaggerated how much it has been posted in this thread.
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The airline industry and the military study say that flying is safe. Real world results call that into question:

Eurosurveillance | A large national outbreak of COVID-19 linked to air travel, Ireland, summer 2020

As usual, a little hard to be SURE where the exposure took place. Obviously there is mingling that takes place before a flight, and in the jetway.

Enclosed spaces remain dangerous, and the danger depends on the ventilation - that much is clear.

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The French have added a few layers of swiss cheese to the English (Australian?) version of this diagram, and there is now a misinformation mouse, making bigger holes.

Since it was in French, I added my own translation.

That is one hungry mouse. It's really amazing how effective the misinformation is; it's killing hundreds of people a day in the US. Such an amazing use of asymmetric warfare. Really remarkable to behold.

I'm looking forward to finding out who was behind accounts like Ethical Skeptic, and the other well-known ones. (Not hard to find them - they're the ones that have been wrong about nearly everything from the very beginning.)

I'd like to think the passage of the election will depoliticize the response, but I suspect it will not, due to the ongoing misinformation campaign.

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"Collective" isn't that one of those commie words or are you talking about the Borg collective ?

It's a socialist, communist word, which only a Bolshevik would use.;) Yeah this is not serious. Not sure what the appropriate translation is. Maybe "Community" responsibility would have been better. Or maybe "Big Government" or "Big Brother" responsibilities.
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My bad, that chart has been showing up on a lot of forums lately... none of which are places I go to read about politics.

More and more non-political places will become the location of political arguments as T and/or the changing Republican party keep countering or ignoring scientific understanding for scarcely hidden political purposes. It speaks in your favor that you read such forums, however I'd ask you to look at the reasons this happens.
More and more non-political places will become the location of political arguments as T and/or the changing Republican party keep countering or ignoring scientific understanding for scarcely hidden political purposes. It speaks in your favor that you read such forums, however I'd ask you to look at the reasons this happens.

The only way it could be more obvious is if Trump literally said, 'I believe what I want regardless of reality' ... which if he's said this please someone let me know... I haven't checked twitter in a few hours...

Scientific American Endorses Joe Biden
We’ve never backed a presidential candidate in our 175-year history—until now

Screen Shot 2020-10-26 at 5.17.30 PM.png

If he was born with less money this is the level of stupidity you would hear about on the news when they bring a bbq grill into their house to keep warm and the entire family dies....
I reject your reality and substitute my own.

(quote from the low-budget sci-fi/fantasy film The Dungeonmaster, popularized by Adam Savage of Mythbusters, this quote basically means "you may be technically right, but you're not changing my mind." This can come off as stubborn, but it really doesn't matter, since you don't care about the technical "facts".)

Yep... but it's no longer funny when it's not taken tongue-in-cheek and instead applied to infectious disease and climate change :(

Kinda reminds of this scene from the Simpsons. It's funny until you realize they're serious.

It's a socialist, communist word, which only a Bolshevik would use.;) Yeah this is not serious. Not sure what the appropriate translation is. Maybe "Community" responsibility would have been better. Or maybe "Big Government" or "Big Brother" responsibilities.

I guess the translation would be "shared responsibility".
But why post that chart here every week? Is it just to take jabs at people?

I’m not really aware of all the charts posted here periodically and given how this thread can grow pages quickly I suspect most people only go back a few pages to read. I don’t see a problem with someone updating statistics and see this done with many charts. New people find the thread and follow. It may be new info to them. Don’t know what to tell you. As far as politics getting introduced into it, well that happened at the highest levels and we’ve seen in opposition to the CDC and the majority of medical doctors in this specialized field, and it has affected how the virus and approach to it is being handled and how it has affected states, cities and individuals as well as medical staff. Makes it all fair topics.

