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Autosteer: Position in lane

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I've noticed that with autosteer on, my MS tends to hug the right side of the lane rather than stay centered. This is rather nervewracking, especially with a large truck next to me. In these cases I've had to fight the steering a bit while trying not to disengage autosteer. I've also noticed that when there are two lanes available and I'm in the right lane, the car stays centered much better. I'm not sure if this is a function of the lane markers or something else, but do wish the car didn't hug the right side of the lane in other circumstances. Has anyone else experienced this or have ideas on how to keep the car centered more consistently?
I noticed a similar change right after the 8.0 upgrade. Since the 8.0 update, whenever I’m in the #1 Lane with Autosteer engaged, Model S insists on hugging the left side of the lane, with the left tires riding ON the double-yellow line separating the HOV Lane from the other lanes. The car stays relatively centered in normal lanes with white dashed lines on each side; this seems to happen only when the lane has one double-yellow line and one dashed white line. I have not yet tested with a double-yellow line on the right, but it happens EVERY time when the double-yellow line is on the left. See attached image. Anybody else experiencing this?


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I've noticed this problem in the past and all too frequently on a left hand curve, when the car tended to favor the right hand edge of the lane. This is most unsettling when an 18 wheeler is in that lane, and most times I have had to take control (before my wife totally 'freaked out').

It seems not to have been 'fixed' since 8.0, although I've only driven a couple of hundred miles since download (and 14,000 before). I noticed it on several occasions on the freeway yesterday and again today.

I, too, have noted a tendency to drift toward a double-yellow stripe, even today on a well marked 2 lane secondary road.
I noticed this when I first began using AP. After subsequent study I decided that what was really happening was that the car is staying in the middle, but that I move to the left side of the lane when passing trucks, etc. when steering manually. This makes the middle of the lane feel too close compared to what I've been doing since I was 16.

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Boatguy - I've thought about that possibility as well and even had my wife verify that the car was indeed on the right side of the lane. I do think there is something up with what the camera sees and hope that Tesla receives enough of these comments to look into it - as we all know, disengaging the AP at high speeds using the steering wheel can be quite jolting!
Boatguy - I've thought about that possibility as well and even had my wife verify that the car was indeed on the right side of the lane. I do think there is something up with what the camera sees and hope that Tesla receives enough of these comments to look into it - as we all know, disengaging the AP at high speeds using the steering wheel can be quite jolting!
You should contact them directly with your feedback. It's clear from the media player that they don't pay any attention to these forums.
8.0 "upgrade" downgraded my autosteer to the annoying right-side lane hug. Hate it. It was nearly flawless before, seems now as bad as the first version released. Lots of errors.
I would have the SC check the alignment of your camera. Make sure the lines on the IC match up with what you're seeing.

With my car it's pretty darn dead center (with typical lines that are on I5 in WA/Oregon).

The only issue I've had with it is in corners it will hug the direction of the corner. It is nerve racking when it hugs the corner and there is a car there who isn't hugging the corner as well.
I've noticed that with autosteer on, my MS tends to hug the right side of the lane rather than stay centered. This is rather nervewracking, especially with a large truck next to me. In these cases I've had to fight the steering a bit while trying not to disengage autosteer. I've also noticed that when there are two lanes available and I'm in the right lane, the car stays centered much better. I'm not sure if this is a function of the lane markers or something else, but do wish the car didn't hug the right side of the lane in other circumstances. Has anyone else experienced this or have ideas on how to keep the car centered more consistently?
Have the same experience with 7.2 software and I am not sure 8.0 fixed it; too early to tell. I thought it may have been caused by right side sensors and had them checked out but no issues were found.

It is uncomfortable to me and especially to passengers.
