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Buyer beware. Buying a CPO Tesla feels like a SCAM.

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Ill try to keep this short and to the point. I'll also keep names out of it as I really do not intend to cause anyone any harm.

First of all, I love Tesla. An amazing company that makes a kick ass car led by a true visionary.
For most of the past 10 years i've been driving different BMW's as they provide the best driving experience in my opinion -- that was until I drove a model S.

So, I spoke with a sales person at Tesla. We went over options and available CPO's.
Overall a very helpful and accommodating person.
me: I never bought a car that I haven't seen in real life, or taken out for a test drive. What guarantee is there that the car is in good shape.
him: All of our CPO cars go through the rigorous Tesla certification process and have passed the Tesla quality standards in terms of esthetics and function.

This was enough of an explanation for me. it made sense. If its good enough for Tesla, its sure as hell good enough for me.

So, I bought a sexy white MS85D with 40K miles. All i saw was a photo of the car in what looked like a tesla workshop of some sort. I was referred to the nearest service center to my location (4 hours away) who were supposed to handle the delivery

Theres a bit of a mini-fiasco story with the delivery but lets skip that to keep this post on point. All i'll say is that after the papers were signed via overnight fedex back and forth (and people were super nice and friendly too) it felt like they forgot about me and sounded very annoyed every time I called to ask about when the car is getting delivered. Apparently it was being delayed because of the necessary detailing that had to be done.

delivery was in the late afternoon on a dark and gloomy day.
Took the car, signed the papers. Truck left.
I immediately call to ask about the cleanliness of the car. I was told that as a CPO it is within the Tesla standards.

Next day, in the sunlight, I had a better look at the car. and thats when I realized just how bad the car's condition is.
- Headliner in TERRIBLE condition, Truly disgusting
- Steering wheel leather has what appears to be permanent damage. Maybe its just
- Blemish / paint chip on the front of the hood
- Leather seats have dark streaks of what looks like oil / grease stains
- Dirt and gravel pretty much everywhere.
- The rear trunk center storage compartment (requires lifting the trunk floor) has dirt and gravel, some weird clothing item, and most revoltingly a dental hygiene tool (an interdental floss -- is it used?? I hate to even consider the thought)
- Headliner is peeling and coming off in a couple of areas
- Center console has 2 deep gouges in it.

Other issues:
- BT audio connectivity SUCKS ( i have had to do a soft reset a total of 9 times now in 5 weeks).
- Wheels need alignment. The autopilot blue steering wheel looks funny at an 11 o'clock position when driving in a straight line.

Obviously I called and raised hell with the service dept. Sent them the photos. they apologize and say "let me see what I can do and ill call you back."
No call back, so I call next day. " Whats the update?"
"We are still looking into it, give me until the end of the day."
Car was delivered Monday. By Friday absolutely nothing was done. Each and every day I was told "I'll get right back to you with a way to correct this."
So, I call and tell them that ill take it to a local Auto detail specialist and get it cleaned up. Detail guy says headliner is beyond repair.
I call back and give the service team the update on Saturday. Service guy says "ok, we will have to send a truck to pick it up and bring it here. We will provide a loaner while we work on your car. Let me call you monday when my manager gets here to get it set up for you."
Monday comes. Nothing. Late afternoon I call the sales guy I bought the car from. "Hello -- Here's he deal, if this car was in a dealership there is no way in hell i would have bought it. I trusted you and the company when you said it is within the Tesla quality standards being a CPO car. whats the return policy on the car? and don't worry, i'll purchase another CPO, I just don't want this one"
"There is no return policy. The car is in good shape. Just cause you don't like it, does not mean you can return it."
"i'll send you the pictures, then lets talk about the Tesla quality standards"

I sent the pics, with a written request to return the car and to have my money back.
this was 4 weeks ago. I have sent him maybe 4-5 other emails and called about 4-5 as well. Have not heard back from Mr. Sales guy.

The service team eventually got back Tuesday. "We are working on the details on the loaner give us a couple of days."
I call Friday "no movement yet. Please be patient"
Another week goes by with absolutely nothing happening. Dodging my phone calls, everyone is in a meeting, and people are getting sick all of a sudden. I called Tesla headquarters in CA. they say all they can do is have the service center in charge of the car handle the problem. But, they will send it over to the escalations department. they recommended I speak with the manager in the service department but refuse to say his name.