Saw you asked about appropriateness of this thread in the Investor discussions. It is specific to covid and I think most of the people posting here are investors in Tesla as well so its their specific area to talk about it in its various facets. Sometimes Elon and Tesla have come up as well with respect to how the company has dealt with it. Some people here are in the medical field so various covid related topics get discussed. Take what you want from it. I find some of the medical related discussions above my head but have learned here about different treatments and symptoms way before seeing them discussed in the press.
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7-day average of US new cases, compared to Sept 27th:

Oct 11th: + 20%
Oct 15th: + 30%
Oct 20th: + 46%
Oct 24th: + 62%
Oct 26th: + 70% (today)

Keeping track... following the single day record a few days ago, the 7-day average reached an all-time high with almost 71,000 new cases per day (worldometers.info).

And a reminder: I started tracking to see the effects of the change in policy.
Utah hospitals plan on rationing care as coronavirus cases surge in the state: report

Utah hospitals plan on rationing care as coronavirus cases surge in the state

"Hospitals in Utah will soon be forced begin prioritizing younger COVID-19 patients over older ones amid surging rate of hospitalizations from the virus in the state, doctors warned Utah's governor on Thursday.
If ICUs are nearing capacity, patients who are not seen to be improving even with intensive care will be asked to consider moving to a regular hospital bed. Doctors will also be asked to clearly communicate with patients about do-not-resuscitate orders.
Once ICUs reach capacity, hospitals will take matters into their own hands to determine ICU priority, according to the Tribune. Lower priority will be given to patients who are older if two patients are otherwise equally eligible for an ICU bed, while those who are pregnant receive higher priority.
A spokesperson for Herbert's office and other state officials confirmed to the Tribune and other news outlets that ICUs in the state are nearing capacity..."
That's when the deaths really shoot up.
Only the beginning, other states will surely have to follow.
Parents fear 'mom code' will keep COVID-19 numbers artificially low in Utah schools
With a current 15.5% positivity rate, state health officials are desperate to slow the spread of the virus.

Several people who spoke with 2News say there are a groups of parents who are refusing to allow their kids to be tested for COVID-19 in an attempt to keep schools open and avoid quarantines.
On another subject, this isn't the first time I've heard of a Trump supporter believing that he's done a good job w/the pandemic. On PBS NewsHour tonight, this staunch supporter at ~7:11 of
thought that Trump was very "proactive" and "aggressive" in his approach and didn't see how he could've done things any better. :rolleyes: Seriously? Either this person is way ignorant of how South Korea, Taiwan and New Zealand (for example) have handled it (just sort by COVID-19 deaths per million at Coronavirus Update (Live): 43,790,543 Cases and 1,164,609 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer) and totally ignored so many things Trump's bungled along the way and still is bungling or they've just become one of the cult members. Or, their "news" sources and others around them have just fed them all sorts of lies and bad information...
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Indoor dining could be done without masks under special conditions.
-Tables spread out
-You order quickly and food comes fairly quickly. Assuming you then eat fast.
-Servers have masks
-A/C uses a lot of fresh air or you have lots of ventilation. Perhaps very high ceilings would help.
-Minimal trips to restroom

Ideally you would want the local positivity rate to be fairly low.

That said, I wear a mask when I (rarely) go to restaurants; normally with partner or 1/2 close friends.
Local regulations require mask usage and we normally are in and out quickly.
Plus we put the mask back on once finished eating.
And this has what to do with Tesla investors?

I am asking why we are posting charts of infection data starting on some arbitrary date halfway through the pandemic (conveniently after the liberal northeast got their outbreak under control) broken down by party affiliation of the state. What is the purpose? What is being accomplished by posting this chart week after week?

I actually see it as useful information. By June 1 people should have been a fair ways up the learning curve in how to combat this virus. The places hit early in the US: Seattle area and NYC were hit before doctors, officials, and the public really had much of a handle on what the virus could do.

The Northeast, the Northwest, and parts of other states learned their lessons and did the things necessary to prevent massive spread. Here in Washington state there have been no serious outbreaks west of the Cascades after the initial outbreak in February/March. While I'm sure the cases in the region were a lot more than the official numbers, we are nowhere near herd immunity here. We've kept it under control with social measures that reduce risk of transmission.

