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Class Action interest for not disclosing Safety Score

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Please contact me if you would be interested in joining a potential class action lawsuit against Tesla for not disclosing the requirement to obtain a Safety Score before being eligible to receive FSD after it was available. This condition was not disclosed to any FSD purchaser. email: (moderator edit - contact Krash about obtaining this email)
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Please contact me if you would be interested in joining a potential class action lawsuit against Tesla for not disclosing the requirement to obtain a Safety Score before being eligible to receive FSD after it was available. This condition was not disclosed to any FSD purchaser. email: [email protected]

Respectfully, this is a silly and frivolous lawsuit. If you purchased FSD, you got the FSD features you paid for, as described on the website, without the safety score. So there is no merit to the lawsuit. The safety score is a requirement for FSD Beta which is different from FSD. FSD Beta is the beta development software before Tesla releases public features. So the safety score is basically to test software before it is released publicly. The safety score is not a requirement for the FSD features that are available to the public. Furthermore, when FSD Beta is good enough and Tesla does do a wide public release of "city autosteer", every FSD purchaser will get it without needing the safety score.
You just don’t understand how Beta software works. Software vendors are free to establish any rules, however arbitrary, and to limit the pool of Beta users in any way they want. Beta software is pre-release software and you are not entitled to it.
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...eligible to receive FSD...

1) Please be clear about FSD and FSD beta. They are different as @diplomat33 pointed out.

2) Tesla has always had an Early Access Program since I could remember in 2012 when I first bought a Tesla. So the current 2022 restriction pool of 60,000 is not new. The new thing is: Early Access Program made you sign a Non-disclosure Agreement but FSD beta has done away with it. Maybe that's why you know about FSD beta and not complaining about the old-time Early Access Program.

3) The restricted version might have a purpose because are you suing for the equal right to be fired?

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Tesla started to sell FSD in October 2016 and did not tell owners about Safety Score until almost 5 years later in September 2021.

The current order page list what FSD owners would get but does not mention Safety Score.

It's just like an "off-menu" item. Tesla public said there's $35,000 Tesla but it's not on the order page. You got to know it to get it.
Pure stupidity.

Easy fix, next time nobody but employees get it until it’s ready for public use. Thanks for the help bud.
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Tesla started to sell FSD in October 2016 and did not tell owners about Safety Score until almost 5 years later in September 2021.

The current order page list what FSD owners would get but does not mention Safety Score.

That's because I think the Safety Score was a late idea. I don't think Tesla even had a concept of a safety score back in 2016. I think a lot of the FSD approach has been improvised. Back in 2016, Elon seemed to think that the vision they had at the time would be good enough (they were able to do rig a demo with it). Then Karpathy joins Tesla because Elon realizes they need more machine learning. Then Elon realized that they would need to stitch the different cameras together. Now they are working on single stack. But even when they started FSD Beta, Elon seemed to think that it would be pretty quick as he promised at one point that it would go wide by FSD 10 or 11. Then we all know the fiasco with the "Button" where Elon sounded like he was going to give everybody FSD Beta and it got delayed a lot. Then the safety score appeared, mostly likely to give Tesla some legal cover for the FSD Beta testing.
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Please contact me if you would be interested in joining a potential class action lawsuit against Tesla for not disclosing the requirement to obtain a Safety Score before being eligible to receive FSD after it was available. This condition was not disclosed to any FSD purchaser. email: [email protected]
Dude, do you have even the slightest idea what “early access” means ?
this just underscores why tesla does not want active feedback from its... shall we say 'unskilled'... userbase.... if i had to deal with the onslaught of dunderpates.... select all, DELETE, have a nice day.... :p
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Dude, do you have even the slightest idea what “early access” means ?
Bet it is an attorney soliciting business with a one and gone post. TMC should probably remove it since they are not a sponsor. Some one should "play the game" and see what kind of response they get.
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As in you're thinking about it, but you haven't spoken to a lawyer?

If so I'll advise you that your case has no merit since this isn't the official release of FSD or an FSD feature. Instead its just a beta for the beta of that release.

Now if you still want to sue Tesla then maybe you can take the pain and suffering route. Of how the Safety Score to get FSD beta duped people into thinking a high beta score would get them the beta, but it didn't.

It just got them months of pain of trying to keep a high safety score. :)
From googling the email address, yes Christopher is an attorney from Florida.

a little fun before the thread goes poof.

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They have delivered what they promised when I bought it. I'm happy to be in the actual Beta but nowhere in my purchase documents did they say or imply that I was buying access to be a beta tester. While I think they should be more transparent with their beta testers on what's going on (for good will, as a way to 'pay' for our testing time and dilligence) -- I can't imagine how you can assert what you're asserting with a straight face.

At least if you were arguing they haven't delivered FSD as promised you might have a point, but they also did not put a due date on that promise so it is what it is. They didn't change the terms of the deal and it's been pretty clearly spelled out before you spend the money what you get.