On a Monday I get in touch with the manager. Super rude individual.
verbatim : "We are not sending a truck to pick your car up -- it is too expensive."
My reply was : "you know whats too expensive? paying $70K for a car with black and brown grease marks all over, a peeling headliner, and dental hygiene products in the trunk."
He insists that its too expensive to send a truck to pickup the car and provide a loaner. He said the best he can do is fix it in a Tesla approved body shop, and order the parts necessary and have it sent there. And they will arrange for a Luxury rental from Enterprise.
I explain to him that if the repairs take a month, and I have already been dealing with a month, then I will have paid for a car that I am completely unhappy with for 2 months -- thats not cool. And who wants to pay for a Tesla and then drive a car with an ICE and have to put gas and stuff..??
All he could do is send the mobile unit to fix the issues, scheduled on Friday, which will be 25 days from delivery.

Mobile unit gets here, the poor guy is shocked. He takes photos, all the while shaking his head. Says there is no way this can be done in the field. Recommends the car be sent back. this was 10 days ago.

Despite the recommendation from the mobile unit, it took the service team a whole week to give me straight answer about sending a loaner and picking my car up.
this is supposed to happen by Saturday. It will be almost 6 weeks from delivery.

I don't know what to think about the whole thing. But I will definitely never buy CPO from Tesla again, and quite frankly I am questioning whether I should ever buy another Tesla at all.
For $70K I would have bought a very nice beamer, and would have received excellent customer service from a very reputable auto maker.
I paid $70K for a car that, and lets all be honest with each other here, is severely lacking on the inside. But, we are all ok with it because it drives amazing, and we all buy into the company and its mission as a whole. For me though, this touchy feely crap only goes a certain distance. Once I started getting treated like dirt, and spent my commutes alongside a lot of dirt, reality set in that I've been conned.

I would still love to be able to get my money back and give this dirt pile back.


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Wow, that’s disappointing. I can imagine how you must have felt that next day when you actually saw the condition of the car after all of your anticipation. I would have expected way more from Tesla. I was a BMW owner as well, and I understand what you are getting at there.

JUST IN CASE you continue to get nowhere with Tesla, I do think you might be able to clean the headliner yourself - look into something called Swissvax fabric cleaner. I’ve used this on my cars for a while now, and it’s pretty amazing. I cleaned a pillar with a similar material, and it worked really well. I’ve also used it to keep my beige carpets and floor mats clean, and it never fails. If you can get the headliner clean, doing the front trunk will just be a nuisance. I know that still leaves the nicks on the console and the hood, and a very thorough wash/detail - but after that you’ll be a lot closer to having something you can love.

Good luck with Tesla, and keep us posted.
First of all, I love Tesla. An amazing company that makes a kick ass car led by a true visionary.

So, I spoke with a sales person at Tesla. We went over options and available CPO's.
Overall a very helpful and accommodating person.
me: I never bought a car that I haven't seen in real life, or taken out for a test drive. What guarantee is there that the car is in good shape.
him: All of our CPO cars go through the rigorous Tesla certification process and have passed the Tesla quality standards in terms of esthetics and function.

This was enough of an explanation for me. it made sense. If its good enough for Tesla, its sure as hell good enough for me.

So, I bought a sexy white MS85D with 40K miles. All i saw was a photo of the car in what looked like a tesla workshop of some sort. I was referred to the nearest service center to my location (4 hours away) who were supposed to handle the delivery

Mobile unit gets here, the poor guy is shocked. He takes photos, all the while shaking his head. Says there is no way this can be done in the field. Recommends the car be sent back. this was 10 days ago.

Despite the recommendation from the mobile unit, it took the service team a whole week to give me straight answer about sending a loaner and picking my car up.
this is supposed to happen by Saturday. It will be almost 6 weeks from delivery.