There is not a 1:1 correlation between party affiliation and taking safety measures seriously, but there is a strong correlation. The president and his allies have convinced a fairly large chunk of their base that the virus is either a hoax, or it is nowhere near as serious as it is. In places where people have been much more likely to take public health experts seriously, the virus has not been eliminated, but the spread is vastly slower.

Politics is a very strong reason why some US states have out of control outbreaks with their hospital systems becoming overwhelmed and other states are managing and not topping out their resources. Portland and Seattle hospitals are currently taking in patients from Idaho because those are the nearest hospitals that can take them.

It shouldn't be that way. Politics should not play a role in a public health emergency, but one party in the US has made it a political issue and that's why the US is one of the worst countries in the world for this pandemic.

We now have proof coming in that Trump rallies are becoming super spreader events and his Chief of Staff said the other day they weren't even going to try and contain it anymore. This is mass endangerment of the population, and in some cases negligent homicide.

30 of the 50 states are red based on the last presidential election. 7 of the top 10 states in deaths per million are blue. I expect the states hit the hardest early on to learn from it and also have elevated levels of immunity so it is not surprising that they are seeing lower cases since June 1. I view that chart as somewhat cherry picked data. I am no fan of Trump but I am tired of the partisan sniping everywhere.

Fewer people who get COVID are dying now because we've figured out better treatment methods. The early outbreak in the Northeast hit some densely populated blue states before medicine had figured out the best ways to treat this disease. As a result, they had fairly high death tolls. Of the top 17 states in confirmed cases per 100,000, all are states Trump won. The highest blue state on the list is Nevada at #18. All of the states high on the list have had their peak in cases after the peak in the Northeast.

Because of the bloody minded stupidity of one political party in the US, this is a political issue.
It’s entirely possible and kind of logical that June 1 was chosen to mark “summer season”. Memorial Day is kind of the kick off in many people's minds but the date varies at the end of the May calendar. Most logical start date then would be June 1, at least how I look at it. If the intention for the chart maker was to start tracking at the beginning of Summer picking the first of the month over 6/21 or whenever Memorial Day falls just seems very reasonable, nothing nefarious.
NIH ends trial of Eli Lilly COVID-19 antibody treatment among hospitalized patients

"The U.S. National Institutes of Health on Monday ended one clinical trial of Eli Lilly's experimental COVID-19 antibody treatment after finding that the drug, "bamlanivimab, is unlikely to help hospitalized COVID-19 patients recover from this advanced stage of their disease."
Eli Lilly said it will continue testing bamlanivimab with the NIH on mild or moderately ill COVID-19 patients to see if it reduces hospitalizations and severe symptoms. Eli Lilly is also conducting its own separate trials."
'Bamlanivimab' - could be the name of a Korean dish...
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New study suggests COVID-19 immunity is 'waning,' researchers say

"Researchers in the United Kingdom say they've observed a "significant" decline in the percentage of the population with COVID-19 antibodies, potentially pointing to "waning immunity."
Imperial College London scientists in the study found the prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies declined from six percent of the British population in June to 4.4 percent in September, Reuters reports. They came to the conclusion that there has been a "significant decline in the proportion of the population with detectable antibodies" by sending out finger-prick tests to a randomly selected group of over 365,000 people in England, according to CNN.

"On the balance of evidence I would say, with what we know for other coronaviruses, it would look as if immunity declines away at the same rate as antibodies decline away, and that this is an indication of waning immunity at the population level," Wendy Barclay, head of Imperial College London's Department of Infectious Disease, said, per Reuters.

The researchers were specifically looking for IgG antibodies in the study, and CNN notes that some other research has suggested "that other types of antibodies may persist longer than IgG does."

But Imperial College London's Helen Ward told BBC News the study suggests that "immunity is waning quite rapidly." Ward added in a statement, "We don't yet know whether this will leave these people at risk of reinfection with the virus that causes COVID-19, but it is essential that everyone continues to follow guidance to reduce the risk to themselves and others." Brendan Morrow
Well, keep masking up and washing hands until we know more.