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Elon's views

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If Elon assessed EVs and Space with same pragmatic approach as Ukraine/Taiwan he would have concluded: meh, why bother.

From his Monthy Python quotes you'd assume he'd rather stick it to the man and defend the small guy.

So yes, it doesn't add up unless there is some 4D chess or he's utterly dumb in everything out of engineering, mathemathics, physics, managing a company of 150k employees, etc. and not yet ever having failed at entrepreneurship.

So yeah, doesn't add up.

But yeah, it is true that it is difficult to truly have a clue about something one is not directly involved with, too many degrees of separation via grifters.
I wouldn’t say Elon simply loves a winning side. If anything, he seems to take on challenges most likely to fail.

Elon has said things I don’t agree with. But the media amplifies and twists things dramatically.
I’m not a fan of any of his recent antics, and I’ve never loved the overly minimalist designs of the former 3/Y models, but I ordered a model 3 performance, which will be my first Tesla.

This refreshed performance is so good that it forced me to separate the man from the machine. I imagine I’m not alone.
You are not alone. I am a big car enthusiast BUT had to bite my lip to order the 2024 M3P. And this is also my 1st Tesla

Tesla goal is "to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy"
BUT then at the same time, Elon wants to tear down the social fabric.

These 2 actions can't coexist.
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Tesla goal is "to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy"
BUT then at the same time, Elon wants to tear down the social fabric.

These 2 actions can't coexist.
My theory is that Elon is playing 4D chess with social fabric to achieve his higher aims.

He’s courting across the political aisle to get others to believe and support in EVs, and ensure Tesla has a solid future with government support, regardless of which party is in power. Same goes for his other businesses like SpaceX, Starlink, etc.

You can’t revolutionize or innovate if half the country’s politicans are against you and continue to stack the deck for Big Oil, Coal, Boeing, and Legacy automakers.
My theory is that Elon is playing 4D chess with social fabric to achieve his higher aims.

He’s courting across the political aisle to get others to believe and support in EVs, and ensure Tesla has a solid future with government support, regardless of which party is in power. Same goes for his other businesses like SpaceX, Starlink, etc.

You can’t revolutionize or innovate if half the country’s politicans are against you and continue to stack the deck for Big Oil, Coal, Boeing, and Legacy automakers.
while an intriguing hypothesis, i strongly disagree; he didn't need to dismantle Twitter the way he did, antagonizing employees, destroying the culture, and even applying illegal practices (e.g., using the office as living quarters), if all he wanted was to appeal across the aisle.

... but i guess this is way off topic, so that's the last thing I'll say about it 😅

ps. i worked there for 10 years, left two months before Elon, so i may be biased 🙂
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