I don't know what to think about the whole thing. But I will definitely never buy CPO from Tesla again, and quite frankly I am questioning whether I should ever buy another Tesla at all.
For $70K I would have bought a very nice beamer, and would have received excellent customer service from a very reputable auto maker.
I paid $70K for a car that, and lets all be honest with each other here, is severely lacking on the inside. But, we are all ok with it because it drives amazing, and we all buy into the company and its mission as a whole. For me though, this touchy feely crap only goes a certain distance. Once I started getting treated like dirt, and spent my commutes alongside a lot of dirt, reality set in that I've been conned.

I would still love to be able to get my money back and give this dirt pile back.

I'd start with an executive escalation. For that level of crud I wouldn't stop until I talked to a VP or higher.
You need to be a Tesla owner to access the feature and go through your ‘MyTesla’ account. The section appears between the referral program section and the contact section:

Dump a shortened version of above in there and don't stop until you are satisfied. Nice but firm, ask for the next level if you get dumped back down chain before talking to an executive but stop if the executive sends an edict down that is in your favor and let the lower levels carry it out.

I sure wouldn't be satisfied driving a random gas vehicle from Enterprise rental while they clean this mess up. I'd expect either a proper Tesla loaner or funds to offset the costs of fuel for the rental.

I'd be asking for a free extended warranty and free maintenance plan or some cash on the hood to offset the overall issue.
Just realized a key photo was not included due to the 10 photo limit so ill add it to this one. this is the trunk center compartment additional storage area.

Also forgot to mention that the car had a few personal items the previous owner left behind, including a yarmulke in the driver seat front pouch. I contacted the service team and asked them to ask the previous owner in case he needs it -- again never heard back. Total Bozos.

Also added a kind-of-funny photo. What appears to be a restaurant mint wedged inside the 12V adapter.
Another phot of the cup holders showing general dirt and grime.

Needless to say I regret not getting the new e BMW line (theres a 5 series and an X series with a plug in option that promises way more MPG)
I am now officially disillusioned with the brand.


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I'm am not picky or OCD on any level. When I was reading your post I was honestly thinking you were being dramatic with your description.

But that car is trash. For them not to give pictures of that car before it's sold is misrepresentation.

LOL... thats how I felt while writing it. I know i sound dramatic, and I hate to be that guy, but theres a limit to what can be consider a fair condition and just downright garbage.

Tesla, if you hear me, I am still open to having you come pick up the car and give me money back.
Sorry to hear about the car.

I am a huge Tesla fan and have an early model S before there were even electric folding side mirrors.

I wish you talked to me before you got a CPO. As much as I love Tesla.... the 5 years I have been bringing my car in for service...they give me a model S loaner. The loaners are CPO's that have not been sold yet or just traded in. They have all been in terrible aesthetic shape. They all run great, but super dirty and look like they've been to hell and back. Based on my loaners I would never buy a used Tesla. At least in the Los Angeles area folks that trade their old Model S in seem to beat up their cars quite a bit.
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I think I want to take back my previous post about how to clean it yourself. Your additional pictures really tell the story. That car hasn’t even been vacuumed. You shouldn’t have to lift a finger to clean up this car, because at least several people did not do their job on the CPO process.

I think you should follow the advice of @dhanson865 and pursue an executive escalation.

Out of curiosity, how far away do you live from the service center? If you could somehow contact a regional manager of some sort, perhaps you could meet at the service center. I would like to think that seeing is believing.

Best of luck, and sorry your brand enthusiasm was spoiled by such a poorly executed CPO experience.
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Look at the first picture There is fraying of the headliner. How the heck does that happen? I guess I can understand someone using the headliner as a napkin for dirty hands but it coming apart?

That car was rode hard and put away wet. It is beat.
I think I want to take back my previous post about how to clean it yourself. Your additional pictures really tell the story. That car hasn’t even been vacuumed. You shouldn’t have to lift a finger to clean up this car, because at least several people did not do their job on the CPO process.

I think you should follow the advice of @dhanson865 and pursue an executive escalation.

Out of curiosity, how far away do you live from the service center? If you could somehow contact a regional manager of some sort, perhaps you could meet at the service center. I would like to think that seeing is believing.

Best of luck, and sorry your brand enthusiasm was spoiled by such a poorly executed CPO experience.

