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If I find issues during pick up. What do I do?

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I been hearing a lot of buyers picking up their newly purchased Model Y and finding issues with the car. They either find them during inspection or after they take it home.

I ordered a Model Y and I’m a bit scared that I will find problems. I’m going to create a list known problems and go through the car.

My question, is do I withhold signing the papers before inspection or note the problem with them and sign the papers? There are issues, like minor paint and alignments that I can probably tolerate that I’m comfortable to sign the papers and take the car home, but should I withhold signing paper for major issues?

I’m not in a rush to get the car and can wait until all these problems are reduced.
I agree with the two good answers above. In my experience I've loved the car and the few small things I did notice were easily solved by service, most of them by the mobile ranger as we had no SC here for the first year or so of my ownership. I'd probably be tempted to refuse delivery for really major damage or paint issues just from a convenience standpoint (losing the car for weeks to fix them), but otherwise most issues can easily be fixed by service and where I am they're amazing.

In terms posts about people with Y issues, realize that you're seeing a very skewed view. Most happy owners don't go posting about it, they just get on with life and enjoying their car. Conversely people with issues are way more likely to go posting, plus the troll factor - on Reddit you see a lot of piling-on about "panel gaps" and "service issues" but the real extent of them is impossible to gauge.
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