I live about 4 hours away from the nearest service center.
Here’s the problem though: getting to actually speak with someone in a position to actually make a change.
I tried escalating it left and right. Both at the service center where it came from and at the CA HQ.
quite frankly, even at HQ, as soon as they hear that I’m having issues with a CPO the tone changes and they adopt a “let’s end this call now” attitude.

The service manager I spoke with was so unprofessional and rude. Another reason to doubt the company as a whole. How can they hire people of such low calibre, and have them in a management position too?
Tesla stores are such an oddity - I really don’t know how they work, and how/if the employees there are incentivized beyond their hourly pay. I know there is something in it for them if their name is on your transaction, but I don’t think that if there’s a commission it’s anywhere near a traditional car dealership.

So that said - what’s in it for them to push this car out of the door like this? It doesn’t sound like you took delivery on 3/31 and were therefore rushed into a Q1 delivery. If a detailer had even tried, the carpets would have been clean, the mint, yarmulka, and toothpick would have been gone, and the headliner would be damaged but at least clean. Then all it would have taken to make you happy is to talk about the chip on the hood and maybe the scratches on the console, and negotiate perhaps a repair on the headliner. And I sense that you were enthusiastic enough that you wouldn’t have let that set of issues ruin this for you

I don’t mean to minimize the Bluetooth issue, but you’re not the only one of the forum experiencing that....

Here’s hoping you somehow get this resolved to your satisfaction. I feel for you.
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Ill try to keep this short and to the point. I'll also keep names out of it as I really do not intend to cause anyone any harm.

First of all, I love Tesla. An amazing company that makes a kick ass car led by a true visionary.
For most of the past 10 years i've been driving different BMW's as they provide the best driving experience in my opinion -- that was until I drove a model S.

So, I spoke with a sales person at Tesla. We went over options and available CPO's.
Overall a very helpful and accommodating person.
me: I never bought a car that I haven't seen in real life, or taken out for a test drive. What guarantee is there that the car is in good shape.
him: All of our CPO cars go through the rigorous Tesla certification process and have passed the Tesla quality standards in terms of esthetics and function.

This was enough of an explanation for me. it made sense. If its good enough for Tesla, its sure as hell good enough for me.

So, I bought a sexy white MS85D with 40K miles. All i saw was a photo of the car in what looked like a tesla workshop of some sort. I was referred to the nearest service center to my location (4 hours away) who were supposed to handle the delivery

Theres a bit of a mini-fiasco story with the delivery but lets skip that to keep this post on point. All i'll say is that after the papers were signed via overnight fedex back and forth (and people were super nice and friendly too) it felt like they forgot about me and sounded very annoyed every time I called to ask about when the car is getting delivered. Apparently it was being delayed because of the necessary detailing that had to be done.

delivery was in the late afternoon on a dark and gloomy day.
Took the car, signed the papers. Truck left.
I immediately call to ask about the cleanliness of the car. I was told that as a CPO it is within the Tesla standards.

Next day, in the sunlight, I had a better look at the car. and thats when I realized just how bad the car's condition is.
- Headliner in TERRIBLE condition, Truly disgusting
- Steering wheel leather has what appears to be permanent damage. Maybe its just
- Blemish / paint chip on the front of the hood
- Leather seats have dark streaks of what looks like oil / grease stains
- Dirt and gravel pretty much everywhere.
- The rear trunk center storage compartment (requires lifting the trunk floor) has dirt and gravel, some weird clothing item, and most revoltingly a dental hygiene tool (an interdental floss -- is it used?? I hate to even consider the thought)
- Headliner is peeling and coming off in a couple of areas
- Center console has 2 deep gouges in it.

Other issues:
- BT audio connectivity SUCKS ( i have had to do a soft reset a total of 9 times now in 5 weeks).
- Wheels need alignment. The autopilot blue steering wheel looks funny at an 11 o'clock position when driving in a straight line.

Obviously I called and raised hell with the service dept. Sent them the photos. they apologize and say "let me see what I can do and ill call you back."
No call back, so I call next day. " Whats the update?"
"We are still looking into it, give me until the end of the day."
Car was delivered Monday. By Friday absolutely nothing was done. Each and every day I was told "I'll get right back to you with a way to correct this."
So, I call and tell them that ill take it to a local Auto detail specialist and get it cleaned up. Detail guy says headliner is beyond repair.
I call back and give the service team the update on Saturday. Service guy says "ok, we will have to send a truck to pick it up and bring it here. We will provide a loaner while we work on your car. Let me call you monday when my manager gets here to get it set up for you."
Monday comes. Nothing. Late afternoon I call the sales guy I bought the car from. "Hello -- Here's he deal, if this car was in a dealership there is no way in hell i would have bought it. I trusted you and the company when you said it is within the Tesla quality standards being a CPO car. whats the return policy on the car? and don't worry, i'll purchase another CPO, I just don't want this one"
"There is no return policy. The car is in good shape. Just cause you don't like it, does not mean you can return it."
"i'll send you the pictures, then lets talk about the Tesla quality standards"

I sent the pics, with a written request to return the car and to have my money back.
this was 4 weeks ago. I have sent him maybe 4-5 other emails and called about 4-5 as well. Have not heard back from Mr. Sales guy.

The service team eventually got back Tuesday. "We are working on the details on the loaner give us a couple of days."
I call Friday "no movement yet. Please be patient"
Another week goes by with absolutely nothing happening. Dodging my phone calls, everyone is in a meeting, and people are getting sick all of a sudden. I called Tesla headquarters in CA. they say all they can do is have the service center in charge of the car handle the problem. But, they will send it over to the escalations department. they recommended I speak with the manager in the service department but refuse to say his name.

On a Monday I get in touch with the manager. Super rude individual.
verbatim : "We are not sending a truck to pick your car up -- it is too expensive."
My reply was : "you know whats too expensive? paying $70K for a car with black and brown grease marks all over, a peeling headliner, and dental hygiene products in the trunk."
He insists that its too expensive to send a truck to pickup the car and provide a loaner. He said the best he can do is fix it in a Tesla approved body shop, and order the parts necessary and have it sent there. And they will arrange for a Luxury rental from Enterprise.
I explain to him that if the repairs take a month, and I have already been dealing with a month, then I will have paid for a car that I am completely unhappy with for 2 months -- thats not cool. And who wants to pay for a Tesla and then drive a car with an ICE and have to put gas and stuff..??
All he could do is send the mobile unit to fix the issues, scheduled on Friday, which will be 25 days from delivery.

Mobile unit gets here, the poor guy is shocked. He takes photos, all the while shaking his head. Says there is no way this can be done in the field. Recommends the car be sent back. this was 10 days ago.

Despite the recommendation from the mobile unit, it took the service team a whole week to give me straight answer about sending a loaner and picking my car up.
this is supposed to happen by Saturday. It will be almost 6 weeks from delivery.

I don't know what to think about the whole thing. But I will definitely never buy CPO from Tesla again, and quite frankly I am questioning whether I should ever buy another Tesla at all.
For $70K I would have bought a very nice beamer, and would have received excellent customer service from a very reputable auto maker.
I paid $70K for a car that, and lets all be honest with each other here, is severely lacking on the inside. But, we are all ok with it because it drives amazing, and we all buy into the company and its mission as a whole. For me though, this touchy feely crap only goes a certain distance. Once I started getting treated like dirt, and spent my commutes alongside a lot of dirt, reality set in that I've been conned.

I would still love to be able to get my money back and give this dirt pile back.

Yikes. I am so sorry and you should escalate until they make it right.

You've unfortunately summed up everything I've felt is wrong with the Tesla CPO program. Mainly how they sell cars without showing you what it is that you are buying and thereby what you get being a crap shoot.

It also seems likely that before you bought the car, it was used by people who could not care less about the car looking at all the dirt and grime. Perhaps it was used as a service loaner? If Tesla continues to use their CPO fleet as loaner rental cars, they will have their crap beaten out of them.

If we buy a CPO car, no money will change hands until we personally inspect the car and either accept or reject the car. Anyone else buying a CPO car should also insist on being able to see and inspect your car before you sign or pay for anything as that's the only way to avoid unpleasant surprises like this.

When Tesla prepares a CPO car for pick up, they should ask this one simple question:

If it was one of my family members buying this CPO car, is it in acceptable condition?
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